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Posts posted by Muirenn

  1. Those of you BT boys posting interest who also have Aes Sedai, please consider also using your Aes Sedai for this RP. We have three interested Aes Sedai at the moment, and six interested BTers. Right now, the amount of BTers who can play is dependent on the number of Aes Sedai who play.

  2. I would like to see the first phases of this RP begin within two weeks. To that end, if you're still interested, please post here and also PM me with the name of your preferred bondmate (if you have one). I'll do my best to accomodate requests, but can't guarantee all of 'em. :)

  3. Adine cursed silently as she stumbled over a dead branch, and was steadied by Leila's helping hand.  She would never have been this ungainly under normal circumstances, years of training in elocution to make her seem less a farmgirl at the White Tower had seen to that.  But with her round and plain face, all the grace in the world still made her seem perhaps a village wisdom at best.  None of that mattered at the moment.  What mattered was that she was blindfolded and being led to meet a group of...what had Leila called them?  Wolfkind?  Kin.  Wolfkin, that was it.  And she was more than a little nervous about it.  Not the meeting itself, for which she had been assured that she would be allowed the use of her eyes, but for the fact it was in a Stedding.  Which meant that she could not use the One Power.  That was what had made her stumble, excuses about loose branches aside.  She had felt that cold chill of entering a Stedding, and the loss of saidar.  Not as though she were shielded, but as though the One Power simply did not exist for her.  She felt a wave of reassurance tinged with worry through the bond, and clasped Daishell's hand tightly, as much for comfort as to reassure him.  Outwardly, she tried to remain serene.  They had been assured safe passage, and she had agreed to this mad scheme, against her Warder's wishes.  Blindfolded and in a Stedding!  What could she have been thinking!  She kicked herself mentally for it again.


    But then, she knew what she had been thinking, had hoped.  Still hoped.  She needed allies now, more than ever.  And this group of Wolfkin had somehow escaped the Tower's notice up to this point.  It would be something if she could return to the Tower with such allies.  If she ever returned to the Tower.  If such would even be possible now.  Lanfir has stopped answering her pigeons weeks ago and Adine had no way to know how things fared in the rest of the Tower while she was cut off from her Ajah.  What was intended to merely look like a complete seperation from the Tower had become one in truth.


    Adine broke off from her thoughts as she suddenly heard others nearby.  Very near from the sound of it.  They were not loud, and without saidar she could hear only soft murmurs, not able to detect words.  And then Leila stopped her suddenly, telling her to wait.  She strained to hear the other woman but heard nothing for several seconds.  Then it was only the lull of Leila's voice, she recognized the timbre even if she could not make out the words.  Another voice answered, male, she thought.  And then moments later the blindfold was removed and Adine was left blinking, trying to allow her eyes to adjust to the brightness.


    "I am Adine Sedai," she said with a slight nod of her head, "I am honored that you have invited me to your home."  She tried not to be unnerved when several pairs of yellow eyes turned to face her.  There were no other coversations now.  Yellow eyes.  Each and every one of them had yellow eyes.


    -Adine Thorfin

    Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

  4. There's the entire Great Holding in Tear to play with, as it's controlled by the Dragon Reborn. You'd need approvals for which sorts of ter'angreal you'd want to create/copy, but I'd love to see something happen with that and get the BT more toys to play with. :)

  5. Muirenn couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew there had been rumors last time, back door deals, and midnight meetings to get the previous Amyrlin to choose a Keeper from another Ajah. But then Lanfir had gone and done her own thing. Really now, did the Grays think it would be different this time? And to actually say such a thing in the Hall! It was simply delicious. She smiled slightly to herself at how deep the chasms between the Ajahs had grown. Perhaps Sirayn would not be such a horrible choice, and it would keep the Seat from the Blues and Browns. And that Cairhienin was ruthless and singleminded. It would be almost as good as having on from her own Ajah, not the Red, on the Seat. Perhaps something could be done to influence her choice of Keeper in that direction. Especially if she came from the Gray. There were certainly possibilities there. Muirenn tucked it away for future thought.


    For now, she sat quietly, watching. Would any of the Ajahs speak against her? The support of the Gray was expected, of course. And the Red usually voted with the Gray. But who could say in choosing an Amyrlin, where every hand wished to grab for power? In any case, she would not speak. She had certain duties to perform as the eldest in the Hall when they decided to call in the cantidate, but that was not yet. For now, she would watch.


