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Posts posted by U4ea

  1. Edana slid into an empty seat at the table, uneasy but fighting not to show it. Kynwric had his eyes pinned on the road, Loraine was hiding in her cowl, so she turned her chair to keep her eyes on the room around them. She took in the people filling tables everywhere, including the ones Kyn had scared away from this table, who kept shooting looks at them. She didn't discount them as problems, but the barmaid approached their table with her lips in a practiced smile.


    "Welcome to the Bluff's End! You look weary from your travels, would you like a mug of warm mead or a glass of warmed brandy to help you relax?" She smiled at Kynwric, who didn't pay her any attention.


    "That sounds perfect," Edana responded, keeping her time matching the expectations the girl seemed to have. Bone-weary travelers, nothing more! "Is it always do crisp along the coast?"


    The girl seemed to relax a bit with Ed's easy tone and hurried off to put in an order of drinks and some light breads and cheeses with a more real smile on her lips. Ed watched the the place get a little more busy between her disappearance and return with her tray. She bustled away to take more orders and Ed pulled a bottle from her pack, putting the mead in a bit at a time as she kept her eye on the room. She had no intention of being anything but sober with what they were about to do, but she wasn't letting it go to waste, either!



  2. She ignored the Oosquai for a moment and set about preparing the snake for cooking. She sliced the belly open, removing the bits she didn't want to fight with later and packing it with herbs before laying it into the coals of the fire. She laid a few other things she'd found around the camp into the coals to cook with it and settled back to watch their dinner.


    After a few moments, she looked back up at him. He hadn't mentioned anything they should be concerned with, but aside from the bottle he carried, he hadn't offered much in the way of conversation. "Are you well, Madoc?"



  3. Edana watched a patrol match back through the gate, a Warder with his cloak behind them. She tried not to snort at his blatant showing off, but it was not the easiest thing in the world to do. Freshly bonded Warders were a lot like freshly raised Aes Sedai, sometimes, flashing those cloaks as much as those silly women flashed their colorful shawls. Another reason she'd never attach herself to one of them!


    She eyed the kid standing at the gate, assessing the level of threat he posed. He had that look of awe in his eye, with some small level of determination and she smiled a little at that.


    “Where does a man go to join the Tower Guard?” he asked, turning back towards her after watching the Warder enter the gates.


    She nodded at the gate behind her, then waved to a younger Guardsman to replace her White she escorted him inside. "This way," she said in response. "You need to see the Master at Arms, or, at least the person who is sitting in for her while she's handling business away from the Tower. Follow me, I'll show you to her office."


    She turned into the Yard inside the gate, not really watching to see if the kid followed her. "You're not from Tar Valon." It wasn't a question. "What brings you to the Tower?"



  4. It's that time again, lovelies! Please get your reports in by the 10th!


    Here's the format, just in case you need it:

    1) Total: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


    New: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (also add them to Active, or Inactive if they've not yet RPed as full AS)

    full handle - full character name


    Active: [amount] Members, [amount] characters

    full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character, ie Oct 2010)


    Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

    full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


    MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

    full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


    2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]


    1) Name of RP

    Link to RP

    Names of Character (Name of PC), Name of Character (Name of PC),

    Intergroup - Name of other Group

    Discription of RP


    3) Problems, ideas, etc

    IC and OOC news, new members, RP plans, Life's hangs up, anything at all to chit chat about :)









    Novice & Accepted

  5. Character’s name: KAELEN DALTARA


    DM Handle: Kaelen


    Age: 18


    Place of Origin: Andor, between Whitebridge and Four Kings


    Skills and former training:

    -Minor training with sword and bow from his father.

    -Familiarity with the saddle and caring for a horse.

    -Nobility education.




    A tall lithe youth, broad shouldered, with tousled sandy-blonde hair cut short with bangs, clean-shaven with focused blue eyes amidst a handsome chiseled face, with fair skin like most Andorans. He speaks with a calm, melodic voice and carries himself with a confident grace. He is 6’1” and 170 lbs.



