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Posts posted by Lavinya

  1. Whack! The sound of bells tinkled faintly, in contrast to the birch as it whistled through the air and connected with the desk with a loud thwap. The novice seated before the wooden desk jumped at the sound, her eyes wide with fear and trepidation. Faerzyne did not relish the task of punishing the wayward, despite what the girl’s believed. But it was a task she had to fulfil, nonetheless, and she always made certain to do a good job of it, lest she see the perpetrators again soon after their initial visit.


    Cool hazel eyes surveyed the now quailing novice, her lower lip trembling at the thought of the irch being applied to her more tender flesh. It had been the first time Faerzyne had had the duty to deal with this girl, caught out of her room after curfew. Inclined to believe her story of simply losing track of time in the library, Faerzyne had refrained for birching the girl, or even giving her a chore. On this occasion, a sharp scare out to do the trick. Whack! the birch struck the wooden desk again, and the frightened novice shrank back further in the uncomfortable chair. “I don’t need to tell you the importance of curfew again, do I child?†She asked, a wry twist to her mouth. The girl shook her head hurriedly, and Faerzyne nodded briefly, causing the bells in her long braids to tinkle once more. “I thought not. Now off with you child. I do not want to see you in this office again, understood?†The novice, now pale with fright scrambled out of her chair, mumbling apologies and curtseying, even as she dashed to the door.


    With a sigh, Faerzyne returned the birch to it’s place in her cupboard, before moving to sit behind her desk. Closing her eyes briefly, she felt a tingle as one of her wards was breached, the resulting knock causing her to open her eyes. The day was young, and already it was proving to be a testing day. “Enter.†She called, following the command with a weave of air which opened the door, much to the obvious shock of the girl who stood on the other side. Not clothed as an initiate, an outsider, or petitioner perhaps. Waving her in, Faerzyne regarded her with a smooth, though not unkind face. “My name is Faerzyne Grigory, and I am the Mistress of Novices here at the Tower. How can I help you?â€



    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  2. Whack! The sound of bells tinkled faintly, in contrast to the birch as it whistled through the air and connected with the desk with a loud thwap. The novice seated before the wooden desk jumped at the sound, her eyes wide with fear and trepidation. Faerzyne did not relish the task of punishing the wayward, despite what the girl’s believed. But it was a task she had to fulfil, nonetheless, and she always made certain to do a good job of it, lest she see the perpetrators again soon after their initial visit.


    Cool hazel eyes surveyed the now quailing novice, her lower lip trembling at the thought of the irch being applied to her more tender flesh. It had been the first time Faerzyne had had the duty to deal with this girl, caught out of her room after curfew. Inclined to believe her story of simply losing track of time in the library, Faerzyne had refrained for birching the girl, or even giving her a chore. On this occasion, a sharp scare out to do the trick. Whack! the birch struck the wooden desk again, and the frightened novice shrank back further in the uncomfortable chair. “I don’t need to tell you the importance of curfew again, do I child?†She asked, a wry twist to her mouth. The girl shook her head hurriedly, and Faerzyne nodded briefly, causing the bells in her long braids to tinkle once more. “I thought not. Now off with you child. I do not want to see you in this office again, understood?†The novice, now pale with fright scrambled out of her chair, mumbling apologies and curtseying, even as she dashed to the door.


    With a sigh, Faerzyne returned the birch to it’s place in her cupboard, before moving to sit behind her desk. Closing her eyes briefly, she felt a tingle as one of her wards was breached, the resulting knock causing her to open her eyes. The day was young, and already it was proving to be a testing day. “Enter.†She called, following the command with a weave of air which opened the door, much to the obvious shock of the girl who stood on the other side, though the woman beside her was nonperturbed. Not clothed as an initiate, an outsider, or petitioner perhaps. Waving them in, Faerzyne regarded them with a smooth, though not unkind face. "Lavinya Sedai." She greeted with a nod, before averting her attention to the wide-eyed girl at her side. “My name is Faerzyne Grigory, and I am the Mistress of Novices here at the Tower. How can I help you?â€




  3. "Mistress...Faerzyne Sedai...I...just couldn´t sleep and went out for a walk in fresh air and... I ran into Danian by accident. He...he was about to show me my way back to the Novice´s quarters... you know how easily I tend to get lost in the White Tower... I really didn´t want to break the rules, but he has nothing to do with it, he just wanted to help me." Faerzyne was not amused by the child's blathering, she had been at the tower long enough to know her way around, better than any boy out of the yards, anyway.


