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Posts posted by Muirenn

  1. Yes. Same as happens with an Accepted being raised to Aes Sedai. WT and BT have the same rules on relationships. As I said, without the same amount of homosexual characters that the WT has, the BT hasn't had to really deal with these situations until now. :)

  2. With the new influx of gay characters, and soon Aes Sedai as well, into the BT, I feel that it's time for a quick reminder on RPing relationships at DM.


    Relationships can only occur between characters of equal or equivalent rank. This means that Soldier-Soldier, or Dedicated-Dedicated relationships are just fine, but not Soldier-Dedicated, or Asha'man-Dedicated. Aes Sedai are the equivalent rank of an Asha'man. Same rules apply to them. And, of course, anyone of any rank may have relationships with civilians.


    Keep it PG-13 and have fun! :D



    Incarn DRPSW

  3. Muirenn nodded thoughtfully. The numbers alone meant that something else would have to be done, no matter how much she disliked the idea. But there were a few glaring errors in the proposal Rosheen had laid out.


    "We cannot use illusion to disguise ourselves. It is simply impossible. Some men, those who have been channeling for a time, learn to recognize when a woman holds the Source. I do not know how they do it, a mystery to us. And I cannot predict when one will know and when not. I will not take the risk of being discovered before we begin. Most outside of Tar Valon and the noble courts do not even recognize an Aes Sedai's ageless features. This far south, and in Murandy no less, I doubt any of these bandits have ever been within a hundred leagues of an Aes Sedai. We should be able to pass undetected. However," she grimaced, pulling her bound white hair to the forefront, "Those of us with white or gray hair will have to color it. There is no way to reconcile a young face with such an obvious marker of age. I assume that you will be able to procure the necessary materials for this, Rosheen?" she barely waited for a quick nod before continuing. "Black for myself, obviously," her coppery Domani skin assured that. She pointed to the other two aged Aes Sedai in turn, "I believe Careane was a blonde, and it will have to be something dark for Aledra." The old Green's hair was iron gray now. Muirenn very much disliked this discussion on age, necessary as it must be. Her lips were not the only ones turned down in distaste.


    "In addition, we cannot have the party of Aes Sedai split. I understand your reasoning, but if we can manage an audience with this man who calls himself the Bandit King, I must be assured that we have enough Aes Sedai to shield him. I have no way to gauge his strength aforetime," she shook her head slowly, sadly, "I will not have Aes Sedai lost because we assume we can take him with three. All six of us must be in one group. If he is holding the Source when we meet attempt a shield, it may take all six in any case."


    She disliked sharing so much with one not an initiate as well, but she could see no way around that either. They would need the Tower Guard, and as Rosheen was leading that group she needed to know what could and could not be done. The general may only command your armies in your name, but if you did not share with him all relevant information, even the battle plans of the greatest generals would falter and fail. She thought again how hair fine was the distiction between the Red and the Green. And at the same time how chasms separated the two. Our battle is now, she thought, her resolve hardening.


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

  4. Combat again. It was the thing Serge hated most about the training in the Black Tower. Whether it was with sword or saidin, he did not at all like the idea of fighting with another. He strove for harmony, and had experienced more than enough of fighting at home in Illian simply for who he was. Even here, there had been some tense encounters with others. Nothing had yet come to blows, but he was certain that was only a matter of time. It always was.


    And so, today he was part of a class of Dedicated learning thier combat weaves. Worse yet, it was always so easy for him to create the weaves to harm, and Healing was mostly beyond his grasp. No matter that he had tried to study it. It simply seemed his talents lay in the area of destruction rather than creation, much to his chagrin.


    On the order to pair up, he walked over to another Dedicated and gave him a quick nod, which was returned just as abruptly.

  5. Well, having organized this whole shebang, I get to (possibly) be in on both sides. So I'll give y'all the rundown on both of my characters, and then decide with the staff if one or both will be involved. :D


    Muirenn is quite literally a legendary Red. She's over 300 years old, and probably knows more about politics, history, etiquette, and law than any three sisters--simply by virtue of her age. She is also *incredibly* arrogant, and in a sense, has the right to be. This does, however, lead to her believing that her way is the right way...even when it is not. Also due to age, she suffers from arthritis in her hands and fingers, so she tends to do a lot of mundane work with the Power that would otherwise not be usual for an Aes Sedai. Things such as opening doors and the like.


