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Posts posted by Lavinya

  1. So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Faerzyne decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which was still in front of her. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€


    She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?†As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?†again she wrote, making Taei‘s stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.†She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€



    ~Faerzyne, MoN


    Ooc: rp your char’s reaction to being written down in the novice book.

  2. Countless times Faerzyne Grigory had glanced at the sun already, and before the day had ended, countless more times would be added to that. She sighed softly, and inclined her head a little, causing the little bells attached to her braids to tingle softly. Yet even the bells sounded a bit weary, as if they too suffered from a lack of sleep. The Mistress of Novices stifled a yawn, and turned her attention on the book of Novices again. Everything was recorded in there, after all. Everything that mattered at least. Last night another Accepted had ventured into the rings, and passed through them free of everything she had been before she became who she was now. In her fine handwriting Faerzyne made a note of the raising in the book of Novices. Today the girl would choose her Ajah, and her fate would become truly entwined with that of the Tower. Her choice was no secret to Faerzyne, the way very little that happened among the novices and accepted of the White Tower was a secret to her.


    She closed the big book after she was done. The book looked a little old, but the preservation wards that were set on it worked well. It seemed as though it would never get full. Faerzyne had once paged through it, and found her own name, as well as that of the Mistress of Novices before her. It was interesting to learn how long some of her sisters had been here, and how long they had taken to get themselves raised. Wistfully Faerzyne peered at the sun again, only to find that it hadn’t moved a bit. The day was still young, and she would be tired and aching by the time it was done. Not that the work of the Mistress of Novices ever truly ended. There were wards on the door to the office that told her people were waiting in front of it. The wards would wake her, even if someone tried to sneak in when the night was at it’s darkest.


    Just as she thought of the wards, a tingling sensation crept over her skin, telling her that someone was about to knock on her door. Soon enough the sound of knocking followed. The sound of a knock often told her a lot about who wished to enter. This was the hesitant knock of someome who came to her with a request. Faerzyne took a moment to school her expression into something a little less depressing than the look of fatigue she had had. “Enter.†She said, her voice calm and low as usual. The door opened as she channelled a thread of air to it. To whomever entered it might seem as magic. Two young women greeted her gaze, Evaida, and another young woman dressed in clothing that suggested she was not of the Tower. Yet. Things might change soon. Nodding to the Accepted in recognition of the curtesy paid, she turned her eyes to the newcomer. “You have come to become a novice?†The girl nodded, and Faerzyne waved the two to be seated in the chairs before her desk.


    “Tell me, child…†She started, deliberately using the word child. She would become accustomed to it before she was raised to Aes Sedai, and Faerzyne saw no point in shielding the girl from what would be her reality during the next twenty years of her life, if she turned out to be worthy of staying. “Have you been tested?†The girl shook her head, indicating that she had not been tested, or perhaps that she didn’t even know what the test entailed. Faerzyne smiled reassuringly at the young woman, and opened one of the drawers of her desk. There was only one item in the drawer. A gray, clear gem that she had received from the former Mistress of Novices.


    Slowly she rose from her seat, and walked to the other side of the desk. Though she was by no means the tallest Aes Sedai within the White Tower, she imagined that she must come across as being a giantess to the young woman sitting in the uncomfortable chair. She knelt in front of her, trying to relax the young woman a little. The test would be hard enough as it was without Rahiendazar being terrified of her. “Clear your mind completely, and focus on the stone.†She said. The girl did, staring at the stone intently. Time passed, and Faerzyne worried that her arm would cramp up before the girl showed any sign of potential. Just as she thought there would be nothing, Faerzyne was certain she could feel a resonance from the girl, if faint. Yet no light appeared in the stone. Perhaps she had such little potential it was all but unnoticed...or perhaps there was another reason.


    Rising, she resisted the urge to stretch her back as she crossed back to sit behind her desk. "Tell me child, have you ever suffered from unexplained illness, fever or chills, that lasted several days? Perhaps it has occurred more than once?" Her tone was light, but she watched closely as the girl answered. If her hunch was correct, the girl before her was a wilder, channelling whether she wanted to or not. And if so, she likely had a block, most did.


    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  3. "Lavinya Sedai, this is warm work, may I remove my tunic, or would that be inappropriate? I do not wish to offend."The boy's tone was reverent enough, though something in his voice made Lavinya look up, studying his features. Just what was he playing at? Not one to turn down the opportunity to ogle a well built young man Lavinya gave her permission, though she averted her gaze as he draped his tunic over the back of a chair. She had more subtlety than that.