    "Unless you wish to land yourself in deeper trouble, I suggest you cease your prattling this instant, child." She said sternly, raising herself up to her full height and looking down her nose at the pair. "Go to my office, Faile, I will meet you there. I trust you haven't forgotten its whereabouts since your last visit?" She said with a raised brow, waving the novice off without another word.


    Rounding her piercing hazel gaze onto the seemingly dumbfounded boy. "I don't care to know why you would know the directions to the Novice Quarters better than a novice who lives there, though I must say the thought is a notion is a distressing one." Said Faerzyne, her voice devoid of humour or warmth. "What I do care about is the training of all the novices, and I will not have you disrupting their studies, or their sleep." She added dryly.


    "Come along, you shall be dealt with as surely as she." Turning on her heel, Faerzyne strode in the direction of the Warders Yards, intent on paying a visit to the Mistress of Trainees and turning the youth over to her. She could deal with him, her responsibility was the wayward girl waiting in her office.




  4. Lavinya bristled inwardly at the thought that she had been blatantly disobeyed. If the fool trainee thought he was adept at sneaking through the gardens after her, he was highly mistaken, his presence not missed by Lavinya as she faced the novice who couldn't seem to look her in the eye.


    She shouldn't have been surprised that the girl decided to spin her a story, she would have likely done the same thing in her position, in fact, she was quite certain she had, during her early days of novicehood. Until the child saw the boy of course, obviously discovering she was about to catch herself in her own lie, when the story rapidly altered to include meeting him...and making him stay with her? It was almost laughable, clearly the young chit had a crush on the boy.


    Maintaining a straight face, Lavinya lifted a hand, halting the blathering speech. "I have heard enough." She stated firmly. "I advise against associating with such initiates as those without the wits to understand that when an Aes Sedai tells them to stay where they are, she will not brook disobedience." Her voice was cold as she turned and cast a disparaging glance in the direction of the boy. A harsh lesson, perhaps, but one he would learn swiftly. Do not meddle with an Aes Sedai, especially when she has given an order.


    "You are to present yourself to Faerzyne Sedai's office immediately and explain to her just why you are interrupting her sleep." Lavinya said, turning back to face Tiegan. "Perhaps she will show you why novices are not to waste their time ogling the pretty young boys in the training yards." She clapped once, loudly, appreciating the small jump from the girl. "What are you waiting for child? Go." Folding her arms, Lavinya stood and watched, giving the girl no opportunity to go to the boy before she scurried away after dropping a hasty curtsey.


    Taking a few steps forward, Lavinya regarded the boy silently, noticing the moist tear that had stained his cheek. "Don't be a fool, child. You will not last long if you cannot even obey a simple instruction from an Aes Sedai." She said softly, somewhat gentler than the way she had spoken to the novice, but the words still carried the weight of her authority.


    "Come along, I'll let the mistress of trainees deal with you." Sighed Lavinya, leading him slowly out of the tower. It had been a most enjoyable evening, and as much as she enjoyed catching the pair, it was wearying. She'd much rather be tucked up in her warm bed...or still in the ogier grove. Mmm, much more enticing prospects.


    "Keep yourself together boy, you will no doubt see her again." Lavinya said softly as she urged him through the garden. "You have a long time at the yards ahead of you yet, to risk it all on foolishness now." Why she felt the need to give him the advice she didn't know, perhaps it was the fondness she had for attractive men, though this one was far from a man yet. Still, she'd always preferred male company to female, and felt a lot sorrier for the pitiful looking boy than she had for the novice.


    Finally making their way through to the yards, Lavinya lifted her hand and rapped on Ginae's door, hoping the woman was there at this hour.

  5. Lavinya lay on her cloak, her wild red hair spread out about her as she gazed up at the starlit night, a smile curving her full lips. She sighed deeply, contentedly, the sounds and scents of the grove softly teasing her already heightened senses. Slowly she drifted back to earth, her racing pulse gradually returning to normal, her ragged breathing slowing.