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Head of the Black Ajah

    Sitter for the Red Ajah

  6. After reviewing applications, Owen and I have asked Ata to join the DRPSW staff as the new SG DL. Please join me in congratulating her on her new position!


    She has also infomed me that her second will be The Don, so congrats go out to him as well!


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Incarn DRPSW

  7. After a long stint as SG DL, Rand is stepping down due to real life conflicts. We are sorry to see him go, as he did an amazing job with the SG Div. Thank you for your service Rand.


    And that means we need a new leader for the SG Div! The position requires someone who is active, and can devote several hours a week to administrative duties. Major duties include manufacturing and coordinating RP opportunities for members of your Div, and working with the rest of the PSW staff to guide the DRPSW. IC rank is no barrier to applying. If you are interested and think you have what it takes to lead the SG Div, please send an application to incarns@gmail.com. Applications will be open until Dec 4, one week from today.


    I look forward to reading all applications!


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Incarn DRPSW

  8. Please join me in welcoming the newest member of the DRPSW Staff! After much discussion and some good timing on the part of Owen for actually being online when I needed him (:P), we have asked Russ/Sasra to be the new WT DL.


    Congratulations Russ!


    -Owen and Muirenn

    DRPSW Incarns

  9. Muirenn raised an eyebrow at the name calling by the Tower Guard, but ultimately, he was correct. She had certainly been called worse than 'wench' in her day. As a Red out hunting male channelers it was often far worse. The moment the mission was completed however...well, that wold be dealt with when it had to be dealt with. As for wearing breeches, well, what could not be avoided must be endured. And acting as the man's mistress? Really! The very idea was laughable!


    The next step was to find suitable clothing for the Aes Sedai. There was little trouble in that regard. Some quick work with a needle, which, Muirenn had to admit, she hadn't done on her own in quite a while, and breeches and shirts were altered to fit. Her seams were not the straightest by far, but then they were *supposed* to be a disreputable lot, weren't they? She could always get away with letting everyone thing she meant it to be that way. She gave a small smile, if only they really knew. Weapons were a bit more difficult, as most of the Aes Sedai wore only belt knives, and the Tower Guard did not have extra weapons. At least not ones they were willing to hand over to unskilled Aes Sedai to play with. So for the time being, they would practice bladework in shifts, and pick up some passable weapons at the next town.


    The first order of business, however, was to use the hair dyes that had been found for them. Some quick work over a washbasin and she had raven black hair once again. It had been nearly a hundred years since her hair had any hint of it's natural color. And now as she surveyed the results in a looking glass she could see that the results were striking. Unbound, her hair fell to the middle of her back in dark waves.


    With the white gone, her Aes Sedai features were much less pronounced unless one knoew what to look for, and she appeared simply a Domani woman in her late twenties or early thirties. On a whim, she borrowed paints and powders from the Green, and it took little time for her hands to remember their early learned skills. Long before she had begun using them to learn how to toss fireballs or weave a ward, her hands had been trained for use as a Domani merchant. And they remembered the long hours put in on rouging a cheek just so and applying brow darkener with a steady sweep. And now as the last touch, she removed her great serpent ring from her right hand with a sigh and stored it away in her belt pouch. No, that would not do. If they were searched it would be discovered all too easily. She strung it on a cord around her neck instead, it being much less likely that she would be patted down in that area.


    After recieving a once over by the Green, who laughed with a childish delight at seeing the old Red turned into a young Domani, they left the tent together in search of the others and the Tower Guard.


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Domani Wench

  10. The Incarns are now accepting applications for WT DL. Before you apply, please make sure you have the time necessary to put into running a Division, I usually recommend at least 10-15 hours a week, aside from any RPing. Other than that, anyone, of any rank, is encouraged to apply. Apps should be mailed to incarns@gmail.com.


    Per requests, some things that we look for in apps that will give us a more complete picture of you (especially since it's impossible for us to know everyone!):


    - Any previous experiences in a management position (not necessarily at DM)

    - Familiarity with DM rules & guidelines

    - Plans for the future of the WT (major plotlines you'd like to see/do, big changes you'd make, etc)

    - Why you want the job/why we should pick you (this is important! if you aren't jazzed about your ability to do the job, then we can't get jazzed about it either! talk yourself up! we are trying to get a feel for who you are/what you can do! :D)


    Apps will be open for a week, so get crackin'!