    "Whenever you are ready for the next order Lavinya Sedai, I am eager to serve..."She eyed the placement of the desk with a critical eye, before nodding her approval. "Very well, you can move that chest over there," she pointed with one soft, white hand, "And put it over there, by the wall." Again she indicated with her hand, looking to see if Mors had understood the direction.


    Noticing he had, she rewarded him with a warm smile before turning back to her notes. Little did he know it was full of books, and likely extraordinarily heavy. There was no way he could move it as it was. A small test, she told herself, to see just what he was made of. Not a cruel joke at all...




  4. Faerzyne raised her brow but held her tongue as the boy begged her not to tell...someone, about his misdeeds. His mentor, presumably, since Faerzyne was aware of who the Mistress of Trainees was. Silence did not bother Faerzyne, keeping her thoughts to herself deliberately, letting the time serve to increase the worry in the young lad's mind. She had come to learn that how one handled silence spoke volumes about their character. She would see just how strong this one was.


    Keeping a brisk pace, Faerzyne wasted no time as she approached Ginae's office. She had made the woman's acquaintance before, though it was not a frequent occurrence. Casting a stony eye over Danian, her face smooth and impassive, she lifted a hand to rap soundly on the door. Waiting to be summoned, Faerzyne opened the door and stepped inside, Danian skulking at her heels.


    Faerzyne nodded a greeting to Ginae, who had hastily risen from her seat. "Ginae." She cast her eyes to the trainee trying to linger in the background. "It is unfortunate that we cannot meet under more pleasant circumstances, but it seems fate is against us." She said dryly, turning back to face Ginae. "This lad seems to think that the rules are for breaking, along with a certain novice whom I shall deal with shortly." She explained, one mistress to another. "I thought it best to leave him in your capable hands." Said Faerzyne, a hint of a smile twisting her lips.


    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  5. Faerzyne waved the two to the chairs seated before her desk for that very purpose. The girl Janine smiled at her in a way that made Faerzyne's brows lift slightly, thinking this child was indeed more than what she seemed. A tension lingered, between the girl and Lavinya Sedai, it's nature unknown, but not a surprise to Faerzyne. Lavinya had quite the reputation with the novices, for being a formidable and demanding woman. No doubt Janine had already experienced some of the fiery haired woman's temper.


    So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Faerzyne decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which was still in front of her. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€


    She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?†As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?†again she wrote, making Janine's stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.†She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€


    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  6. OOC: Sorry about the late reply... :?


    Faerzyne smiled slightly as Aramina seemed to pass the child back onto herself. Indeed, she was the mistress of novices, but her time was too valuable to be spent escorting every initiate to their quarters. "I believe we are done here." She said softly, standing and moving towards the large cupboard where the novice dresses were kept. Retrieving two, she handed them to Adaira. "These are yours now child, you will keep them clean and well mended at all times." She commanded kindly, before resuming her position behind the desk and casting her gaze over to Aramina.


    "I trust you will guide our newest novice, Aramina Sedai, and take her under your wing?" It was not so much a question as a statement, knowing full well the sister would not refuse. After all, the girl seemed comfortable with her already, it made sense. "I shall leave her in your capable hands, sister." Continued Faerzyne, with a nod of dismissal.


    Head down, Faerzyne picked up her pen and resumed her work as the two took their leave, not looking to see if Aramina Sedai was happy with the arrangement or not. Either way it was no concern of Faerzyne's now, what was her concern was the pile of paperwork in front of her. With a short, long suffering sigh, Faerzyne dove back into the monotonous task.


    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  7. Corin. The familiar voice came as a shock, causing Lavinya to turn to take in the bearer of the words. It took a lot of restraint to keep the smooth mask on her face, the words he had spoken had not been missed on Lavinya, nor the meaning behind them. Her heart and instinctively leapt at the sight of him, memories and emotions crashing about her, not helped by the position she now found herself in. Clearly he had heard just how she had found yound Dorian. It must make her look quite the hypocrite, having the lad chastised for something she herself did often, most noteably the day she had met Corin.


    Lavinya barely held in a sigh. Didn't he realise her hands had been tied? That she couldn't turn a blind eye, not when it had been two such young culprits. Light, she would have been raked over the coals if it had been found out that she had left them to their liason. She turned her eyes back to Ginae, avoiding looking at Dorian. She did feel for him, she herself had gotten up to much mischief as an initiate, indeed she was still not one for propriety. The penalty seemed harsh to her, especially when combined with a tongue lashing for Corin. Lavinya inwardly flinched, she had certainly not intended for this to happen.


    "Yes Mistress Ginae" Lavinya flicked her eyes in Corin's direction once more, wondering if she was the only one that noted his tone didn't quite match his demeanor. Then again she couldn't help but pay close attention to the man that had taught her so much, even if it had been unwittingly. Was he annoyed with her? Surely she wasn't to blame for his student's behaviour. It seemed she was inevetibly going to constantly have her actions misread, particularly by this tower guard who at times seemed to know her so well, seemed able to see into her very soul.


