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Posts posted by alannalynn

  1. Oh! My car's been looked at! SOOO much better than expected! They said the issue was the stabilizer, a loose bolt, and a rusted spring. Hopefully this is all that's wrong, but they're such little things to make so much noise! Should only cost $107!  :D *dances jig*

  2. Well, I really am sick, and my car really does have a doctor's appointment at 10:30. And school ends for me next Friday, so it's not like I'm missing anything. lol. :) Not playing hooky from my sitter-ness though! ha



    *sees new post* Hopefully so, I'm getting the price estimate today. :/

  3. *looks to the bright side* At least school's almost over and hopefully you'll never see her again? :D :D


    It'll be fine once you get writing though, generally it's easy to remember something, or the general flow of it, once you begin rewriting. *from experience*

  4. Oh noes! *huggles* My Algebra teacher in 8th grade swore up an down that I hadn't turned in some assignment, and I refused to do it again. She called my parents and gave me a zero. Then she found it. LOL. She was an evil woman.


    Did you not type the paper?

  5. She's my step great grandmother. :) But she absolutely loves me and is already bringing me to FL the week after graduation, hence the guilt. I figure I'll give her any graduation money I get, and then finish paying her back with possibly 50% of my paycheck this summer; I have nothing better to spend it on other than Taco Bell. lol.

  6. *takes a sigh of relief* I feel SOOO bad asking her for money, even though I'm paying her back. She just told me to get an estimate and we'd go from there... :/ I've already replaced so much on my car. I already know my front alignment is rubbing away my right tire... not good. *frustrated & stressed*

  7. It sucks. I only got mine and my car in January when I turned 18. I love my car, but it gives way too much trouble. *preparing for grandma speech*


    My house is ssssooo COLD!

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