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Posts posted by Mystica

  1. Handle: The Bard Babe

    E-mail: the_nextjdp@hotmail.com

    RP Group: Freelanders

    Character type: Freebooters

    Name: Daera Carrades

    Gender: Female

    Age: 31

    Job: Illuminator

    Country of origin: Kandor

    Eyes: dark brown with sun-bleached streaks

    Skin: Tanned

    Height: About 5”7

    Stature: Pretty average

    Hair: Long, perfectly straight blonde hair, held back with a plain scarf


    Personality: As the founder and mistress of the Illuminator’s Chapter House in Cairhrien, Daera is a strict, serious and sarcastic woman with a leader’s aura. Although she is only fairly young to run a Chapter house, Daera is very logical and intelligent with a creative streak and an appreciation for beautiful things/people that brings out her hidden soft side, rarely seen but for those who have earnt her hard-won trust. She is a mother figure to everybody, and disapproves of cursing, gambling and drinking, ensuring that these practices don’t find a way into her Chapterhouse.



    Character history:

    Daera was born in Kandor, the first child to her parents-both members of the Guild of Illuminators. Her mother, a low-level illuminator whom Daera was very close with, taught her everything she knew about her occupation and quickly found that Daera had a rare skill and unnatural innate abilities. After Daera’s two younger brothers were born, their father was rarely around as he was always off selling his wares and making performances. He sent home money to his family to keep them going and whenever he came home they had a grand feast and celebration. Daera’s mother continued to cultivate Daera’s great skill with illuminations, something that her little brothers did not possess to quite the same level. However, Daera’s mother fell ill when Daera was 15 and her brothers were 9 and 12 respectively. Though Daera continued to learn illuminations from her mother, she increasingly began to make her own creations, starting with little improvements on conventional illuminations and progressing to completely new innovations when she had spare time from looking after her mother and her little brothers. Once Daera created a set of fully developed, completely new innovations, her father returned and the decision was made that he would stay home and look after the family in Kandor while Daera made the journey to the Tanchico Chapterhouse to learn and create in a proper Illuminator’s environment.

    On her 17th birthday, Daera began her journey to Tanchico. She travelled with great speed directly to the Chapterhouse, determined to do her parents proud and learn as much as she could from the Illuminators. Her inventions were immediately taken into the Illuminator’s repertoire and Daera was apprenticed to the Master Illuminator, who taught her for several years, up until Daera was the second to none but the Master Illuminator herself. During this time, she found herself missing her little brothers and began to care for the younger members of the Guild that lived in the vicinity of the Chapterhouse. A few men tried to catch her eye, but she quickly changed their minds with a drub over the head and often a violent threat of more.

    With 20 years, Daera began to make trips out to demonstrate illuminations to the nobility. It was through several of these trips that through a lot of effort, she gained permission for the Illuminator’s to begin a Chapterhouse in Cairhien. She hurried home, and upon hearing the grand news, the Master Illuminator told Daera that she would be the one opening and building up the new Chapterhouse.

    Since that day, when Daera was 23, she has been running the Cairhien Chapterhouse and the Cairhien sector of the Illuminator’s Guild. She took seven others with her and several young ones, but she was also granted the trust to go and seek out new members, should her numbers need significant boosting.

    With her motherly nature, Daera quickly established herself in a teacher role and now the built the Cairhien Chapterhouse’s education facilities into the best in the Guild.

    She has now been running the place for nearing ten years, happily teaching and inventing, looking after her entire Chapterhouse with her strict eye and sarcastic comments.

  2. I am having a really hard time with this bio, to be honest. I've talked with Arath about allowing an Aiel to become a member of the Black Tower, provided the background story and the following storyline of the character was in line with Aiel culture. The very idea for the an Aiel to become an Ashaman was very unprecedented, but I was willing to allow one anomaly provided it kept with the realism of the culture of the Aiel and the whole of the WOT-dom.