    “Aes Sedai, I thank you for your effort. We will keep a better eye on this one.†Lavinya nodded, not quite trusting herself to speak, as Corin made his apologies. He did not seem impressed, in fact his whole demeanor seemed quite at odds to what she had learnt. Of course, this was his domain, and his trainee, with her help, had inadvertently made him look the fool. "I am sorry for the trouble my mentee my have caused you Lavinya Sedai. I will try to ensure he understands the rules and the way they work." Lavinya did flinch this time, albeit it at his back as he turned and stormed his way out of the office. Light, but was this all her doing? She did not envy Dorian, something told her Corin would be a strict teacher.


    Taking her leave from the Mistress of trainees, Lavinya stepped out into the night once more, in time to hear Corin berate the lad. She hesitated in the shadows, once more feeling for Dorian as he hastily set off to do his bidding. Stepping towards him, she moistened her lower lip, suddenly uncertain, but wanting to say something. She could not just see him again and leave, he had come to mean far too much to her for that. "It appears I am not the only one who has a tendy towards hypocrisy..." she said softly, a wry smile twisting her lips to take the sting from the words. "I did not realise Dorian was your student. It seems he landed us both in an awkward position." She paused in her step, close enough to see his features in the moonlight, but not so close as to seem improper. After all, they were out in the open, and she did not know how he would react to her presence at all. "It is a pleasure to see you again, I just wish it was under different circumstances." Lavinya smiled again, tilting her head to the side slightly. It was good to see him, if somewhat awkward, given her activities for the evening.


    "I hate to be harsh on the pair, after all I was little different as a novice." She gazed off to where Dorian had run. "And some things never change." She said softly, ruefully. What was he thinking? She wished she knew, he stirred so much in her, yet at the same time fuelled her uncertainty, her vulnerability. Light, all she wanted was a little reassurance, a smile, a nod, anything to show what he was thinking, but his face was unreadable, half hidden in the shadows.



  8. Handle: Wintermist


    Name: Rossa Venye

    Age: 14

    Group: White Tower

    From: The outlaying district of Ebou Dar, Altara

    Height: 5’ 7â€

    Weight: 141 lbs

    Hair: Dark Brown, worn long

    Eyes: Dark Brown




    Heat. Intense heat. The air closed in around her, tasting foul and acrid and causing her to gag and choke. All her life she had known to watch her back, but Rossa had thought the family home to be invulnerable, the main attempts from those dabbling in the Great Game would take place at Court, or so her mother and father had told her. The High Seats of House Venye had told all of their progeny to be careful at all times lest they find themselves in a duel to protect the honour of their House, but Rossa had always believed if she was ever forced to defend herself, or to fight for her life, it would be face to face with an enemy, not like this. Her throat constricted and her lungs burnt with the hot air and smoky fumes from her burning surroundings. It hurt to open her eyes, but when she did and looked around the hidden walls of her bedchamber, it was a darkened blur of flames and burnt patches of wood and stone. She had to get out. Fast.


    Her mother and father had surely been ushered to safety already, as well as her brother and two sisters. Why no one had come back for her, Rossa did not know, but they would be looking for her soon. I have to get out of here though, before I burn to death, or suffocate. Not a pleasant thought. Always she had been the less preferred daughter, the middle daughter and not shining like her beautiful sisters and brother. Her siblings had shone like the proverbial sun; outstripping her at everything they did in their parents’ eyes and leaving the averagely looking and able Rossa standing firmly in their shadow, out of favour and suffering from melancholia most of the time. It lent an uncharacteristic seriousness and quietude to her face that had only deepened as the years had passed, but had not lessened how her mind worked one iota. Pushing hazy reminiscences of her youth to one side, Rossa concentrated on pulling open the doors standing between her and getting some clean air into her seared lungs.


    Bits of the house were falling down around her, the flames consuming furniture and floors alike. It was difficult to find the way towards the front door of their modest abode, but somehow she managed to, dodging a falling timber from the ceiling as House Venye started to crash around her ears. Crackling. There was nothing but smoke, crackling and intense heat. Her lungs screamed for clean air, burning as the thick, noxious fug started to make her light-headed and faint. That would be dangerous. She had to get free!