    Appearance-wise, she is a Domani by birth, but has the blue eyes of the Alianin family, a very old and well established noble family in Arad Doman. She is tall and thin, more boney than the traditional 'willowy' Domani, with coppery skin and completely white hair.


    And then on the other side we have Serge, Dedicated of the Black Tower. He's here, he's queer, get used to it. :P Currently the only openly gay PC at the BT, Serge is probably the very *worst* stereotype of a Green you can think of. He's flirty and has a tendency to sleep around...lots. At 24, he's still young enough to think that he should have a choice in most things, even when he doesn't. For a long time he had a block and was unable to channel unless the situation was completely beyond his control. Oh, did I mention he's a perfectionist and more than slightly vain? He takes great care with every detail of his appearance, from taking up to an hour trimming his Illianer beard or ensuring not a speck of dust is on his black coat. Worse, he is a fisherman's son from the perfumed quarter who thinks he should have been born a noble. Lots of arrogance there.


    But some of his arrogance is justified. He's more than pretty. He will never have a 'ruggedly handsome' look. He is definitely pretty and he knows it. With his straw blonde hair and bright blue eyes, he's broken more than one heart when a girl was told about his...preferences.


    Recently, much of his easygoing nature has been literally beaten out of him by Marden, the BT weaponsmaster, who is also his mentor. He is the epitome of one who is a lover and not a fighter, and is only just now accepting the fact that to be an Asha'man is to be a weapon. Anyone bonded to him will be in for quite an adventure. :)

  6. Serge jerked away when he felt a hard blow to his hip. He flailed as he was roughly pushed out of bed, struggling to keep his balance. And again a blow struck him. Marden was actually beating him! No contact with others of any sort, he took his meals on the floor, and now this! He didn't know if he could bear it any longer! But then, what choice did he have? He certainly didn't have long to ruminate on such thoughts, because the cane hit him again, and he stumbled again trying to get out of the way. Within minutes he was dressed and ready for Marden's lesson. He didn't think he'd ever taken so little time to groom himself. How could anyone live like this?


    After a quick breakfast, Marden put Serge through a series of drills, not letting up until just before midday. Serge's torso was a mass of bruises. Everytime he had fallen, Marden had simply pulled him to his feet. Finally, when he could not stand up, even after several swift kicks to the ribs, Marden declared that it was time for lunch and walked away. Serge lay there for a few minutes more, struggling to catch his breath before attempting to stand once more and lumber over to Marden's porch.


    After nearly half an hour, which seemed all too short by Serge's reckoning, Marden decided it was time to begin again, this time with unarmed fighting. He tried to copy what he saw Marden doing, moving on the balls of his feet. But even drunk, Marden was much more graceful than he would likely ever be. He simply had to much bulk to move that quickly. But Marden pronounced his try well enough and moved on to different sorts of punches. Unfortunately, he decided to demonstrate them on his unwilling student. And he had not taught Serge how to properly block. Serge was knocked over in moments.


    Everytime he was knocked down, Marden waited for him to get back up, occasionally adding a kick for encouragement. As Serge became more and more tired, his blows became more wide, his guard more open, which only allowed Marden to get in more shots--to the body, to the head, to his arms and legs. And occasionally a kick for spite. Eventually, Serge once again reached a point where he could no longer stand. But Marden did not stop. The cascade of blows continued until Serge could feel himself losing consciousness. He could do nothing to stop the man. He reached out, grasping desperately for something, anything, to make the blows stop and found saidin. More desperate than he had ever been, he grabbed hold of saidin and channeled, Earth and Fire exploding just behind the weaponsmanster. And again just to his left. Serge heard Marden's loud curses, but the blows had stopped. He released saidin and fell into darkness.


    -Serge Karminov

    Soldier of the Black Tower

  7. Muirenn nodded and the stopped in front of one of the doors in the novice quarters. "Good. Here is your room, I am certain that your roomate will be eager to meet you. From what I know, she has also only just arrived. I expect you to meet me in my room in the Red Quarters immediately following breakfast tomorrow. We will begin your lessons in saidar then.


