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Posts posted by alannalynn

  1. Lol, it? :D Yeah, he kept saying how he loved his power today because he tells people to go do mic check and they listen, so I was obstinate and refused to sing for him right away. Then I went and stayed with him in the sound booth until opening... *schleeppy*


    Adella: <3 Good to know!


    I honestly LOVE the guys in this show, I've become so comfortable around everyone, and I wanna cry everytime someone says we'll never see each other again after gradumacation. GRR, they about had me to tears tonight before I went on! lol.

  2. ^_^


    We had two shows today, the first was just Act 1 and a "princess party," the second was the full thing. Today was soooo much fun, OMG.


    Anyways, his name is Charlie and he's our mic guy and LOL. So, the cast went to Steak and Shake after the show and one of our leads, Adam Ball, is crushing on Charlie and so am I, so we were fighting over who he would sit beside and I'm like "Adam, he reached down my shirt and he wouldn't even touch you!" haha, he was putting my mic on my bra strap. ANYWAYS, we just had so much fun today and Charlie is adorable and ended up sitting beside me. :D And I look like a whore.... :/ teehee. I've been flirting with him all day, too bad he's a junior.  ::)[/end fantasizing]

  3. *late arriving* Yes, dead. 2nd show down, 4 to go!


    Tonight was BAD. And I only got 2 hours of sleep last night, but school is officially over, and grades turned in (though we still have to go all next week, WHAT?)

  4. *steps in* The opening show was great. Great great great!!! :D I was so worried but it went better than expected and my parents said me and my "sis" were comic relief. haha! *excited for tomorrow!* How is everyone else?

  5. *hugs* Yeah. Alanna has a game plan for today!!! :D Curling the hair, doing french homework, getting to school... then whatever else happens happens because that's all I know I need to do. haha. Thank goodness tomorrow is the last official day for seniors! So... off I go, probably won't be on for another 12 hours. Blah. Byes!

  6. I is. Well, sad Charis is LoA, happy I'm done with testing, stressed for opening night and rushed and etc, but still EXTREMELY relieved. I have not a clue WHAT to feel at the moment. I just painted my nails. :)


    Oh, and HI KARAS! lol.

  7. Lol, I really shouldn't spastically (is this a word?) cry. Time to do chores, bed, up, shower, coffee, study, Econ, eat, curl hair, to school, trig, french, english, preparations, then opening. *byes*

  8. *pacing* *pacing* oh my god. I can't do this. *pacing* UGH UGH UGH GAO! I feel like my head will explode. I need a to do list..... *thinking* I can't study tonight. I'm too tired. Tomorrow then. Grrrrr.


    okay, so alanna will be awake at 4am, HOPEFULLY, with coffee to study for a test she's gonna fail anyways? ARG. *hates this*


    I'm so stressed over this test that I'm pretty indifferent about opening tomorrow. Yay. *unenthusiastic*

  9. :) Now I'm REALLY hungry. And I think I'm gonna just wing the test. It's the last big thing before I'm done, I think I have the right... kinda. Arg. I just have no time and I keep falling asleep!

  10. lol. Wow. You know what sucks, apart from vacuum cleaners? Coming home at 10, after a 7 hour rehearsal, and also needing to study for an 8am test the next morning, and your parents telling you you have to do chores. I mean, WHAT? Golly, they could at least let me wait until tomorrow or something. haha.


    *calm* :) <---my peaceful face

  11. It was good! :D It was funny, we were getting ready to leave rehearsal, and our narrator David was like "ohmygosh we missed Glee" The whole dressing room freaked. haha. Glee fans!

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