    Pushing at the heavy double doors that stood between her and her life, Rossa choked once more, almost unable to undo the catch that held them in place. Servants would once have opened now restrained her in her kiln-like tomb, unless she could free the catch. They were all gone to the villages, or the flames, safe, lost or paid off at the hands of one of their rivals. Snick it came free and a crack of light appeared, blissful, and blessed light and the scent of comparatively fresh air from outside. She pushed at it, with most of her remaining strength and fell outside, her legs ceasing to work and she landed on the stone steps, gasping and retching.


    Moments turned to minutes as Rossa’s breathing stabilised enough to attempt opening her eyes. The heat roared behind her, and her face was a smeared mess of tears and soot. Large rips decorated her clothing and she looked as though she had lost a fight with some wild animal, but she had to get help. Fetch someone to help see if her family had survived and to help put out the fire in case of the risk to the surrounding countryside. Pushing herself to her knees, Rossa set off on unsteady legs towards the small hamlet over a mile away on the horizon.


    The town was the kind of nondescript village that had one of everything. One inn, one stable, one peddler and blacksmith, the usual sorts of trades but a lot less polished than found in the cities. Everything could be found for a decent price, and the work was of good quality if you knew how to bargain shrewdly. Rossa made her way towards the inn, thinking that the most people would be there at this time of day and they would be able to help put out the raging inferno of her family home - if they did not already know. Tiredly, she continued to the doors of the tavern proclaiming “The Labourer’s Rest†and a swinging sign portraying a builder leaning wearily on his pickaxe, and crossed the threshold, the air thick with laughter and tabac. It was too much. The remembered smell of the smoke and how close to death she had been was renewed with the smell of the smoke in the tavern and she started coughing, her throat closing again, and her eyes rolled up in her head, blackness claiming her.


    Faint sounds of birdsong drifted through the window in a muted tone alongside hushed whispers and oversensitive fingertips made up for the lassitude, spreading out throughout her entire body. Her chest no longer seemed to burn when she breathed, and the cuts and scrapes she had unknowingly suffered in her flight from the house had all gone. Eyelids opened. White light from the window gradually changed to the interior of one of the rooms of the inn as her eyes grew accustomed to the change in light and slowly focussed on the form of a woman dressed in fine silks sat to one side of her bed.


    “How are you feeling?†The voice was soft, and light with hints of an accent Rossa could not place.


    “My family…â€


    “Your family did not survive, I’m afraid. You are lucky to be alive, child.â€


    Shock did not even begin to register as her deepest fears were confirmed. Light! Alone in the world without purpose… no, she did have purpose. Rossa knew she would have to find those responsible for her family’s demise and make sure they knew the line of House Venye was as strong as ever. There was something… familiar… about the face of the woman sat in the room with her – Rossa could not place an age to the serene face and yet she knew from the times she had gone to the Tarasin Palace as a girl of the wondrous sisters of the White Tower. Pieces of a forming plan clicked into place and she vowed to be tested there – they may be able to help her if nothing else.

  9. Dm handle- rahiendazar


    Character's name- Rahiendazar


    Email address- Auranacuran@gmail.com


    Physical description- fairly tall, for half carhienen… This means 5'4'' instead of 5'2''. Average build, kind of chunky if anything. Straight blond hair, Straight to almost limp, not full, Brown eyes, Freckled. Her mouth shape is the only thing about her face that seems particularly nice. Otherwise she is plain to ugly in every regard. No scars, malformations, or limps.


    Place of birth/ raising: Carhien near the border of shinear. A small manor house. 5 servants, and they are the only ones loyal to the family.


    Age: 18 (will be 19 in 2 months)


    Character history:


    Rahiendazar is the daughter of Gerald ( a shinaran farmer) and Lady Kirilla (a minor Carhienen noble house) she was raised on the family's one and only holding in Carhien, but near the northern border. She is the third of four children, all three others were boys, only one of which reached the age to be given a sword. He took off and left no forwarding address when Rahiendazar was 9. Before that they were best friends. Her mother died when she was 11, and left her with her father. He lived another 6 and a half years, ill for the last two. He passed away a month before Rahiendazar (Rahien for short) left home to go to the tower.


    Rahien has the spark, and has channeled twice. Both times to fight shadow spawn. After the first time Rahiendazar was suspicious. After the second she was sure. She stayed with her father, however, and was afraid she would be taken away from him while he was ill. It was ultimately his death that made her decide to go to the tower. Not for her safety, which she cares nothing about, but for the safety of others. She feels she has nothing left to live for. Her brother is gone, her father and mother are both dead afterall.


    Additional information-


    She loved to braid garlands of flowers for all her family, the servents, and for the family goat (who is staying at the manor) when she was younger. Now she has an interest in gardening. She is also carrying a small paper packet of seeds with her. With her she carries her embroidery (because her mother had thought it important she learn) which she is terrible at.