    "However, your first lesson about the White Tower will be to find out from someone where the Ajah Quarters are, and which room is mine. I will see you tomorrow morning." With that, Muirenn left the girl and returned to her own affairs.


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Sitter for the Red Ajah

  8. Muirenn was in her rooms working on some of her reports when it began. She heard a boom as of thunder, which was completely wrong. She had been sensing a storm about to break for days, but today was completely clear. No. It must be another type of storm. She groaned, cursing again that her Talent did not differentiate between storms of emotion and those of the more mundane variety. And then the wave hit. Panic. Fear. Anger. She stood quickly and almost fell, her knees wanting to buckle from the weight of it all. And then she heard the voice. She knew that voice. Had confronted it's owner once before. Muirenn took herself in hand and force herself to stand upright, embracing saidar as she did so. The White Tower was hers! She would show this interloper what it meant to tread on her territory.


    Downstairs, something was very wrong, and Muirenn would do something about it. She ran out of her rooms, calling the Red Ajah to arms, letting some of her Aes Sedai dignity slip of necessity. She had dealt with male channelers before, she was confident that such would be done now. But she had to be swift. Spotting a few Reds peeking out of their doors, Muirenn snapped at them, "Link with me! Now! There is no time to waste!" The two young sisters did so, Muirenn noted that they were two of the most newly raised, this would likely be their first encounter with a man who could channel. Hopefully not their last. She pushed that last thought out of her head as she continued into the hallways. Thirteen. She must have thirteen. Likely it could be done with less, but there was no room for error here. She could feel the cresting waves of panic and struggled to keep herself upright. No, it must be thirteen.


    She pulled every sister she encountered into the link, mostly Reds, but there were others, Yellows, Grays, Browns, even a Blue and an older Accepted. She hated that last. But there really was not a moment to spare. It had been mere minutes before the link had been completed, but minutes could mean the difference between life and death for all those below. When she had the thirteen, she began to weave, and a shimmering silver line appeared in the air, rotating slowly to form a gateway. It opened onto a side hallway just off the entry hall of the White Tower. It opened into chaos.


    She ushered the twelve others through quickly, each knowing what they must do. A Red and a Blue each holding a hand of the Accepted, murmering into her ears, calming her fears. It was a scene that would never have happened under normal circumstances. Perhaps never would again. Muirenn stepped through and allowed the gateway to snap shut again. She was just in time to see the center of the great hall collapse, taking with it the dreadlord Caladesh along with the Amyrlin and Keeper. Muirenn hiked up her skirts, and pushed through the crowd, calling for the circle to follow as best they could. She finally reached the edge of the chasm and began to weave, praying that it would be enough. She would show him. Whatever else happened, she would show him.


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Sitter for the Red Ajah

  9. Muirenn nodded as the Highest asked for her thoughts. She had considered the matter throughly in the past day since the ter'angreal had first been activated and shared it's message. And now Bonwhin's diaries had also been read. That, at least, she knew her own mind about. "The diaries of Bonwhin should be kept within the Ajah. Whatever she said or did, Bonwhin returned to the Red Ajah at her death, and we must keep her memory. No one else will. No matter what we show the world outside this chamber, they will never see any good in Bonwhin's writings, only pick out the bad. And that they will try to reflect back on the Red Ajah. No, they must remain here.


    "For the ter'angreal..." she paused, adjusting her shawl. "It is a great puzzle still. It would be good for the world to see this side of the Red Ajah, to see this part of our mission, to validate our cause. But there must be some reason it was hidden away. Perhaps the outside world is not ready for this either? Perhaps waiting for the opportune moment to reveal it? With the so-called Black Tower having appeared, the argument could be made that the moment is upon us. For now, I will say I do not know. I must hear the counsel of my sisters on this before making a recommendation."


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Sitter for the Red Ajah

  10. Muirenn smiled slightly, "I'm quite certain it is not safe. If it were, I doubt it would have been lost for so many thousands of years." She stepped onto the platform carefully, standing next to the Green. After a few moments, when no one else seemed to be interested in joining them, Muirenn exchanged a smile with the Green, and let the gateway snap shut.


