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Posts posted by alannalynn

  1. *enjoys the huggles* :)


    Meh, I really don't handle it well. I'm terrible with time-allotment, or so my parents tell me. It's more like 50% internet, the rest split with school, chores, etc. lol


    I would read all day if I had the choice but my parents don't like me reading.

  2. Unfortunately I am busy, but hopefully not for long. It's just because school is ending and I'm in and out because I don't technically have to be there and I haven't really been home for two weeks so my parents are making up for all the time I missed. I got a hair cut this morning and went to choir, picked up my graduation stuff, ate lunch, went home, did chores and later I have the senior awards ceremony to get to.


    So, yes, I guess I am a pretty busy person.


    How are you doing today Millon?

  3. Ooohh!!!! lol. Sounds like fun actually! I love driving... just not in my broke car. ^_^ I always thought the 12 hours to or from SC was the best part. Road trip!


    Mommy's kicking me off for chore in a few minutes...

  4. ^_^ Today's show was pretty good, technically tomorrow's the last show, technically not... We're performing Act one for middle schoolers, but then we've been invited to perform at the Coranado Theatre here downtown so that's pretty dang awesome.


    Our cast has had so much drama though. Um, yeah. Our giant/granny/nature woman got scarlet fever, her double castee AND her were fired from the cast, she showed up today, highly contagious, freaking out and screaming and yelling at the makeup crew and had to be escorted out... oh my gosh, it's been madness. Thankfully our double casted Lil' Red could miss her friend's graduation to do the part. But that girl showing up again backstage with scarlet fever was ridiculous... Uneeded stress. :/


    I'll probably be on more this week, no homework, though it's the last technical week for seniors. :)

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