    ~Note - she has been approved to be a wilder, her block being that she can only channel against shadowspawn.

  10. Username: Lani Cordragoran

    Handle at DM/WT: Lanette (DM)

    Email: timanahaf@yahoo.com

    Physical Description: Lani Cordragoran stands 5\'9\" on stockinged feet and weighs 106 pounds. She\'s Blue eyed, with straight, shoulder length dark hair.

    Place of birth: Born in Kandor, Raised in Saldaea

    Age: 18

    Character History: Lani Cordragoran was born in a small town in Kandor in a tavern. Her Malkeiri father, Rurik killed himself after finding himself able to Channel while Lani was still in her mother’s womb. Her Domani mother Misirah bought the tavern when Rurik’s soldier’s pay was no longer available after his death. As the years passed Misirah became more and more enslaved to the ale that she herself sold. The tavern’s reputation decreased as well when she started selling more than drinks in the rooms upstairs. The first time Lani realized what was going on was at the age of 14 when her mother tried to sell her to an old man to sate his lust. Lani hit the man in the groin with a brass candlestick and escaped the locked room through the window. She hid until nightfall, sneaked in to collect her meager possessions and savings and left town headed for Saldaea, in search of the only relative she ever knew, and the only person she felt that she could trust – her uncle Ruairidh.




    Tall for her age, with an already blossomed figure and obviously alone, she got into trouble at the very first inn that she got a room for the night, when two drunken men tried to corner her in a deserted hallway. However she was saved by the arrival of a Domani merchant and her guards. Learning that she was part Domani, and taking pity on the spirited yet vulnerable girl, the merchant, who was on her way to Arad Doman via Maradon, offered her passage in her wagons. Once in the Saldaean capital, following the merchant’s advise on which inns she should stay in on the way, Lani finally made her way to Kayacum.




    She was accepted into Ruairidh’s family with a warmth that surpassed her expectations. For four years Lani lived with them as one of their own children, learning languages and arts with her cousins. Safe in their love, she slowly, tentatively began to trust people again – though the wound deep in her heart caused by her own mother’s treachery still remained. Her womanly figure drew many a male eye, though she was still too wary of men. Finally however, when she was 18, a young man managed to get past her defenses and capture her young heart.




    During this time an Aes Sedai stayed briefly ay an inn close by on her way to Maradon. Fascinated with the Aes Sedai’s ageless face, her regal bearing and the concept of Channeling One Power, Lani took every opportunity to watch her, not realizing that she had noticed her lurking, until the Aes Sedai spoke to her. In the privacy of her room, the Aes Sedai tested Lani and claimed that she could eventually learn to Channel. Thrilled by the news, yet reluctant to leave her sweetheart, Lani went in search of him to tell the news – only to come across the second great betrayal in her life when she found him in his father’s stable with another girl in his arms.




    Shaken to the core, her new found trust crushed yet again, Lani ran home vowing never to let another person close enough to hurt her again. She told the family about her decision to go to the White Tower and left with the Aes Sedai the next day. After a long journey they arrived at Tar Valon and at the tower she was handed over to the Mistress of Novices and enrolled as a Novice.

  11. Username: Chebar Tielvo

    Handle at DM/WT: Tessandra

    Email: wrathysedai@hotmail.com


    Physical Description: Chebar Tielvo is a slender girl at 5\'6\" and 120 pounds. She has light coppery skin and striking amber eyes in the traditional almond shape. In contrast to her eyes she has a small mouth that is quick to grin and equally quick to frown. Chebar also has chestnut hair that is only slightly past her shoulder which she normally lets hang loose. Additionally she has a horizontal scar across her left forearm near the wrist which she earned in a duel two years ago.


    Place of birth: Ebou Dar


    Age: 17


    Character History: Growing up in the Rahad of Ebou Dar was not an easy life. Chebar came from a poor family, with a mother and father who had more children than they could afford to feed. Her father was an unsuccessful fisherman and her mother had turned their home into the local whorehouse. Chebar’s childhood consisted of playing in the streets with her siblings and often pick pocketing and stealing from local vendors. She was caught filching a withered apple off a stand once and learned a life lesson the hard way. The lesson: become quicker or starve.