    Instantly, everything went black and she gasped reflexively, hearing the Green do the same. In moments a lantern appeared on a stand in the middle of the platform. Now that was interesting. Apparently this place, wherever it was, adapted itself to the user. Certainly worth noting. She caught Kaylan's eye and smiled again, the two sharing a quick moment of embarrassment. It was probably a good that no others had joined them.


    She could feel a sense of movement in the platform, but this darkness looked all the same. It was...disconcerting, to say the least. Suddenly, the platform lurched to a stop, and another gateway began to form. Muirenn peered out as the railing shifted to allow them to leave, and saw to her delight that they were in a field about half a mile from a small manor house. This had been where she had 'retired' to nearly twenty years ago. It looked the same now as when she had left it just a few years ago. "Well, that worked as expected," she said briskly. "Would you like to try your hand at taking us back? I do not think, however, that it would be wise to attempt to gate into that small sitting room. And I do not think either of us know it well enough to do so. Have you any ideas of a location to return to?"

  11. Muirenn nodded slowly. She did indeed understand. There were some Whites who were elder, but few who had been involved in the political situation of the Tower as closely as she herself. And even fewer that could give a broad overview of the interplay between the Ajahs. One flaw in the Whites was that they tended to become too focused. And perhaps this was an opportunity as well.


    "Interesting questions you ask, sister. The Whites have always been very, well, White, in their politics," she gave a small laugh, "The sitters of the White Ajah tend to analyze and overanalyze every proposal put before the Hall until they can come to what they believe is a logical conclusion. Until quite recently, the Red and White Ajahs had a good working relationship. We were able to support one another on most proposals. However, as I'm sure you're aware, in the last few years the two Ajahs have had a...falling out of sorts. In short, the White stood with the Yellow and Brown in order to support changing Tower Law to prohibit gentling male channelers in favor of them being studied. I feel this was a very foolish move, although I understand the reason they decided that way. Two years later and we still have not learned one whit more that we knew before. The only thing is has done it treat those poor men as less than human. And in one case, has actually cost three Aes Sedai their lives.


    "One of the men who was held in Far Madding managed to escape Aes Sedai custody, and three Aes Sedai were killed in the escape. I do not know the details, only that the other two men who also attempted escape were also killed," she shook her head slowly, "No, changing Tower Law has not had any beneficial effect. I fear that the White Tower is in for dangerous times if this continues. Tower Laws were written for good reason. There must be strong reasons to change what centuries of tradition have upheld. And simply because the Browns and Yellows wanted to study what has already been studied is no reason to do so.


    "However, it seems something has happened in the past months to break the partnership between the White and the Brown and Yellow Ajahs. I cannot speak to that, perhaps being of that Ajah you can speak to the details?"


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

  12. Muirenn smile slightly at the eagerness of youth. "You are to be a novice until you are ready to become an Accepted or you are put out of the Tower because you are not strong enough to continue or have caused us too much trouble. But do not be too dismayed, once the Tower has ahold of you, it does not easily let go. However, there are some infractions that will get you removed from the Tower immediately. Dalliances with the Tower Guard trainees, continuous insubordination, thing such as those."


    She smiled again as the girl told her she was irritated by being referred to as child. More than a bit irritated, for Muirenn to be able to feel it. "As for your other question, I will speak of this only once, and only because you are new to the Tower, so listen closely. The greatest rudeness in the White Tower is to speak directly of another's age. That said, because you are new, I will explain things to you. Channelling gives many benefits to those who have the gift. One of those benefits is long life. I am by far the eldest sister in the White Tower. I have worn the shawl for well over two centuries. The only mark of age you will normally see on an Aes Sedai is a few gray or white hairs. Those hairs should be very much respected. With that in mind, we refer to novices as children because they are. They are very young in years and in experiences. They are also young in the use of saidar and must be closely guided in its use. Do you understand?" Muirenn waited for the girl to nod, "Good, because speaking of such things is distasteful. Have you any other questions? This is your first day, so you are not yet expected to know the rules and customs of the Tower. Because of that, I will be more free with my answers. This will not be the case tomorrow."

  13. Well, now, this was certainly interesting. Muirenn scanned the note the novice had just delivered. A new protege would certainly be interesting. And she supposed that it was time, now that she was again tied to Tar Valon as a Sitter. That child of a Mistress of Novices didn't have to sound so imperious. Although, if the woman had any inkling of Muirenn's true standing in relation to herself...well, her behaviour would certainly be much different.


