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Posts posted by Adella

  1. Hmm, I intended to just have a fun time finding out what people enjoy, and maybe funny stuff they don't enjoy.


    Basically it would be we have a theme, like holidays, and everyone would name their favorite holiday and least favorite holiday.


    Once a few people answered I was gonna pick a new theme, like reading material, and then everyone could chime in on what they like and dislike reading.


    And so on and so forth. Does that make more sense?

  2. My favorite holiday is MY BIRTHDAY! It's my own personal holiday where everyone celebrates ME! What's not to love?! (Not that it ever really works out that way, but I still love the concept.)


    Least favorite holiday... Sweetest day. Cause who needs a tiny version of Valentine's Day??


    I know some weird obscure holidays from my time working at Hallmark lol.

  3. New game, you may hate it or whatever, I don't really care. I might stab you though.


    I will pick a theme/subject, and you will tell us your favorite and least favorite thing in that theme/subject.

    Feel free to explain why if you feel the need to.

    Of course you can make comments on each other's stuff, try to convince others that you're right, but keep it Shayoul Ghul peaceful.





    First theme: Holidays

  4. Wildfire season has been so crazy this year. Stay safe!


    I'm from Portland, OR and my family still lives there. They had a wildfire that was blowing straight towards the city, people on the outskirts started getting evacuated. Luckily the wind changed directions. Hopefully the wind and weather will assist with calming things down soon.

  5. This is a competition to argue your opinion... with funny memes and/or gifs!!






    What are we arguing about??









    Who is the bigger Jerk...













    I feel like this goes without saying, but I'm sure that no one actually hates cats or toddlers, and if they do... well, they should keep that to themselves. But, let's be honest, they are all jerks sometimes! So let's keep this in the spirit of a game. 



    -You can post as many memes or gifs as you want, go crazy!

    -No points for repeats

    -If you make me LOL I will award extra points. I bet Lily will too, but she makes you work for it.

    -I will award points to the faction that gets the most lols!!

    -Funniest participant will get 50 points at the end (I'm the judge, suckers...)

    -As always, obey the rules of the site, keep it PG-13 and obey the code of conduct.

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