    Despite all negative influences in her life, Chebar was still a very proud person. Once while in a tavern, a girl with slightly higher social status had made a sardonic comment concerning the condition of Chebar’s clothes. Whirling around, she called the girl out and challenged her to a duel. This was Chebar’s first, but she wouldn’t let the girl know by any signs on her face. The innkeeper asked that they take their quarrel outside and they obliged. Drawing daggers, the two girls circled each other for a while until the other girl went to strike first. Chebar side-stepped it and spun to face the girl. They were back at square one and the other girl was growing impatient with her younger opponent. Make them weary and blinded by frustration, that is the key to winning. Her older brother Maiz had always given her that advice and she kept it in mind now. Keeping her calm, Chebar and the other girl went back and forth with slashes and parries. With no result the older girl was fuming and made a charge for Chebar with blade at stomach level. Chebar side-stepped her once more and then tripped her in her carelessness. Levelling her dagger with the girl’s jugular, Chebar’s victory was declared and she took the loser’s clothes to further the point and shame her more. Thus was Chebar’s first duel at the age of twelve.




    Two years later when she reached womanhood, Amar, Chebar’s mother, declared that she was old enough to enter the family business. Amar ran a whorehouse and her daughters were the tools of the trade. Reluctantly, Chebar agreed to her mother’s wishes. What else was she to do? She had no talents besides thievery and in her eyes, being a whore was better than being a beggar. A whore had some pride in her work whereas a beggar only had shame. Chebar had many patrons but she always kept her dagger nearby. Her patrons played by her rules or they would end up in a world of hurt. Despite this, since Chebar was pretty for her social class, she made decent wages. However, occasionally she would steal anyway just for the thrill of it and the keep her senses sharp. But most days when she wasn’t on an assignment she was busy doing housework and watching after her younger brothers and sisters.




    After a year of this lifestyle though, she was becoming more and more unsettled. This wasn’t how she wanted to live her life until she was killed in a duel or too old and ugly to work as a whore. She had wanted to live her life in an exciting way, with tons of stories of adventures and traveling. However her mother needed her to keep food on the table so she stayed. Her commitment to her family couldn’t last forever though.




    After another year went by, her favorite sibling Maiz was fatally injured in a duel. Chebar was crushed. How could the Creator do this to her? She had dealt with such instances many times before but this she could not handle. Maiz had been there for her since she was born and taught her most of what she knew about the streets and dueling. He was her closest friend and confidante. She was devastated and couldn’t bear to stay home anymore. Everything about Ebou Dar reminded her of Maiz and it was too much on her. She cursed the Creator and forsook the Light. It was time to leave.




    For a year she wandered through different countries and made a living in various ways. She had been a barmaid, worked in a clothing shop, sang in taverns, returned to whoring among various other things. She had been in many different relationships but none had been overly fulfilling. However, no matter where she was she never felt quite at home.




    While spending a few weeks in Tar Valon, Chebar became extremely ill. Having lived in the city long enough, she knew that she could ask for Aes Sedai Healing and receive it. She was wary from superstitions and rumors though and waited another week. Eventually she felt so ashamed of being afraid of a few witches she went to seek their aid in spite of herself.

  12. Faerzyne comforted the whippet of a novice seated in front of her as best she could. Her position as overseer of the White Tower initiates meant she more often handed out correction and punishments, yet there were times when she also offered a shoulder to cry on, for those in need. It was disconcerting at times, Faerzyne herself had never been one prone to tears or 'female' outbursts of emotion, yet to some of these girls, she was the closest thing they now had to a mother.


    Offering the sniffling girl a handkerchief from her pocket, Faerzyne patted the girl's back lightly, from where she was kneeling in front of her, bells in her braids faintly tinkling with the motion. "There now child, dry your tears." She said softly, soothingly. The girl nodded, dabbing at her moist cheeks. She had been in the office now for some time, crying with homesickness, though now at least it seemed she was feeling better, her sobs subsiding. Faerzyne could hardly recall the words she had spoken to soothe her, but they seemed to work as the girl mustered a shaky smile.


    "Thankyou, Aes Sedai." The girl managed as Faerzyne stood, awarding her with a smile as a tingling sensation passed over her, a sure sign that one of her wards had been set off. As if on cue a knock sounded on the door. "Off with you now girl." Said Faerzyne gently, leading her to the door. Opening it, the novice dropped a curtsey and scurried past, leaving a bewildered looking girl in her wake. Not clothed as an initiate, she had the appearance of an outsider, a petitioner perhaps.


    "My name is Faerzyne Grigory, Mistress of Novices." Toned Faerzyne, waving the girl into the office and closing the door softly behind her. "How can I help you?" Waving to a chair, she moved behind her desk, looking over it curiously at the newcomer.