    Kaelen is a very kind, calm, and gallant youth at first glance. Slow to anger and very friendly, he gets along well with most good folk he meets. He always holds to his word and has a strong sense of honor, justice, and compassion. Empathizing with the weak and the powerless, he feels duty pound to help and protect those he finds in need, especially women and children. Behind the friendly handsome façade, though, he is a very cautious, having been wronged and burned before. He tries to see the best in people, and while willing to give everyone a fair chance to earn his trust and friendship, he keeps them at arm’s length until they prove themselves trustworthy and safe to let them in. He appreciates the finer things in life; books, music and art, good wine, a pretty girl on his knee, since they are luxuries he seldom has had the freedom and coin to enjoy.



    Born the illegitimate son of Lord Vaerin Daltara head of the minor Andoran House Daltara, Kaelen was taken into the family when his mother, Mayren, a commoner, died in childbirth. Raised as a noble’s son, Kaelen was fortunate to have a well-rounded education, learning his letters, arithmetic, and everything a minor noble would need to flourish. He spent a lot of time with his father on hunting trips and in the training yard learning how to use the sword, bow, and other martial skills, for which he had a natural talent, and was always trying to improve to impress his father. Lord Vaerin intended to bequeath a small estate to Kaelen when he reached his majority, and was grooming him for success. Kaelen was even courting a young lady, Tiana, who was eager to become a handsome young noble’s wife.


    Kaelen’s older brother, Jaris, was jealous of what he saw as his father’s preference for the bastard son, and it was true that Lord Vaerin was prouder of Kaelen than his other son, who was not at all a credit to his sire. Jaris was selfish and cruel, and was always putting Kaelen down and tormented him as a boy. Upon their father’s death just before Kaelen turned eighteen, Jaris went against his father’s wishes and disinherited Kaelen, with the help of a corrupt clerk. He even snatched up Tiana as his own when she heard that Kaelen was being cast out of the family with only a sword, bow, a small purse of coins and what he could carry with him. Her betrayal hurt the worst of all. Losing everything he’d ever known made the boy forever after guarded and jaded, determined not to let anyone in where they could hurt him like that again, not unless they proved themselves first.


    Then on his own, he was determined to make the best of his circumstances and find a way to make it on his own. Perhaps he’d go to Caemlyn and join the Queen’s Guard, but first, he wanted to travel and see the world. Hiring himself out as a merchant’s guard, he first travelled to Murandy, then continued on to Illian, where he then took work on a ship, sailing up the Manetherendrelle as far as Baerlon. There he joined a merchant train as a guard again heading east, planning to visit Cairhien next. On these travels, he had the freedom to explore many new towns and cities when the merchant trains or the ship stopped to resupply and sell their wares, and bounce many a serving girl on his knee, trying to forget the sting of losing Tiana. Nothing more dangerous than a thief or pickpocket would test his skill with the sword. No bandits attacked the trains he worked, and he was almost disappointed that he didn’t have a chance to show his talents in a real fight. That brash arrogance of youth would not remain with him for long.


    That dream to see the world lasted all of four months, before Kaelen found himself laid out, near death. On the journey from Baerlon to Cairhien, in a town near Four Kings, Kaelen had the misfortune to run into a Darkfriend one night while it was on its business… whatever that may have been. The lad was cut down before he had even drawn his sword, and left bleeding in an alley with a wicked slash across his chest. The poison blade’s wound quickly brought on a fever, and by the time he was found, the local Wisdom could do nothing for him but ease his passing.


    That would have been the end for Kaelen, but fortune smiled on him that day. A passing Aes Sedai heard of the injured boy, and deigned to Heal him of his wound before continuing on her journey. Perhaps it was coincidence that she came to the village on the heels of a Myrddraal, perhaps not. Kaelen’s only memory of that day was a vision of her face through his fever dream, so beautiful. When he awoke days later, he would hear of how an Aes Sedai had brought him back from the edge of death, but the villagers could not tell him her name, as she hadn’t given one.


    Once Kaelen was strong enough to travel again, he set his feet toward Aringill and took passage on the first ship heading to Tar Valon. He was determined to find the Aes Sedai who had saved his life; find her, thank her, and repay her, somehow. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her face. He didn’t know her name or Ajah, but he would scour the Tower and the world if he had to, to find her. He hadn’t quite thought through how to go about finding her, and when the White Tower didn’t let him in to search, he went to the Warder Yard and signed his name on the rolls. What better way for a man to get close to Aes Sedai. The villagers hadn’t seen any Warder with the Aes Sedai who Healed him, so perhaps he’d see her around the yard scouting for one.