    -Muirenn and Owen

    DRPSW Incarns

  11. Oh Light no! Serge groaned audibly when he heard his name called. That shrill voice was the same as he had always heard in childhood when he had been caught doing something he oughtn't. Deidre. He supposed after the way he had gone she was right to use that tone. But it wasn't as if he had been given a choice in the matter. Hurt his family by leaving without a word, or kill them by explaining. The look in Deidre's eyes now confirmed that he had been correct. That look of utter betrayal. And now he had to make the entire situation worse to make it better.


    She started to run and he went after her, grabbing her arm to keep her from getting away. She looked up at him and he thought for a moment that she would try to escape, but she simply allowed herself to be led back to where the others were gathered. He didn't answer her questions, didn't want to admit what she could see with her own eyes. That he was tainted now. He hated having to do this to her, but explanations would have to be for later. Deidre had never been one for screaming, but if she did now, at the wrong moment...it did not bear thinking about. And then the begging started, the pleading whispers for release, and something inside him tore free. She was now as much a prisoner as he. When the gateway opened, she fainted, which Serge counted a mercy. He picked her up gently, and carried her through.


    Nearly as soon as the gateway closed behind them, one of the other Dedicated came up and began to tell Serge how frightened Deidre was, and to be kind to her. As if he could not see with his own eyes what this curse had done to his sister. He gave the other man a withering glare which was promptly ignored. Deidre came to then, and Serge forgot about the nattering jay for a moment as he grasped saidin and delved her to ensure that she had suffered no lasting harm. She pushed away from his chest and he let her down gently, not wanting her to harm herself trying to get away.


    Then Ged was back again, trying to talk to her, to find out her name, which she curtly supplied before turning back again to her brother and asking where they were going. Serge sighed, it could be put off no longer. "Deidre," he began, haltingly, not knowing the words he should use, "You do be correct in your thoughts. I do be one of the Dedicated, a man of the Black Tower, in service to Jarron, the Dragon Reborn. I do be able to channel, and I can no help that." The last trailed into a whisper. "I did no want to upset you, or Ma, or Da. I did think it best this way," he shot her a heated look, "I did no think you would try to follow me! What were you thinking?"


    Her next words stunned him, that she had been to be married. And he thought he knew what she meant by the 'wrong sort of man'. They needed to talk, and alone. He had to find out exactly what had happened, and find out how matters were with her now. He also had to explain as gently as possible that she would not be allowed to leave the Farm, could not be allowed to leave. Stepping quickly, he came between Deidre and Ged, who had continued blithely on, apparently oblivious to the undercurrents of the situation.


    Serge snapped at him, rather more roughly that he had intended, "This do be family business, Ged. Go be making yourself useful and tell the M'Hael Haran that we do have another new civilian to look after. I be taking her to the Weaponsmaster's home for now. The other ladies can be seeing to her care after that, and making her a sight more comfortable." He turned back to Deidre and led her toward the small house he shared with Marden. On the way he asked, "Tell me what happened, Deidre, and how you came to find me here."


    -Serge Karminov

    Dedicated of the Black Tower

  12. It had been weeks now since Marden had tried to kill him. No, that was not really true, he reprimanded himself. He had just been beaten to unconsciousness. What was it the man had against him? He seemed to simply be angry at the world, and was taking it out on Serge Karminov. That wasn't particularly true either, but it was what Serge had been telling himself to avoid the real reason. That he was simply a failure. His position in the Tower ensured that everyone could see that. He was the only soldier ever to be given a non-channeler as a mentor. And that was simply despite his ability, his penchant for learning weaves, Serge Karminov could not channel a lick unless he was completely without control. When he could no longer handle events around him. And then it was ugly and violent. And how ironic that he had no wish to be a weapon. All he wanted was to live.


    But more and more, it seemed that Marden wanted to thwart that simple ambition. His unprovoked attacks, within the guise of 'training' had become more frequent, more intense. No other trainee had a face that was a mass of bruises. True, he had much to show for it, his bladework had greatly improved, as had his skill at hand to hand combat. But Marden was a master, and altough Serge was reasonably sure that he could handle himself well against a street thug, he was still no match for the Weaponsmaster.


    And now Marden wanted to take him on a trip outside the Tower, into the woods beyond. He called it another training exercise, but Serge was more than a bit suspicious at this point. He ached constantly, and the worst of it was that he had been refused Healing by every Asha'man in the camp, being told that they would not interfere with a mentor and his protege in this matter. So he was alone. Again. Dreadfully alone, and fearful of what the next day was to bring.