    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  13. OOC: Sorry took me a little bit longer to reply...your mentor Serena should be joining us shortly, then you two can go from there and RP. :)




    Finally the book was closed again. Faerzyne took a moment to write down the name of the girl’s mentor on a piece of parchment, as well as a summons. The mentor she had selected would be with them soon enough. After she handed the note to a servant that passed in the hallway joined with her office, she returned to the new Novice. With a smile she walked over to one of the many cabinets. She pulled two novice dresses from the cabinet, and handed them to the girl. “These are yours to wear during the years you are a novice. You must tend to them well, mend them when they’re torn, wash them when they’re dirty. For the next years, you will not be allowed to wear anything apart from these dresses.â€


    She settled behind her desk again, telling the young woman in front of her a little about the rules novices lived by. She went from the curfew to the restriction on venturing into Tar Valon, to the repercussions that would follow if she chose to venture into the yards without a good reason. “But you look like a sensible young woman, so I’m sure I won’t see too much of you here.†A knock on her door told her that the mentor of the girl had arrived. “Enter.†The mentor revealed herself to Faerzyne and Zaire. “I trust that you’ll tell her all she needs to know.†Faerzyne said. Her tone was dismissive. She glanced at the sun, and notice that it had shifted slightly. A while had passed since the young woman had entered her office. A while, but there was still a lot of time left. As the new mentor and mentee pair left her office she sighed, wondering if this day would end any time soon.


    ~Faerzyne, MoN

  14. "Perhaps you could practice your swordforms and stances while I move the furniture, so that I may better know your skill?" Lavinya narrowed her gaze, fixing Mors with a hard stare as she conteplated him. It seemed there was much cheek in this one, when he was away from those who may give him a comeuppance for his behaviour. Amsuing as it may be, he needed to understand that she was Aes Sedai, and he merely a trainee.


    "You can start with the desk." She said, pointing. "I want it moved over to here." Lavinya continued, moving to indicate the area where she wanted it placed. Fixing him with a stare once more, she paused a moment before replying to his earlier comment. "I suggest you do not presume to give me suggestions on how to spend my time, boy." She told him, hands on hips. Pleased as she may be with the easiness with which he spoke, she wanted him to know that he was inferior, that she called the shots.


    "Now, get to work. And mind you do not disturb anything on the desk." She added, taking some notes from the desktop and curling her legs under her in one of the more comfortable chairs in the room, idly reading as she let Mors begin to work.



  15. Dorian gawked at Yrean, open-mouthed as he was issued instructions. He was to go and sit next to him? For all they knew this man was a dangerous criminal! And they were sending him! Silently he obeyed, trying to hide his unease as he shrugged out of his jacket, passing it to Yrean before setting about rolling up his sleeves and messing up his usually clean cut appearance, a slight tremble in his hand as he did so.


    Letting out a long breath, he mustered a grin for the two men that he didn't feel as he forced himself forward. Light, but why did it feel like Yrean and Andular together were nothing but trouble for him? Mustering a bravado he didn't feel, he pushed his way into the inn, reminding himself that Yrean and Andular weren't about to abandon him. Light they had better not, anyway.


    Keeping his head down, Dorian threaded his way through the rough crowd, heading towards the table without taking a direct path. So intent was he on not letting their quarry see his face, that he misjudged a step and barrelled into the back of a man who turned with a grunt, facing Dorian and staring down at him with one red eye, striking fear into the trainee. "You spilled me drink, ya wool-headed cur." He grunted menacingly, leering in a way that made Dorian take a step back, immediately lowering his gaze.


    "I'm sorry." He grumbled, hastily turning aside and sidestepping another table. Light, this was not happening. Swinging back, he focused on his goal, slinging himself into the empty chair beside the man they sought, his gaze still down and his heart thumping crazily in his chest. The man he had bumped could still be heard grumbling not far away, causing Dorian to sink lower in his chair, not making eye contact with anyone around him. If Yrean and Andular didn't move soon, he swore he was going to give into the little frightened voice in his head and make a dash for the door.



    Chicken :)

  16. Lavinya's gaze was shrewd as she watched Lillian, obviously contemplating her answer. Whether or not she was flailing for an answer or intelligently weighing the factors was yet to be seen though. Lavinya herself had already considered what she believed to be a fair price, but curiosity left her waiting for Lillian's response.


    "Eight silver marks would be the most I would pay, Andoran weight." The girl kept her gaze downcast, meaning she missed the slight narrowing of Lavinya's gaze. Remarkeable, she had come to much the same conclusion, though she thought she could possibly haggle down slightly. Interesting, the girl clearly had some wits about her, and a decent knowledge of trade. Unless of course it had been pure luck that gave her that response.


    "I am impressed child, you show some promise, though your offer was generous. A well practiced trader like myself would be able to obtain a better price." Lavinya lifted her chin slightly, giving the appearance of looking down her nose, even though she was somewhat shorter than the novice. Lavinya was not one to hand out compliments for the sake of it, and though it may not seem so, she had actually given the girl one, albeit in a round about way.