    Turning her head slightly, she smiled again, lifting a hand idly to softly caress the face close to her own, Orion's warm breath softly tickling her cheek as he lay close, his bare limbs entwined intimately with her own. Heat still suffused her body, warring with the soft breeze rustling the branches overhead that pebbled her skin.


    "For a blind man, you don't seem to have much trouble finding your way." She said softly, with a rich chuckle, bending her head to lightly graze her teeth over his bare shoulder. She sighed again, stretching luxuriously, completely at ease with her nakedness and that of Orion, eyes roving over his form approvingly, and not for the first time that evening.


    "Your demonstration proved every bit as delicious as I'd imagined." She murmured, catching his lips in a lingering kiss, one that threatened to send waves of pleasure crashing over her senses once more before she broke the contact, stretching once more before sitting up. "Perhaps another will be in order though, someday, lest my memory grow dim." She said with a chuckle, before reluctantly rising to her feet. "As much as I would enjoy passing an entire evening in the grass with you, I doubt my body would appreciate the forstbite...nor yours. Asking for healing could prove rather...interesting." She grinned, breething deeply of the night air before hunting for her shift, tossed aside in their haste.


    Dressing herself, Lavinya watched Orion with avid interest, helping him locate his clothing and sighing almost wistfully as he covered himself, thinking it a terrible shame to hide such masculine beauty so. Stepping close, she ran her fingers through his hair to put it back into some order, taking the opportunity to steal one last, searing kiss.


    "Thankyou for a pleasantly diverted evening...if you ever want to buy me dinner again, let me know." She purred, stepping to his side and linking her arm with his. "Now let me lead you back to civilisation before someone sends a search party after you." She chuckled.

  6. Lavinya walked beside Sheena, as regal as any queen, deftly keeping her skirts out of the dirt in the street as they made their way. "I do regret the instances in which I have joined your party, Sheena Sedai." Lavinya replied, pointedly keeping her face averted from the boorish tower guards they had apparantly been lumped with. "I have no doubt that the three of us will be able to work adequately, I have no desire to prove any more hinderance than what it seems you have already." She said dryly, no secret exactly which hinderances she referred to. Indeed, it had hardly been a long time since making the acquaintance of the two guards and Serena's warder, and already she could sense trouble. Typical, sending foolish meat-heads along to hamper the sisters in their work.


    The other, the warder, Lavinya was yet to decide as to how much of a problem she could be. She knew the woman was looking at her, she could almost feel it, like an itch in her spine, yet she refused to be affected, not even her eyes roving from their path. Serena Sedai's gazes she was almost growing acustomed to, having encountered them before, though they still puzzled her no less.


    "That which can't be avoided must be endured." She toned softly, almost to herself. There was little that could be done about their acompaniment now, but light help them should they get in the way of their progress, Lavinya would wring their necks personally. She still had much to prove, to her Ajah, the one to whom she owed her fealty. She would not allow it to be ruined at the whim of a pair of foolish guards, and a disgruntled warder.


    "I have no desire to infringe on any of your plans, sisters, so perhaps it would be prudent for us to discuss strategy? No doubt you will be hungry after your journey. I can arrange private dining for us, without the prying eyes of those who would hinder, if that is suitable?" She raised her brows in question, thankful that the other two Aes Sedai seemed just as put out by their forced chaperones as she.

  7. Username: Kelleen Sudora

    Handle at DM/WT: KellySedai

    Email: kellydarrell@charter.net

    Physical Description: Height: 5\'7\"


    Weight: 175lbs. Plumply pretty


    Eyes: Light brown, Amber colored


    Hair: Lustrious black, almost blue in multiple braids to the middle of her back with bells entwined. Classic Arafellin style.


    She is pretty but not striking until she smiles; she lights the room with her smile which doesn\'t come often.


    She has one scar across her neck to her shoulder from an accident as a child with a skinning knife.

    Place of birth: Arafel

    Age: 17

    Character History: Kelleen was always a quiet girl, quite unlike her brothers. The youngest sibling of eight, she was the only girl with seven brothers. Her father was a middling merchant dealing mostly in fur trading in Arafel. Her mother was a kind, beautiful woman who cared for the home and her children. Kelleen was the jewel of her father’s eye, lavished with attention from the entire family.