    -Serge Karminov

    Soldier of the Black Tower

  13. "Seemingly two seperate groups but together as one," Muirenn agreed. "So long as our number is not truly split any pretense you wish to assume will be well." The girl had agreed, and Muirenn would not break what pride she had left. It was enough.


    She nodded to the Maegan as Rosheen left, and the younger woman immediately put up a ward around the tent. Muirenn split the party into two sets of three. Herself, Careane, and Saya would be in one group; Maegan, Aledra, and Perine would be in the other. It was a good balance on each side. And it was only pretense, after all. She would ensure that their tents were placed close together each night, and instructed the other Aes Sedai to insist on the same. Six voices speaking as one might be necessary. They had to be able to link at will without having to scour half the camp for their counterparts.


    All the details of the impeding mission seen to, she waited patiently for the necessary supplies to arrive. And steeled herself for another encounter with that irritating Tower Guard. But what could not be avoided must be endured.


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

  14. Muirenn returned the woman's gaze just as icily. "He has no followers from outside of Murandy. And the last time an Aes Sedai came even as far as Lugard would have been when he was a child. The Tower avoids Murandy for the most part, nearly as much as we avoid Amadicia. There is no one to treat with, and even the Grays gave up shortly after the Aiel War. I am confidant that he has no one who will recognize the face of an Aes Sedai. Even so," she allowed, "with it being near on winter, having the entire group cloaked and hooded would not go amiss."


    Muirenn looked at Rosheen speculatively, seemingly studying her and coming to some private decision, "You would be surprised at what Aes Sedai are capable of, Rosheen. This is your first command, is it not? I remember my first command well. We were sent to Tear, to convince the High Lords to stop adding to the Great Holding. That was, oh, close on three hundred years gone now. I had much your same enthusiasm then, your idealistic confidences. And it nearly got me and my party killed then. I will not allow the same thing to happen here because of your reckless arrogance. Aes Sedai are not simpletons, neither are they so incompetant in the basics of disguise as you seem to believe. In my years I have brought in over two dozen male channelers for the White Tower, and investigated nearly five times that number. This is not the first time I have had to blend into unsavory circumstances, and I am certain it will not be the last. The same can be said for nearly every woman in this tent. Gray hairs mean something for an Aes Sedai. We live long, and have experienced much."


    Abruptly her manner changed, dropping into a lilting Murandian accent, "I have been Aleis do Larinda a'Palan, a minor landed noble." Her accent changed again, to the sounds of Saldaea, "I have been Latrella Ahzan, a wide-eyed farmgirl." And again to the simple speech of Far Madding, "I have been Sarinda Aleman, a merchant of middling stature." Her manner changed each time as well, lightning quick. She slipped back into her native Domani accents just as easily, "And I was raised a Domani high merchant," her eyes smokey now, her voice a caress. "Man or woman I could twine around my finger, I learned at my mother's feet the one hundred and seve kisses and ninety-three ways to touch a man's face. Ninety-four for a woman," she turned those sultry eyes on Rosheen, and then in an instant was all Aes Sedai serenity again.


    "I am no innocent Lieutenant, and neither is any woman in this tent. Do you really think the White Tower would have sent such? If so, you have much to learn if you ever truly wish to become a Warder. The Aes Sedai will not be split. Doing so has too much risk of failure, and that I will not abide. Any opportunity that presents itself we must be able to seize, and immediately. It will not do to have to take time for the six to be gathered. We must be able to be flexible in our timing and methods.


    "We will infiltrate the camp, as you say, and allow Aran to do his work. In the meantime, he seems a disreputable sort. Have him attend us and give us some teachings in the ways of bandits. And for those few among us who have had no weapons training, I would have them learn at least the basics of using a dagger so that they appear comfortable with one at their hip. That should be sufficient."


    -Muirenn Lina Alianin

    Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

  15. More gay characters! :D


    /end selfishness :P


    Seriously though, there are lots of youngin's with the spark (guilty!), and many fewer middle-aged or older learners. Also lots of borderlanders and Andorans. I think I'm the only Illianer, and we also have an Amadician. I don't think we have any Tairens, Domani, Taraboners, or Altarans. Hope that's the sort of info you were looking for!

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