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Posts posted by paetric

  1. and I don't think the mouse results can be directly applied to the human in this case who....


    sigh. hate censorship and self censorship just made the day a little more dead


    It is what it is.



    yes. yes it is.


    shiny snowy morning.


    One day people will realize censorship is the work of the dark one.


    I use to work with a guy who went to a church where they wouldn't allow there children to read Harry Potter.



    it was a known evil when i grew up. lots of really good books written about it children probably aren't allowed to read now. being told i couldn't do something always made me want to do it a lot more so maybe people will figure it out again.


    i was always alowed to read what i wanted. they knew i would anyway and it saved me cuting the covers off other books.


    i do not get the harry potter issue at all. like it's the first story with witches and magic ever told to children or so seductive it will turn them all into baby sacrificing demon worshippers. weird.


    The zealots would have a field day with GRRM or even RJ.



    it's a good thing they don't read much. RJ was a lot naughtier than people acknowledge. some parts of teh WoT read like the story of O.


    but... they wouldn't read it or understand it if they did.


    I believe GRRM is worse


    I think Martin did it like he did b/c he isn't as good a write as RJ.


    I think Martin took every taboo and ran with it.



    so you're saying don't bother then?


    i'd just as soon wait for the TV as get involved in another series with no payoff, and one worse written...


    No read it. The books are better than the tv show. Even knowing what you know from the tv show won't spoil the books b/c Martin doesn't know how to be subtle.

  2. and I don't think the mouse results can be directly applied to the human in this case who....


    sigh. hate censorship and self censorship just made the day a little more dead


    It is what it is.



    yes. yes it is.


    shiny snowy morning.


    One day people will realize censorship is the work of the dark one.


    I use to work with a guy who went to a church where they wouldn't allow there children to read Harry Potter.



    it was a known evil when i grew up. lots of really good books written about it children probably aren't allowed to read now. being told i couldn't do something always made me want to do it a lot more so maybe people will figure it out again.


    i was always alowed to read what i wanted. they knew i would anyway and it saved me cuting the covers off other books.


    i do not get the harry potter issue at all. like it's the first story with witches and magic ever told to children or so seductive it will turn them all into baby sacrificing demon worshippers. weird.


    The zealots would have a field day with GRRM or even RJ.


    not mainstream enough I guess plus the people who worry about those things aren't reading WoT and ASoIaF




    although grrm did manage to make it to cable.


    As did Sword of Truth. *shudders*


    good lord I watched the first few episodes of Legend of the seeker and promised never again, it was terrible, didn't even stick to the storyline in the slightest


    The only redeeming quality that show had was Kahlan is smoking hot.

  3. and I don't think the mouse results can be directly applied to the human in this case who....


    sigh. hate censorship and self censorship just made the day a little more dead


    It is what it is.



    yes. yes it is.


    shiny snowy morning.


    One day people will realize censorship is the work of the dark one.


    I use to work with a guy who went to a church where they wouldn't allow there children to read Harry Potter.



    it was a known evil when i grew up. lots of really good books written about it children probably aren't allowed to read now. being told i couldn't do something always made me want to do it a lot more so maybe people will figure it out again.


    i was always alowed to read what i wanted. they knew i would anyway and it saved me cuting the covers off other books.


    i do not get the harry potter issue at all. like it's the first story with witches and magic ever told to children or so seductive it will turn them all into baby sacrificing demon worshippers. weird.


    The zealots would have a field day with GRRM or even RJ.



    it's a good thing they don't read much. RJ was a lot naughtier than people acknowledge. some parts of teh WoT read like the story of O.


    but... they wouldn't read it or understand it if they did.


    I believe GRRM is worse


    I think Martin did it like he did b/c he isn't as good a write as RJ.


    I think Martin took every taboo and ran with it.

  4. and I don't think the mouse results can be directly applied to the human in this case who....


    sigh. hate censorship and self censorship just made the day a little more dead


    It is what it is.



    yes. yes it is.


    shiny snowy morning.


    One day people will realize censorship is the work of the dark one.


    I use to work with a guy who went to a church where they wouldn't allow there children to read Harry Potter.



    it was a known evil when i grew up. lots of really good books written about it children probably aren't allowed to read now. being told i couldn't do something always made me want to do it a lot more so maybe people will figure it out again.


    i was always alowed to read what i wanted. they knew i would anyway and it saved me cuting the covers off other books.


    i do not get the harry potter issue at all. like it's the first story with witches and magic ever told to children or so seductive it will turn them all into baby sacrificing demon worshippers. weird.


    The zealots would have a field day with GRRM or even RJ.


    not mainstream enough I guess plus the people who worry about those things aren't reading WoT and ASoIaF




    although grrm did manage to make it to cable.


    As did Sword of Truth. *shudders*

  5. and I don't think the mouse results can be directly applied to the human in this case who....


    sigh. hate censorship and self censorship just made the day a little more dead


    It is what it is.



    yes. yes it is.


    shiny snowy morning.


    One day people will realize censorship is the work of the dark one.


    I use to work with a guy who went to a church where they wouldn't allow there children to read Harry Potter.



    it was a known evil when i grew up. lots of really good books written about it children probably aren't allowed to read now. being told i couldn't do something always made me want to do it a lot more so maybe people will figure it out again.


    i was always alowed to read what i wanted. they knew i would anyway and it saved me cuting the covers off other books.


    i do not get the harry potter issue at all. like it's the first story with witches and magic ever told to children or so seductive it will turn them all into baby sacrificing demon worshippers. weird.


    The zealots would have a field day with GRRM or even RJ.

  6. and I don't think the mouse results can be directly applied to the human in this case who....


    sigh. hate censorship and self censorship just made the day a little more dead


    It is what it is.



    yes. yes it is.


    shiny snowy morning.


    One day people will realize censorship is the work of the dark one.


    I use to work with a guy who went to a church where they wouldn't allow there children to read Harry Potter.

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