    One anomaly is one thing. But there are so many elements in this bio that are decidedly uncharacteristic for Aiel that it crosses the line of believability.


    I will discuss this with Arath in detail first. I'm sure that we can come to a sollution on this if you are flexible and willing to compromise.


    For now however, I can't approve it yet.

  3. update: I've scheduled time in for the bios so that they will get a reply by the end of this week. I had to do it like this because my family (bless them) is giving me a hard time to find me-time. Dunno what's up with them..... They never spent this much time with me before. I'm sure it won't last though so things should get back to normal soonish.


    I've received both bios and have gone over them once. From the first glance it looks good, so shouldn't take too long to get you both going. Just want to give them both my full attention before I post them so we don't get a negative cross-check which may delay things more.


    Thanks for your patience you two. I know it's no fun to wait (seems like I'm saying that a lot lately ((or not so lately)) :dry: ).

  4. Hi there Bard Babe and welcome!


    There are no illuminators active at present and I don't even know if there ever were any so I'm very excited about getting one :biggrin:


    Why don't you think of an RP that you would like to do with your illuminator and we can see which other characters might fit in with it. If necessary we can make an NPC which would be used for one or two RP's but that would not be a constant character.

  5. I've received your pm and have responded to it that you need to send it to the FL email account. Only then can we process your submission. :)


    I don't know if you've read the sticky info thread here that explains about submitting a bio and such, so I recommend doing that. :)


    Kathleen or I will get to your bio when you've sent it to the email account.

  6. Endora considered the girl's words for a moment while sipping her tea. She always started her time with apprentices the same way. Have them spend a night or day doing absolutely nothing. People often underestimated the power of nothing. The effect it had on a person's mind. The underlying layers that bubbled to the surface and the truth it unveiled at the end of it. It wasn't a punishment, but a test of how the girls saw themselves. And again, Endora's method proved sollid. This one instantly jumped to the conclusion of having toh. A tricky business that, for among Aiel toh had to be met and no one could decide if you had any or when you were done meeting it but the person themselves. It was also one of the main parts of being Wise, to distinguish real toh from missplaced pride, fear or unrealistic standards.


    'balance in my words' Endora pondered. 'Yes, there is no doubt. This one is full of pride.' But honest pride, with a big level of responsibility. They would need to find a way to culture that responsibility without letting it become rigid and unyielding. She motioned to Aphynea to sit down.


    "Why are the Wise Ones called wise?" she asked, ignoring for the moment the comment about toh. "Why do Clan Chiefs listen when Wise Ones speak?"

  7. the mother wouldn't be contacting the kin. She would be travelling towards Tar Valon and asking around in various towns and cities (carefully) to see if there weren't any Aes Sedai around. One of the Kin could be an innkeeper or a Healer she visits or a shop keeper or whatever. Maybe she becomes feverish and has to see a Wise Woman and she speeks in her sleep or something, allerting the Kin without he woman knowing she was with Kin.

  8. I don't think we made any decision on the final storyline yet. Those were just brainstorming ideas, if I remember correctly.


    I would like to showcase the life of an Assessor (Search and Rescue Kin), so a rescue mission would be something I'm interested in doing.


    How about this idea:


    a young girl is accused of being a dark friend by the people of her village because every time she gets angry fires start to break out. She gets really sick every time it happens, which is how the people of the village link the fires to her and say that she is being punished. Her father is a fervent believer of the Children of the Light and has sent for one of them to come and check out his daughter. Her mother, on the other hand, while having put up with her husband's rantings against channelers, is terrified for her daughter's life and left to find one of the witches to help her to rescue her daughter. Instead, she comes across one of the Kin and it is decided that it would take too long to find a random Sister wandering about and by the time she would get to the village the girl would be killed. So the Kin mount a rescue mission to get the girl before the Children arrive. They will need to be quick, cunning and strong to succeed because the father is not letting his daughter out of his sight. He has her locked up in her room and has organised a watch guard with the other villagers, who all think he's a hero for protecting them against his own daughter.

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