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Posts posted by Karasayl

  1. P.S. Hey Karas!!!!


    Just found out today that you were a guy. :D

    Sorry! >.<





    *is restricted to his phone again*


    LOL Well thats er..never happened before. Ed, er..you could have asked  ;D What was the big give away?


  2. Yhea Valerian root is just an herbal supplement suppose to relax and help one fall asleep- but sounds like falling asleep isn't really the problem.

    I dunno man, sounds rough :( 



  3. I dunno, hands down its Berelain for me. She has the looks, the  aura of sexiness (as I call it), and can hold down an intelligent conversation.


    As for attitude I'd have to go with Graendal as well. Lanfears right up there, but eh....I get turned off by those whom are on the edge of crazy/obsessed/spiteful. :P

  4. Notthing wrong with being nocturnal, just think, one doesn't have to worry about getting a sunburn when going outside ;) hehe Only issue I could see is lack of eating establishments open. And with how often I'm thinking of food, that would be a BIG problem!


    Now for those who just don't like going to sleep..I cant figure them out. I get 4 hours of sleep a night...so, Karas here needs his beauty rest  ;D


    Thus..*points to my cup of coffee* hehe

  5. 6am and not slept yet!?! Insomnia ?:( I just took a 15 minute snooze on my train ride into work, and for some reason I feel more tired afterwards..


    Haha I didn't know Mean Girls was that popular of a movie :P Shame that Lilo has gone bonkers..



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