    Well, time to go meet this new child. Muirenn sighed, the untrained novices always were the worst. At least the Accepted had proven themselves already...somewhat. And they usually only bothered her when it pertained to the Red Ajah. Which was how she liked it. She would see what this girl had to offer.


    As Muirenn arrived at Faerzyne's door, she knocked briskly and entered. No point in waiting when you had been asked in already. She almost sighed when she saw the tiny girl sitting there. Not another Cairhienin! They were the worst to train. So many bad habits to break. Likely, this is why she had been asked to take the child, her Talent would make things much simpler than another mentor would have. Muirenn nodded quickly to the Mistress of Novices speech, "Of course. Child, bring your things."


    She began to walk briskly out, leading the girl to her new quarters. As they walked, Muirenn began to explain the basics of novice rules. "Have you any questions?"

  14. Muirenn went through each bag meticulously, examining her purchases with care. That boy had been overdramatic to say the least. If he truly wanted to be a Warder some day, then she pitied the sister who took him. Even a Blue didn't deserve that sort of misery. But if he antics had damaged even one of the items purchased, she would make sure he had something to legitimately complain about.


    As she was nearly halfway through, she heard a knock on the door, then a yelp, and then it sounded as though someone was trying to batter down the door. This would certainly be interesting. No novice or Accepted she knew had that sort of temper. And then knew better than to mess with the wardings on her door. Anyone could see that the fine net of Fire and Air would give a good, brisk shock to anyone who interfered.


    She set down the porcelain teacup she had been examining, and embraced saidar, lowering the ward on the door. With a flick of her wrist, the door opened, and she saw what she only assumed was one of the Tower Guard with half her willow stick in his hands. Pity that. The servants would have to find another. She raised an eyebrow inquisitively, "Is there something that you want?"


    Grinning like an idiot at the Aes Sedai who had opened the door, there was no fear to be found in Aran's voice as he spoke. "You wouldn't happen to be Muirenn Sedai by any chance would you? You see, I've been trying to find a certain Aes Sedai who decided to turn one of my students into a porter for the day instead of doing her own carrying and" Aran leant to one side and looked down a bit "possibly working off some of her backside. You would be her wouldn't you?"


    Muirenn sighed, "Come in, we obviously have some matters to discuss. And I would rather it not happen in the middle of the hallway. Some of my sisters get nervous around men. This isn't the Green Ajah, you know." She gestured to a pair of chairs by the fire. Taking one for herself. "Now, my white hair may mean nothing to you, I've no idea how long you've actually been around the Tower. Additionally, matters of age are, as a rule, not discussed among Aes Sedai. Silly rule, I think. In any case, I am well over three hundred years old, I think I've earned the right to have a porter for the day rather than to carry packages with my own arthritic fingers. And really, how will that child learn to serve Aes Sedai if he will not obey a simple command? You've much work ahead of you if he is your student."


    A quirky smile coming over his face as she ignored his first insult, he went in but hesitated before deciding not to take a seat. He'd had a bad enough experience to the door, and he'd been around long enough to see Aes Sedai tie people to items with air. One of his own mentees had done it to him before, and someone who did whatever this Aes Sedai did to that door was certainly capable of something like that.


    As her speech ended, Aran laughed openly at her. "Nice try. You don't move like an old woman, and a woman who spends the entire day shopping, or going up the tower stairs day in day out, isn't all that arthritic. The issue is that you wasted a perfectly good day of his training, and my time as well which is far more grievous. If you really need someone to carry packages, you have no shortage of coin to hire someone to do it for you. Other mentors may have been content to let you use their trainees as runner boys like the Warders are, but I am not one of those mentors."


    "Really? I'd no idea I required the permission of a mere Tower Guard to approve of my choice in a porter. And I was under the impression that Trainees are in Tar Valon in order to learn how to serve Aes Sedai. He was being trained, if not in the way you would have wished. Now, I've had quite enough of your insults and insinuations. For you to be upset at my methods is one thing. For you to accuse an Aes Sedai of telling an outright lie is quite another. I've been polite; I've been patient. I do, and will continue to, use any trainee I wish to be my porter. And I've no need to justify my actions to you or anyone other than the Amyrlin Seat. I had thought it might be possible to hold a civil conversation with you about your protege's shortcomings. That is obviously not the case. Good day. Do be sure to shut the door firmly on your way out."