  6. Ed looked up as Rekinu stood, her hand immediately going to her sword. Her eyes flicked to the door over his shoulder, then around the room, looking for whatever pushed him to his feet. She relaxed as he mentioned needing fresh air, nodding in understanding. "Watch your back," she said cautiously. "The watch is on another round already. It makes me nervous."


    She turned her eyes to the window again, noting a different crew of guards turning the corner up the street. "I'll order you a cold ale," she smiled back at him. "Hopefully, it'll help cool your heels a bit..."



  7. Edana stared out the window of the tavern, her fingers tracing idle patterns on the glass in front of her. She was bored. She and a few other Tower Guards had escorted an Aes Sedai into Cairhien three days ago for some diplomatic whatever and the woman had promptly dismissed them as soon as they'd arrived at the Palace gates. Naturally, dismissed was a loose term, since it didn't mean they could actually return to the Tower and their duties there. No, they'd been ordered to sit and wait. 


    Ed gritted her teeth, annoyed at not having a purpose outside of being the woman's lap dog to come when she called. She'd spent two days getting the lay of the land here in Cairhien, after finding a suitable inn to park the small knot of guards in while they cooled their heels. She'd rarely ever waited patiently and this was no exception. She was on edge, though whether it was from anger at being dismissed or boredom from waiting around, she couldn't tell. It didn't sit well with her, either way you looked at it. 


    She eyed the Watch as it made it's hourly turn in front of the tavern, noting the passage of time and how close to regular they were in their rounds. She'd noticed they were fairly timely when there was trouble, but later in the evenings the gaps grew longer. Something about the Game, she was sure. The sun was setting now, so she marked the time they turned away in a notebook she kept on her and sighed. She'd almost hope for some trouble, just to give her an outlet for this pent up annoyance...



  8. April Report for the Green Ajah

    1) Total: 
    Members, 7
    characters 9

    New: 0
    Members 0
    characters 0

    Members, 3
    characters 4
    (NSW)Ajah Head- Amena Linoram - January 2014
    Kathleen- Kathleen Vandiar- March 2014
    Leala Gymorraine-Ay’Lira Sonoran- February 2014
    U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- March 2014

    New/on the Way (date joined/notified):*These aren't counted on my member list #'s, yet

    Inactive (not RPed in past 3-11 months):
    Members 3
    characters 4
    Quibby- Janine Alastarn - February 2013
    Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- April 2013
    Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir-August 2013
    Rasheta Ardashir-Taia Misna- August 2013

    MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval):
    Members 1
    Characters 1
    Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- September 2012

    2) RP's done by Ajah characters during April:






  9. March Report for the Green Ajah

    1) Total: 
    Members, 7
    characters 9

    New: 0
    Members 0
    characters 0

    Members, 3
    characters 4
    (NSW)Ajah Head- Amena Linoram - January 2014
    Kathleen- Kathleen Vandiar- March 2014
    Leala Gymorraine-Ay’Lira Sonoran- February 2014
    U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- March 2014

    New/on the Way (date joined/notified):*These aren't counted on my member list #'s, yet

    Inactive (not RPed in past 3-11 months):
    Members 3
    characters 4
    Quibby- Janine Alastarn - February 2013
    Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- April 2013
    Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir-August 2013
    Rasheta Ardashir-Taia Misna- August 2013

    MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval):
    Members 1
    Characters 1
    Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- September 2012

    2) RP's done by Ajah characters during March:



    *Of Urgent Concern
    Amena has received disturbing news of a woman passing herself off as an Aes Sedai of the


    1) A Bond of Emerald Grace
    Kathleen and her new warder Elessar go on the road to test their new relationship and explore life with each other in their lives.

    2) Of Urgent Concern
    Amena has received disturbing news of a woman passing herself off as an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah while behaving very badly. She's sending a few sisters to check her out!



    March chewed me up and spit me out this year! 

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