    Her four eldest brothers, Jon, Baen, Jasten, and Mikel were killed during two different skirmishes along the Blight border when she was only six years old. Baen left a wife and child behind as well. His wife went mad with grief, abandoned her son to her sister’s family, and went searching for vengeance in the Blight never to return. Kelleen’s mother died when she was eleven years old. She died of a sudden illness because there was no Aes Sedai in the area to Heal her. Her father was left devastated and died shortly after from what Kelleen knew was overwhelming grief over her mother. Three of her other brothers died not long after, bringing the belief that a curse had been placed on her family. She lost Jak and Alwin when she was thirteen; they were attacked by a bear while out hunting for fur. Men were sent out to find them and brought back only their swords.


    Left in the care of her nineteen-year-old brother Jurin, she spent most of her time reading all of the books she could find. She was determined to have the knowledge necessary to destroy the Shadowspawn that had killed most of her family. She would never be caught off guard, she WOULD survive.


    Against her brother’s wishes she spent a good deal of time watching soldiers and guards practicing the sword. They thought it amusing such a pretty girl would want to watch them, but she was learning from it and practicing when she knew no one could see. She was far from being a Blade master, but she was not defenseless either.


    Jurin died in a Trolloc raid three years later when she was sixteen. He told her the town needed him and was taken down by a Trolloc’s barbed arrows. Kelleen was now the last of her family and owner of their estate. She had no experience in fur trading, nor any other real skill or talent so the money went fast. Within four months she was forced to sell the estate. Left with nothing and no one, she took half of the coin left to her, and went to a family friend who worked as a silversmith. He made her nine silver medallions with the faces of each member of her family engraved into them.


    With no other options left to her, she went south in search of Tar Valon. Throughout the years she had envied the Aes Sedai in books with their fanciful tales and wondrous powers. Death did not touch them; they doled out death to the Shadowspawn. She knew it was her only hope, she had to try...

  8. Lavinya smiled to herself, arrogantly assuming it was her presence that had diverted Mors's attention away from his spar. Orion, however, seemed oblivious to her presence, no doubt due to the fact that his eyes were unseeing, and she hadn't moved close enough to be heard thus far.


    She watched silently for a little longer, appreciating the litheness of the teacher, and the clearly distracted nature of what would seem a proficient student, despite the blows Orion delivered to him when he lowered his guard. Not for the first time, she found herself admiring the extent of his skill, given that he could not rely on what he saw.


    "Forgive me, Master Orion... I will try harder." Lavinya smiled, impulsively ducking under the wooden barrier and slowly sashaying her way closer, mirth playing about her eyes as she say the eyes of the student stray to her swaying hips. There was something infinitely satisfying about being able to hold a man's attention, simply by the flutter of an eyelash or the curve of a hip. Though with Orion, it had been entirely different, two souls seeking escape, teasing and baiting with soft words and touches.


    "I I don't remember you as such a harsh teacher, Orion." Lavinya drawled softly, approaching the two as Mors picked himself up off the ground for a second time. "Especially when your student is so clearly distracted..." as we were. She added silently, aluding to their last encounter, though her eyes remained fixed on his pupil, silently assessing and weighing up, looking for a sign of the boy she had met and flirted with so long ago, or at least a flicker of recognition.


    "I wouldn't believe him when he tells you he is blind, Mors." She said lightly, with a smile. "He has no trouble finding his way around...or thwarting a trainee, it would seem." She purred, alluding to how blindness had proven no hinderance to their encounter, or indeed anything he put his mind to. He was certainly a determined man, though for now her attention was diverted to the more pliant appearing young man in front of her.

  9. Faerzyne nodded as Nynaeve Sedai entered the room, a sign of respect among equals. "You have called for me and here I am, Sister."Faerzyne allowed a tiny smile to curve her lips. "Indeed, and your prompt response is most appreciated, sister." She waved a hand towards Meria, seated somewhat nervously on the wooden chair before your desk.


    "This is our newest novice, Meria. I trust you will mentor her during her time here, and let her know all she needs to know?" Faerzyne raised a brow, not in question but more seeking to see acceptance of her demand. Finding no argument, she continued on.


    "I have given her a brief rundown of life in the tower, but I trust you shall fill in anything I have neglected. I leave her in your capable hands, Nynaeve Sedai." Waving a hand briefly in dismissal, she waited quietly for them to leave her, before returning once more to the task at hand.