    Gaining the attention of the merchant in charge of the store, Lavinya set about showing some of her prowess, smiling smugly when she came to an agreement of 7 silver Andoran marks, and a few coppers thrown in to make the deal seem that what sweeter for the disgruntled merchant. It was amazing what a pretty smile and a well set-off bosom could do. The stuffy merchant finally tore his eyes from Lavinya and bustled about having the cloth folded and wrapped in a cheap piece of linen and tied with string. Returning with the package, he took one look at Lavinya's face and instantly handed the package out to Lillian, much to her satisfaction. It saved her the indignity of upbraiding him in public. Counting out the appropriate coins, the merchant nearly drooling as the silver entered his hand, tinkling together a moment before it was quickly whisked out of sight. "Pleasure doing business with you, Aes Sedai." He said with a smile and a bow. Nodding slightly, Lavinya sashayed away from the table, Lillian in tow.


    "Come, we will take the bolt to a seamstress to sew the curtains." Lavinya explained as they threaded through the crowd, Lillian half hidden behind her bulky parcel. On a whim, she continued. "And you shall show me how adept you are at haggling for the price." She announced, flashing Lillian a quick, wolfish smile. Time to see if the girl did actually know what she was doing, or if it had indeed been a fluke. Who knew, perhaps the girl could prve useful, though light help her if she tried to show up Lavinya. Not that the girl possibly could, that was preposterous, of course.


    As they neared the seamstress Lavinya favoured, she slowed, motioning for Lillian to step beside her as she spoke. "I shall come in with you, of course, but the haggling will be all yours. I just want simple drapes made up, nothing fancy. Mind you let me keep some coin." She added with a smile, showing some genuine warmth, even if the tone was slightly mocking. Holding open the door to the small store, she let Lillian pass through before her with the package, watching interestedly as she approached the seamstress.

  17. "Ah Lavinya Sedai, it is an Honor. Have you come to practice bladesmenship with me?" Lavinya raised a brow, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. It seemed the boy had some cheek when he was of earshot of his mentor.


    "I was to deliver this message, but Master Orion did not tell me how quickly it must be delivered, and so, I believe I can help you without incurring Master Orion's wrath..." Lavinya's jaw tightened slightly. It seemed Mors had yet to learn that Aes Sedai did not tolerate having their requests denied, particularly by uppity young trainees. Still, he hadn't refused, nor would he, if he had any sense.


    "Excellent." She said with a smile and a gleam in her eye. "Come with me." Turning on her heel, Lavinya led him back inside the tower, along the twisting halls, resplendant with finery, though she barely paid them any heed, accustomed as she was to the grandeur. Eventually the tiles underfoot changed colours to a shimmering gray-silver, indicating they were entering the gray ajah quarters, a few more turns and nods to her sisters and Lavinya halted before the door to her own private chambers.


    Opening the door she led Mors inside, closing the door behind him with a simple weave of air before issuing instructions. "I need to reorganise the furniture, and I fear I am not strong enough to do so myself." She explained, before pointing to all of the objects she wanted moved in the sitting room, the table and chairs, the heavy wooden desk, the large chest. As she went, she explained where it needed to be moved too, flicking glances to Mors to make sure he was paying attention.


    "Well now, I will stay and keep you company, of course." She smiled, silently adding that she would also make sure her instructions were followed to the letter. Pretty young lad or no, she still would not tolerate even the slightest straying from her orders.


    "Now, where shall you start?" She said brightly.



  18. Kiarma almost preened under Mehrin's words, pride swelling her chest and stiffening her spine. At last, a man who seemed to have at least half his wits, noting that a woman could be just as good as a man. And he didn't discount her courage either. She'd always been told she was bold as a lion though twice as dense, by her less than charming brothers. Idiots, the lot of them.


    "You'd probably do well here, Miss Speren. The scouts, medics, and siege engineers are always looking for a few more recruits, and I'd be more than happy to bring you to their respective captain generals." That wiped the smug smile from her face, causing her to drop her jaw and her eyes to harden in indignation. He complimented her courage, then relegated her to a choice of the three weakest divisions in the same breath? She would show him for discounting her.


    Deliberately she folded her arms under her breasts, levelling him with her cold stare, just barely containing her anger by clenching her teeth. "I'm sure they are, sir." She hissed, deliberately highlighting the honourific. "But I came here to be a soldier, not to play doctor or hide and seek." She managed between her teeth, tapping one foot in an irritated manner. "I want to train to fight. I was under the assumption I could learn that here, unless you are going to tell me that you don't train women?" It was difficult to keep the threat from her voice, light help him if he did insult her so, she wouldn't be responsible for her actions, regardless who he thought he was. And to think she had believed him in possession of some smarts. Ha!

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