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Kwom Masbag

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Status Updates posted by Kwom Masbag

  1. Thirty pages into Words of Radiance and I realized that I really need to reread Way of Kings. This may take a while.

  2. Just started reading Death Note tonight. Gosh, this is cool. I should have done this sooner.

  3. EA: "The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom. Game companies rise, evolve, advance, and at the apex of their glory, they are extinguished. Bioware is not the first. By utilizing our funding, game companies develop along the paths we desire. They exist because we allow it, and will end because we demand it."

    1. Naked~Frog


      EA was talking about the pattern?

    2. Kwom Masbag

      Kwom Masbag

      Oh, didn't see that you responded to this. A fan cannibalized a quote made by [spoilerS]




      a Reaper in the first game. "The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom. Civilizations rise, evolve, advance, and at the apex of their glory, they are extinguished. The Protheans were not the first. By utilizing our technology, organic life develops along the paths we desire. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it."...

  4. Seen on a forum in regards to Mass Effect 3: "I realized that the Catalyst's argument made perfect sense just a little while ago. I've also been worried about people shooting mydog recently, since people can be ****s. Fortunately this game showed me a good way to deal with problems like that, so I shot my dog. No one can shoot my dog now." xD

  5. Bioware's Greg Zeschuk recently treated me to an interview regarding their upcoming game "Dragon Age III.""We really wanted this game to expand upon the main theme of the last game," Zeschuk begins, "which is that Anders really wants to bone you. The instant that you load up the game, you're treated to a full-length sex scene with him right off the bat, which I thought was a nice touch by the development staff.""During the last game, we really felt like the fans often didn't get the one ...

  6. Characters I would rather have on my squad in Mass Effect 3 than James Vega.1. All of Shepard's dead fish.2. That pyjak you punched back on Tuchanka.3. The Biotic God.4. Conrad Verner.5. That snobby volus on Lia'Vael's mission.6. The actual credit chit that the snobby volus on Lia'Vael's mission lost.7. The missing part of Garrus' face.8. Morinth.9. The missing part of Conrad Verner's foot.10. That C-Sec agent who used to be a SpecTRe like you before he took a graal to the knee.

  7. Today, I discovered that I can drop from ten feet and land in a roll on concrete and come up unharmed. Good day. #parkour

    1. Gudrean



  8. Considering doing dramatic readings of badfics on the channel. Any opinions?

  9. Tomorrow begins my first day of training myself in parkour. Wish me luck! #parkour #notkillingmyself

  10. That moment when you get called "adorkable."

  11. Wha...! You have Brandon Sanderson as a friend!? :O ;~;

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