  10. "Sister, I found this child in my travels. We have travelled far together and I have tested her myself. She is ready to be entered into the Book of Novices." Faerzyne turned her eyes upon the child with renewed interest, before waving the pair towards the chairs seated before her desk.


    So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Faerzyne decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which was still in front of her. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€


    She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?†As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?†again she wrote, making Adaira's stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.†She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€


    ~Faerzyne Grigory


  11. It was astounding, at times, with what ease tales reached the ears of Faerzyne Grigory. She had learnt early on that it payed to have a few pliable novices and Accepted, that readily gave up incrimination information about their peers. This all joined to ensure that it was rare Faerzyne didn't know about the events going on in the lives of those under her charge.


    The latest such tale had caught her interest, along with the knowledge that she would likely catch the guilty parties in the act, so to speak. That was why she found herself stalking the gardens now, her pace unhurried, the bells in her long brown braids tinkling softly at each step. She didn't particularly relish punishing the girls that went astray, though there was something very satisfying about the control it gave her.


    Hearing voices in the distance, she smiled, especially when they stopped suddenly, no doubt the sound of the bells giving away her presence. Rounding a bend she sighted the two, Faile, a novice she had seen many times in her office, all together too close to a young man, no doubt a trainee. "It is amazing what one finds in the gardens nowadays." She said dryly, her formidable figure adding to the weight of her words. "Just what do you think you are playing at, children?" She demanded icily, hazel eyes unwavering, and brooking no nonsense.


    ~ Faerzyne


  12. OOC: Hope I'm not interrupting.... :wink:


    Lavinya wandered silently through the gardens, straightening her bodice and skirts as she moved, smile curving her full, kiss-swollen lips. It had been an interesting evening, to say the least, heightened by the experience in the Ogier grove. Enlightening, one could call it.


    She breathed deeply of the night air, letting her mind stray away from the Tower, where she was heading, and back to the evening she'd just enjoyed in the strong embrace of a marvellously talented man. The lush smells of the garden made her sigh softly in contentment, before she halted, drawing on the One Power, the sweet fulfillment of life flowing through her veins, as she removed the wrinkles and grass stains from her gown.


    Senses heightened by the power as they were, she picked up a sound on the breeze, voices, pitched low, but undeniably voices. Another Aes Sedai conducting a tryst? Or someone younger where they shouldn't be? Curiousity led her towards the sounds, her eyes sharpened by saidar helping her pick out the white of a novice dress, in the arms of a young man, no doubt from the warders yards.


    Before she could interrupt, the girl turned and ran, causing Lavinya to frown as she made her presence known to the young man. "You, child, are not to move until I return and speak to you." She said coldly, looking down her nose at the forlorn looking boy. Knowing he would be a fool to disobey she set off after the girl, her pace brisk as she followed the sound of footsteps, eventually catching the girl as she enetered the section of the Tower given over to Novice Quarters.


    "You child, stop." She demanded, planting her fists on her hips and glaring at her. Had the girl seen her in the gardens? Did she know she'd been caught? Time to see if honesty was a trait the child posessed. "I have no doubt you realise you are out past curfew girl. You had better tell me exactly what you were up to, before I jump to my own conclusions and drag you to the Mistress of Novices' office." Her voice was icy, and though her height was minimal, she held herself in such a manner she could appear to look down her nose at the girl, tossing her vibrant red curls over her shoulder in an arrogant manner.



    Gray Ajah

  13. Lavinya could not contain the tiny shudder of pleasure that coursed through her as Orion's finger blazed a trail along her thigh and hip, anticipation fueling her desire as she stood alongside him, tossing her cloak back over her shoulders. "I think there are far to many people in here to properly talk milady."Well pleased that Orion seemed to have taken her up on her offer, she took his proferred arm willingly.


    The cooler air did little to take the heat from Lavinya as they made their way, silently complimenting Orion's dexterity, even without his sight. A smile curved her full lips as she realised his destination, the stillness of the Ogier grove in the night alluring and intoxicating in its stillness, the lush scents teasing her senses, heightening her already racing pulse.


