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Posts posted by U4ea

  1. Loraine had rarely been more relieved to see the shining walls of the Tower rising in the distance than she was right then. Usually, she was filled with dread, for walking back into those walls put a bevy of responsibilities and requirements on her that weren't present while she and Kynwric were away. She'd been day dreaming about their little house in the Two Rivers for at least a day before catching sight of the Tower. She'd distracted herself with talking to their new recruit, trying to allay her fears about their journey and about her future in the Tower. She was pretty sure once she'd delivered the girl to the Mistress of Novices, she was going to collapse on her bed and not come out for three days! 

  2. She did neither sleep well, nor rest, as it turned out. She was hyper aware of every movement, every breath, and every inch of the man who'd accompanied her. By the time the sun broke, her blanket was rolled up, and she was sitting straight up, chewing on dried meat waiting for there to be enough light to run by. She was tired, but kept tight reign on her irritation. At least, she hoped she was keeping a tight reign on it.

  3. Goober.


    And no, my heart, I was ready to shackle you down quickly because I was swatting off future shawl wearing women left and right. You didn't earn the nickname Cassanova for nothing, remember? 


    I'm pretty sure I remember someone around here becoming a Manshima and his "congratulations" post was full of girls dropping into his lap for congratulatory smooches. Go on, try to deny it.

  4. "Ah, but not every step backwards is a retreat, Madoc. Sometimes, you just dance backwards." Mordre cleaned utensils and stored them away again. "We should get started early in order to get back before we're too late. Rest well and wake."

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