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Posts posted by Karasayl

  1. Well slow and barely is still skating :P I sort of got turned away from it during a elementary school skate years ago. Some kid fell in front of me and I wasn't able to steer clear and WHACK. Near unconscious that time.

  2. You cut your head with the blade?! Ack, no kidding about dangerous. I saw someone cut up bad from skates in a hockey game once..not pretty.


    Haha, well Im sure anything you do at free skates is fancier than anything I can do (I can't skate) :P

  3. Well, I try never to get into a fight I can't win. Better to be smart about these things than run blind into the fray..that being said.... *sips my tea with a grin*



  4. Hehe makes sense 8)


    I'm no sister, but I think I just had a vision of foretelling. Good point of reference to note. Ahh this poor Aspie is going to need to train and prepare myself for when I'm to be bonded one day.


    What do you think Charis? hehe  ;D

  5. No worries Ed, my net has been on the fritz all day. Im going to try to stay up late tonight, but then I gotta wake up early for trainning :\


    Oooh! Ed, Adella is calling ya you out as a bad influence :P I'm curious now.



  6. Ahh, but homework on a weekend? I was always one of those last minute types myself ;)


    Oh just horribliy singing to some songs...and trust me, its not a pretty sound haha


    What are you studying?

  7. Well..Im not really putting too much energy into it...mostly goofing off looking at this/that online. Feeling sluglike today, so I can't be bothered actually doing anything resembling work ;)

  8. Hmm, well right now I'm trying to figure out how to design/build and host a webpage for a little side business of mine. I ought to hire a web designer/host, but no clue where to find them. I'm not the most..tech saavy :P



  9. Haha well,Im on Fiddlesticks since I don't have too many options as of now. But I'll take a look at the Black Tower. What does the BT talk about mostly?


    Hmm...as for what do I like, thats hard to say. I guess one can say I dabble in this and that :)

  10. Wow 3 different groups? Seems very time consuming :P I guess its just a matter of time for me too. Gotta meet more people and see whom I connect best with I guess. ANy recommendations what to check out?


    Hey ed, welcome back!


  11. Thanks Adella, I appreciate it. I have spent some time in the White Tower as of late. Waiting until I have access to the Warder's Yard and the Ajah Halls. Until then, mostly I just poke my head in here.

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