    Following Orion's lead, while still ensuring they encountered no obstacles, she let out a soft breath at the enchantment of their surroundings, the tinkling of water just audible, the feeling of being in a secluded paradise undeniable. Lavinya hadn't spent much time in the grove, though now she regretted it, thinking it would be a perfect place to lose oneself in their thoughts, or in their passions.


    "I do hope you are alright with my little getaway." Lavinya was unable to reply before Orion's lips caressed her cheek softly, the skin instantly leaping in response, before his lips found hers in a searing kiss that took her breath away, boiled her blood. Such passion, matched in herself, led her to lift her arms, her cloak falling unheeded to the ground as she returned the kiss, deepening it, her hands tangling in his hair.


    Need, passion, lust, all swirled within her, like a potent drug, dulling her senses so only the raging fire of arousal remained. Pleasure was the focus, giving and receiving, nothing but sensation. Her eyes closed, her hands reaching, searching, much like Orion in his blindness. Urgency to experience that which had been promised stole her breath away, demanded she move closer, so that she was pressed intimately against Orion's warm, solid frame. Hands impatiently divested of his shirt to glory in the smooth tone of his sculptured shoulders and back, thoughts incoherent as lust and desire took over her body.

  14. Lavinya could not help but find morbid satisfaction in the cold way Estel glared at her for the duration of their travel. As far as grudges went, this was one that seemed just as strong and heated as the day it began. It didn't cause Lavinya any great concern, she was quite acustomed to the whispers and the glares surrounding her so-called scandalous affairs. It did amuse her greatly though, to goad and aggravate, remaining calm and serene while the others involved seethed.


    Overall, Lavinya was in high spirits anyway. She was away from the tower, for a time at least, and though she was not given the position of party leader, as she believed was her due, she was content for the moment to follow. Aramina had proved a reasonable woman thus far, having yet to rub Lavinya the wrong way. For now, her position could be tolerated, especially if she could be convinced that Lavinya's talents as a Gray would be a huge asset to the mission, and should be given free reign.


    After settling herself in the room she would occupy in the inn, Lavinya made her way down the corridor towards the private dining room, as stately as any queen in her progress. The travel had not been as tiresome as potential allowed, thank the light, and the inn was at least habitable. Taking some time to remove the outward signs of travel had also given her time to order her thoughts, her appearance once again immaculate.


    She did not miss the point Estel Sedai made so blatantly with her open door, only one bed made up for the stay. A slight smile curved her lips, amazed at how such a pleasureable incident, so long ago, could still have such a hold over the woman. Clearly, she still did not trust her warder entirely. Interesting indeed.


    Entering the dining room, Lavinya nodded mockingly towards Estel, clinging to Orion's arm as though someone was attempting to wrench him from her grasp. Foolish woman, Orion had gone willingly down that path with her years ago, and while she held no ill feelings towards the now older man, she had no desire to worm her way into his bed again, despite the amusing scandal it would cause.


    "Aramina Sedai." Lavinya greeted the Green smoothly as she slid into a chair at her right, smoothing her vivid red silk skirts over her thighs under the table. Serena, the other blue in their party was obviously yet to arrive, a woman Lavinya had dealt with before. The way she looked at Lavinya always gave her pause, something admiring in her eyes yet...different, she couldn't put a finger on it. Not entirely unpleasant, just different.


    Silently Lavinya helped herself to a goblet of wine, pouring from the pitcher on the table. Sitting back, she swirled the blood red liquid before taking a swallow as she waited for the last of the party to join the table. No doubt they would then discuss strategy for the coming days. Light only hoped Aramina would see reason and give Lavinya the freedom to negotiate as she saw fit, a talent that would otherwise largely go to waste. She'd come to far to be thwarted in her plans, her ambitions now.

  15. Lavinya was restless, a feeling which consumed her often, of late. She needed to get out of the Tower, away from the haunted shadows that plagued her. But loathe to take a Tower Guard with her, it seemed she was trapped for the time being, her Ajah Head looking down on any sisters leaving on their own. She sighed as her navy skirts swished about her legs as she walked. Duty. Light, but she hated it.


    Irritated with her mood, she had set out towards the Warder's Yards, hoping to find a distraction from her thoughts for a time, watching the well formed men as they trained. The sun was bright over head, and already she was glad she had left the quiet coldness of her quarters, the light playing of the vivid red of her curls as they tumbled down her back, setting them aflame. Her dress was of a style she usually wore, considered scandalous by most, the cleavage displayed enough to make most men look twice, though she had grown acustomed to the garb years before entering the Tower as an initiate.


