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Posts posted by U4ea

  1. All -


    The new WS Advancement System is now updated on the wiki. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to post here. If you're not comfortable doing so, PM or email me at warderdiv@dragonmount.com - this is NOT set in stone so if you see something you disagree with, let me know. With Visar's help to lay the groundwork, I was able to build this system up based on my observations and research on the Warder staff board.


    The purpose is to make advancement simpler, quicker, encourage interaction, and makes it more fun. The Mentor/Mentee system is replaced with a "Peer Training" system. Eqwina had already implemented this but it hasn't been ironed out with details and updated on the wiki.


    Warder WS Advancement


    The Warder Rules has been modified slightly. The sections about bonding and relationships has been updated; this has been discussed with the WT RGL/AGL (Kathleen and Rasheta) so we both are on the same pages. Please read the rules to make sure you understand them. BTW - the WS required to bond used to be 8. Now it's WS 7.


    Warder Rules


    Thanks all!!

  2. Edana glared at the Guards who saluted her as she left the Yard. She'd been back from the far reaches for less than a week, her new sword hanging on her hip and weighing her down. Now, they saluted her. Stupid secrets that everyone knew. She'd had to report to the Mistress when she returned, Kynwric had backed her up. She'd killed a Blade Master and now his hard-won respect seemed to have fallen on her shoulders.


    She muttered and tried to disappear into Tar Valon, instead. She ducked into the first tavern she saw a light in and dropped onto a stool at the bar. "Whiskey, neat," she said when the man behind the bar speed in front of her. "And leave the bottle."


    She dropped a purse full of coins on the bar, earning her a nod, a glass and a bottle before he drifted away. She opened the bottle herself, filling the glass up a few fingers, emptying it and refilling it before she looked around.


    Everyone in the tavern was listening to a retelling of the fall of Manatheren. She snorted inwardly, returning to her glass to empty it again. Damnable sword was going to get her drug into that mess, too. Bonded and dead, dragging the Aes Sedai down with her. She shook her head at the bottle, tilting it to poor slowly into the glass.


    "Not while I have a choice about it," she muttered, swirling the amber liquid around in her glass. "Give me a lifetime on the wall, instead."



  3. Loraine felt old watching the young Blue's eyes snapping fire at her. She turned her smile to Kira, another young Blue before, again watching Elisha unable to control her irritation. Proof to the youth of her shawl, Loraine mused. She was amused until the girl Tom her own clumsiness out on the Novice with the wine tray.


    "I doubt the Mistress of Novices would be terribly concerned, though, perhaps you should see about your dress?" Loraine interceded, smoothly intercepting before the Blue could lash out again. She turned her smile, which never reached her eyes, back to Ellisha before the girl had disappeared. "High Chislaine is a celebration of only positive, happy interactions. The purpose is to find something pleasing about those around you with which to allow for peaceful interactions. It's a handy tool for future interactions with them, as it forces you to find a common ground. I can suggest discussion points, Aes Sedai, if you find it difficult to create some on your own...?" She kept her tone sweet, her smile wide, and her eyes as cold as ice. The creases at the corner of her eyes and the wide white streaks in her hair should be enough to drive this point home, she hoped.

  4. (This wouldn't be the Warder's Practice Yards, btw... they'd be the Green's Practice yard)


    Loraine tilted her head at the Blue Sister, her lips twitching. There be games afoot? she laughed inwardly as she swept her hand down the gown. "I'm afraid the seamstress is far away from accepting compliments, Sister. She died many years ago. I trust you are finding comfort, this evening?" She smiled at a Novice hovering just out of sight, waving her closer. 


    "Good evening, Child! My thanks," she lifted a glass from the tray and smiled wider. She leaned a little to the side, closer to the girl's ear and whispered, "there's a table behind that divider over there, if the storm in your belly gets too much for you." She winked conspiratorially and turned her eyes back to the Blue Sister, awaiting her answer.



  5. Inactivity is eating DM everywhere and it always hits the RP side the hardest. Honestly, there aren't enough people here to have announce step up, so I say stay where you are. Things could free up for you and we could get active here with the new bible coming out soon.


    My two cents!