    While the sister was becoming more serious, the grin on Aran's face was just growing wider. As far as he was concerned, it was a sign of weakness that she was trying to get him out the door so quickly. "Mere Tower Guard? Maybe a couple of centuries up here in your ivory tower have put you on the otherside of senility, but there is nothing mere about a guard who spends their everyday ensuring your safety."


    Muirenn smiled sweetly, "Child, I am a Red, not a foolish Blue or Green. I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself. Now go before I have to prove it to you."


    Aran grinned "I'm not threatening you, but I will tell you something. Despite the fact that you're a lazy, self-absorbed and deluded woman. I suggest you poach someone elses trainees in the future if you wish to be so miserly that you won't pay coin for the service. I'm a magnanimous fellow though, so I'll forgive you, this time." Turning away, Aran made for the door.


    Petty insults from a petty man. Muirenn smiled, she would remember to be certain to chose this boy's trainees in the future. Both teacher and student had much to learn.



    -Muirenn and Aran

  15. Serge was sitting in a field, leaning against a tree, his lover's head in his lap. He played with the brown curls, twining them around his fingers. There couldn't be a more perfect day. He sighed, contented, as he caressed his lover's face and looked down. And saw to his horror that it was Marden's face.


    He started awake, and Marden's face was over him again, shaking him. His face flushed in embarrassment, as though the weaponsmaster could read his thoughts. Distantly, he hear the alarm call. Then, it was as though hearing made it so and all around was chaos. The walls seemed to be closing in, and the doorway leading to the rest of the house was quickly being filled in with vines. In short, they were trapped. Serge lashed out instinctively, the void coming instantly in such a situation. For months he had only been able to channel when attacked. And some part of him did not forget. It had only been when he had tried consciously not to kill Marden, his teacher, that he had been able to break that block. But he had no such hesitation now. Fire and Earth smashed into the opposite wall, causing it to explode outwards.


    The bits of wood did not fall as would be expected, but rather whipped about in the air. Serge lashed out with Spirit, as he saw Marden attacking them with his sword. Normally, dead things such as wood had no living spark to be affected with Spirit, it seemed things were different tonight. As his weave hit the bits suspended in the air they fell, lifeless once more. But for how long? Panting from the effort, Serge paused, making eye contact with Marden before the two heard a scream in the night. Serge nodded that he was ready, and set off to help in whatever way he could.


    -Serge Karminov


  16. Pathetic. But then, the new ones always were. Etienne shook his head slowly. At least all...messes...had been contained, and all candelabras were now lit. He called attention back to himself by clapping his hands once and amplifying the sound with saidin. It certainly had the desired effect of getting their attention.


    "Now that you have light, it is time to eat," Etienne said as he grabbed five bowls from the far counter with Air and placed them in front of the boys. Each contained only dry oats. He did the same with mugs which were empty except for a few tea leaves in the bottom. "This is what you will have for breakfast every day. Lunch and dinner will be similar. If you cannot make it for yourself, you will not eat. So you had best watch closely as I demonstrate. I will only do this once."


    Grabbing another set of bowl and mug, Etienne placed them in front of himself. He proceeded to create water, pulling on the thick green threads carefully to guide the correct amount into both the bowl and cup. After, he switched to thin threads of Fire, heating the water to boiling in both vessels. This weave took quite a bit of concentration, even in it's simplicity. "If you are not careful," he explained to the watching soldiers, "you will cause all the water to flash to steam, and will have to repeat the process again. This makes for very poor oatmeal."


    After each had boiled for long enough, Etienne changed the weave a third time using Air to cool the food to a temperature that was edible. "Again, this weave takes great care. If you do not, your food will simply be cold."


    The final step was the most amusing, at least to Etienne. Holding out his hand, he hardened Air into the shape of a spoon. "If you do not catch on quickly enough to this last weave, you will eat with your hands," he said, smiling slightly. "Now practice."


    OOC: RP the lesson, include each of the four weaves.


    -Etienne Tremares

    NSW Asha'man

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