    Smoothing the fitted silk over her hips, Lavinya slowed as she made out the forms of two training, a guard and his student, by the looks. She paused, admiring from a distance the liquid flow of the sword forms, the masculine grace of the teacher. Squinting, a small smile tugged at her full lips as she recognised the teacher, the memories of their last encounter coming to the fore and stirring her blood once more. Pleasant memories, indeed.


    The other face also tugged at Lavinya's memory, startling her somewhat when she recognised him as one she had toyed with some years ago, when he was a green new trainee, young and unsure. It seemed he had matured some also, no longer the boy she remembered, but instead a young man. Ripe for the plucking too, it appeared. How very interesting.


    Walking a little closer, she leaned on the the wooden fence surrounding the large cleared circle, where the two continued their training, pleasantly diverted, at least for the moment.



  16. “Dorian, run to the nearest sausage makers, tell them there is a dead horse here that needs removing, quickly now before this mob starts to get restless."Nodding obediently, Dorian raced off, away from the panicked voices of the crowd as he did what Yrean bid. "Sausage makers, sausage makers." He muttered to himself, stopping in the middle of the street to gather his bearings. Light, where was the closest?


    Turning left down a side street, he smiled to himself in relief when he saw the sign before arriving at the shop. Halting at the door, the smile slid from his face as he read the sign posted on the door. "Closed." Blood and bloody ashes! Why would they be closed now? Muttering, he raced back the way he had come, racking his brain for another store nearby, asking one or two passers by before he heard of another.


    Setting off at a run, he was out of breath when he reached the store, explaining himself to the solid man behind the counter, in between gasps for air. It took the man only a few moments to get organised and follow Dorian at a quick pace, back to where Yrean was waiting, most impatiently by the looks, both horses sadly dead. What a waste of good horseflesh, though Dorian, as the sausage maker issued orders to his apprentices.


    Hitching the horses onto the back of a wagon was a lengthy process, many burly men throwing all of their weight into the tasks, pulling the ropes slung around the animals and dragging them onto the wagon to be led away. Shaking his head at the sad sight, Dorian followed Yrean over to the wagon.


    "Where did the driver go?" Asked Dorian, half musing to himself as they lifted the canvas cover, the goods inside making Dorian's eyes bulge. "Light, would you look at that!" He breathed, taking in the impressive pile of weapons, many unlike any he'd seen before, even in Yrean's shop. "These must be worth a fortune! Why would the driver just leave them out here in the open?" Dorian asked, his own mind clouding with suspicion.


    "Why indeed."Muttered Yrean as he surveyed the assorted pile of blades and lances, bows and axes. "Something we be asking the driver, I do be thinking." Dorian nodded in agreement, looking around for any sign of the driver. "How do we find an elusive driver?" asked Dorian

  17. “You sent a note, Faerzyne Sedai…?â€Faerzyne inclined her head slightly in aknowledgment of the curtsey, awarding Vera with a small smile. "Indeed." Turning her gaze towards Ellinielle, she waved a hand towards the Accepted, who still stood. "Ellinielle, this is Vera, an Accepted of the Tower, who will be your mentor and guide during your time here."


    Flicking her eyes back to Vera, she continued. "I have explained the rules, but I trust you shall inform her of anything I have forgotten." Faerzyne raised a brow, knowing full well Vera was a responsible girl who would take good care of the newest initiate.


    With a final nod, she smiled at the newest initiate. "May the light favour you, novice." Said Faerzyne, nodding at the two in a clear dismissal. The work she had been neglecting since the child's arrival had indeed not completed itself, so sadly she must turn her attention to it, pen in hand and eyes down as the girls took their leave, a weary sigh escaping her after the soft click of the door closing. The day was still young, with much yet to be achieved.


    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  18. "Umm... maybe there is a way, Aes Sedai." Lavinya's eyes danced with hidden amusement. How quickly the weak could be broken, and taught to dance. "I would be more than willing to stay here as an apprentice or whatever you women take; even the worst job here is better than what my family will do to me. Besides, you still have my pipe, and I want it back." It was laughable, this arrogant, uncouth child thinking she could possibly possess the ability to channel, let alone endure life at the White Tower.