  6. Hello, lovelies! 


    The Green Ajah (or, me in my other hat, since I have the biggest mouth)  would like to invite everyone over the Deck the Halls for High Chasaline! We're turning our practice yard into a party place, with a feast that will dissolve into dancing as the sun sets! 


    For reference, High Chasaline takes place in a cold month and is a time for reflecting on your good fortunes. Complainers will get doused with a bucket of water (or a quick weave of freezing cold water, depending on who hears it!), so bring your best happy face! 


    This celebration will be open for EVERYONE to come play...  AES SEDAI, ACCEPTED, NOVICES, WARDERS, TOWER GUARDS, and anyone else in the Tower who wants to come play along! 


    Come on in and eat! 

  7. Hello, lovelies! 


    The Green Ajah (or, me, since I have the biggest mouth)  would like to invite everyone over the Deck the Halls for High Chasaline! We're turning our practice yard into a party place, with a feast that will dissolve into dancing as the sun sets! 


    For reference, High Chasaline takes place in a cold month and is a time for reflecting on your good fortunes. Complainers will get doused with a bucket of water (or a quick weave of freezing cold water, depending on who hears it!), so bring your best happy face! 


    This celebration will be open for EVERYONE to come play...  AES SEDAI, ACCEPTED, NOVICES, WARDERS, TOWER GUARDS, and anyone else in the Tower who wants to come play along! 


    Come on in and eat! 

  8. Loraine hummed, a sound that was not uncommon when she was alone. She was far from it, just now, as there were people milling about everywhere arranging decorations and moving tables in place. A stage had appeared out of a pile of wood not long ago and a mountain of white linens were stacked in a basket nearby, awaiting word on a proper arrangement as the tables were settled.


    She took a deep breath, turning a slow circle at the chaos around her and letting the smile stretch over her lips. The Tower had been tense, lately. Aes Sedai were coming and going more than ever and Loraine found it hard to concentrate with reports flying in her window at all hours of the night. She hadn't had to press much to get permission to arrange this celebration. If she was lucky, it would become a new tradition and give everyone something to look forward to, for a change. 


    "If things are well," she smiled at the servants arranging decorations. "I will slip up and change. I'll return soon and help finish up whatever you need help doing." She knew they'd be a little more relaxed if she went away, even though she'd tried to stay out of their way after giving instructions about general arrangements. 


    Before long she was pulling her day dress off, laying it across the bed in her quarters and exchanging her sturdy underthings for something a little more in line with a celebration. She pulled a deep purple gown from the back of her closet, chewing her lip at the risque dip in the neckline that teased at showing a little too much. It didn't help that the sleeves were also cut to skim the rim of her shoulders. A servant, Melinda, helped her lace the back up and she stood, staring at a mirror and blushing at the amount of skin exposed on her neck and shoulders. 


    "If I may, Aes Sedai," the girl at her back said quietly. "I know it is not your custom, as you usually keep your hair up. I just think, if you're uncomfortable with that much skin, perhaps you could leave some of it down. You know, to cover it?"


    Loraine stared at herself in the mirror for a moment before nodding. "You have a point, Melinda," she acknowledged. "Perhaps I could..."


    "I would be pleased to help, Aes Sedai," Melinda offered, motioning to the chair at Loraine's vanity. 


    "I would appreciate that," Loraine laughed softly, settling into the chair and letting the girl work some magic on her deep gold locks. 


    An hour later, she was leaving her quarters, a cloak draped over her arm, and her hair arranged in a half Carhienin knot that allowed the hair along the back of her head to hang free. A simple drop of Amethyst hung around her neck on a delicate chain and the gem was mirrored in the drop that dangled on her brow. Her only other jewelry were a pair of rings, one on each hand, that told the world of her devotion to both the Tower... and her husband. She wasn't sure where he was in the Yard, at the moment, though she knew he hated scenes like this one. She wouldn't doubt if Edana didn't agree to some strange midnight training to avoid this gathering altogether. Neither of them were particularly comfortable with them, after all, and, without an Aes Sedai to make demands, Edana had no call to be here. 


    She arrived back in the practice yards, smiling at the flames dancing in the candles and the tables set with gleaming plates. All that was missing were the guests!! 




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