    "You believe you have what it takes, girl? You quail at my feet after only a brief encounter, how would you handle living under the shadow of the White Tower?" Lavinya's voice was tinged with amusement which did not reveal itself on her face. "Indeed, I will test you then, if merely to show you what a ludicrous notion you have."


    Unclasping the necklace she wore, she held the clear red gem up in front of Janine. "Clear your thoughts, if there is anything in that head of yours, and focus on the gem. Don't think, just concentrate, there is nought but you and the gem." Lavinya droned, watching the gem intently for any flicker of light.


    An age seemed to pass, and Lavinya's arm grew weary. Just as she was about to sentence Janine to a long term of servitude in the kitchen's, a brief light illuminated the gem. It was only a flicker, visible for a moment, but it had been there. Damn. Scowling, Lavinya looked silently at the gem, as though it had betrayed her, when an interesting thought came to her. She would have a lot more opportunity to see to this girl and her smart mouth should she ne a novice. Interesting indeed.


    "Well child, it appears this is your lucky day after all." She mused, once more clasping the jewel around her neck. "You can channel after all, which means you have an appointment with the mistress of novices." She whirled, beckoning the girl to follow, as she set a brisk pace back through the gardens and into the tower, not giving Janine the chance to protest.


    Through the twisted halls of the tower Lavinya ploughed, snapping at Janine when she did not keep up well enough with Lavinya's brisk pace. She paused before the Mistress of Novice's door and fixed Janine with a cool stare. "I suggest you find some manners quick before we enter, Faerzyne Sedai is not a woman to be trifled with." She ran her gaze up and down the girl once more, measuring her up. "Oh, and I'm keeping the pipe." She murmured with a barely contained smirk, before lifting a hand and knocking soundly on the door.

  19. Penning a quick note before rising from her seat at the desk, braids tinkling softly due to the bells entwined around them, Faerzyne passed the note to a novice in the hall, with instructions it be delivered post haste. Closing the door once more, she collected two dressed in white from a large cupboard by the wall and handed them to Meria.


    "These are yours now child, you are to keep them well mended and clean at all times." Sitting fluidly once more, she clasped her hands before her on the desk. "I have sent a note for your mentor to join us, but until she arrives, let us discuss the rules, shall we?" Watching as Meria took it all in, Faerzyne explained what was expected of the girl, of the curfew, classes, chores, and general day to day life at the tower.


    A soft knock on the door sounded just as Faerzyne was finishing, no doubt announcing the arrival of the mentor. "Enter." She called, waving in the woman and greeting her with a nod.


    ~ Faerzyne



    OOC: I can't find out who your mentor is, since this thread started before my time as MoN. Can you poke them to join the thread now? Thanks :)

  20. –Character Name-- Zaire Sharimaei

    –Email address-- meminem4200@yahoo.com

    –Division--White Tower

    –Physical Description-- 5'5", 140 lbs. She's not a petite girl but she's not large either. Big brown/green eyes, they seem to change in the sunlight. Long, wavy brown hair. She has freckles on her cheeks.

    –Place of Birth/Raising-- Caemlyn, Andor

    – Age--15


    –Character History-- Zaire was born to mother, Cemedarin, and father, Jawelam, and has three brothers. Her two older brothers Jem and Deyel and her younger, Tawtimyn, nearly succeeded in turning Zaire into a total Tomboy. The House Sharimaei is a minor noblehouse in Caemlyn.


    Zaire is a fiery, stubborn girl who will get along with many different kinds of people, only because she is too laid-back to speak about her dislikes about them. She is easy-going and usually doesn't fret about things she doesn't find of much importance. She doesn't have the usual noble, snotty personality, but actually resents it. She does get mad, though, when people around her make foolish decisions. She is very obedient but likes to have fun. She is a quick learner and is eager to try almost anything once.


    Cemedarin tried to raise Zaire as a noblewoman but discovered quickly that Zaire would never be like one. Cemedarin arranged for Zaire to be sent to the Tower to maybe gain some respect for House Sharimaei. When Zaire was leaving, her mother told her if she was sent away from the Tower, or ran away herself, she was not welcome back home. The only thing Zaire regrets about going to the Tower is leaving her father and brothers.

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