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Posts posted by Taymist

  1. Surprisingly after such a late night, Rhya was refreshed, full of energy and feeling light hearted when she awoke to a deep silence. Swinging her feet to the floor, she padded over to the window, opened the shutter and stared in disgust at the world shrouded in a blanket of white that met her eyes. It was still snowing but more lightly than before and the air felt milder but that didn’t mean they’d be able to leave yet and she scrunched up her nose in disapproval before turning away. It didn’t take long to wash and dress and, having knocked on Owen’s door and received no reply, she’d deduced that he was either still asleep, which seemed unlikely, or he was already up and about. With that conclusion reached, she bounded carelessly off down the stairs, taking them three at a time in her haste.


    There was no sign of Owen or of Niall in the main room, so Rhya smiled politely, if distantly, at the other patrons who were starting their days and headed for the kitchen instead. She was destined to be disappointed though as that room was also devoid of occupants. Standing indecisively by the large, scrubbed wooden table for a moment, she debated what to do next, absently reaching towards a colourful bowl on the nearby work surface and plucking one of the apples that it held.  Scanning the room as she took her first bite, she spotted the rear door slightly ajar and moved to investigate.


    Better outdoors than in. The prospect of staying in the common room with strangers or shut up in her room alone was far from appealing.


    Pulling the door to behind her, Rhya walked along the short veranda, jumped down into the snow, landing with a quite satisfactory crunch, and took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air. She realised in slight startlement that she could actually smell the snow. It had never occurred to her before that snow had a scent. Smiling at the idea, she began to walk towards the outbuildings, the still drifting snowflakes landing softly like a coronet on her uncovered hair. As long as she didn’t wander far, a little exploration could do no harm she decided, happily devouring the remainder of the apple.


    She hadn’t gone very far when an impish gleam entered her eye, the vast expanse of unmarked snow recalling all unbidden the winters of childhood when entertainment could not be found but must instead be made for oneself. Not stopping to think about the cold or the wet, all responsible adult ideas momentarily put to one side, she flung herself down on her back and merrily commenced a scissoring movement with her arms and legs. Finally bounding back to her feet and leaping lightly to one side, she turned to admire her handiwork. A snow angel!! Rhya’s peals of delighted laughter rang through the air unnoticed, muffled as they were by the falling snow and by the time she reached the nearest barn, her cheeks were flushed with a healthy colour from the brief exercise.


    Sliding through the heavy doors, she brushed damp tendrils of hair from her forehead and allowed her eyes time to adjust to the dimness of the interior, glancing around in curiousity. The ground floor appeared mostly empty save for a few tools, the floor strewn here and there with old straw and a slight mustiness suffused the air. She was about to turn and try the next barn when a scuffle from overhead caught her attention and she stiffened, stretching her senses.


    The noise came again and continued, rhythmic, methodical and gradually she realized what she was hearing and why it sounded familiar, a wide grin spreading across her face as she walked quietly towards the ladder to her right. Slowly and carefully, she climbed the steps, that earlier sense of mischief returning twofold as she listened for any break in the rhythm. She peered over the top ledge into the loft and watched for a moment as Owen worked through the forms, then lightly got her feet under her and stood. He seemed to be engrossed and unaware of her presence…. until he spoke, disabusing her of that foolish notion.


    For a second or two she was disappointed at the failure of her attempt to catch him by surprise but her good temper reasserted itself as soon as his words sank in.


    “Come on Rhya, stand next to me and do as I do, quick about it now otherwise I will think you are not interested.”


    A sword lesson? Rhya’s eyes lit up eagerly and she shifted quickly to stand beside Owen and do as he bid before he changed his mind. She had no idea how to hold a sword correctly but she drew it and took a good grip on it anyway, feeling a little self conscious and waited, certain that she’d be quickly corrected. She was right and Owen adjusted her arm, explaining that she must relax her hold for it to be effective. His subsequent question brought her up short, furrowing her brow a little and making her think carefully, however, as she knew it was important to get the answer right. Remembering the aftermath of some of the worst storms in the north, she could see the truth of what he was saying.


    “Is it… is it something to do with flexibility?” Rhya paused uncertainly, frowning and flexing her fingers, before continuing. “The pine bends with the wind … but the oak stands against its force and so can not hold? So… if I hold too tightly, the shock and force of a blow will knock the sword clean from my hands. Is that what you speak of?” she queried, adjusting her grasp on the hilt, relaxing her arm muscles one by one in an effort of concentration and noting how the weight of the blade felt more natural. “Firm yet flexible.”



  2. Unbelievable was the only word that Kiyi could find to describe Deanne's demeanour and attitude. Just where does the girl think she is? She clearly has little concept of the White Tower. There was some satisfaction to imagining the encounters Deane was going to have with various Sisters in the coming months though as Kiyi had a feeling this was one Novice who'd be spending a large amount of time reporting to Larindhra Sedai.


    Esther spoke up then, explaining about their clothing and Kiyi was hard pressed not to choke on laughter at the look of utter horror on Deanne's face. Well, she'd better reconcile herself to it quickly for it's not about to change.


    Deciding her own appearance was suitable at last, Kiyi smoothed down her dress, patted her hair and squeezed Esther's hand sympathetically in passing as she made for the door.


    "I'll see you both later. I must hurry. I have an appointment with Nynaeve Sedai very soon," she threw the comment over her shoulder and made good her escape, hoping that the room would still be in one piece when she returned. She had her doubts on that score.

  3. The joint activity with the Wolfkin Org has been set for the weekend of June 20th. The idea is to have a fairly open RP for the 2 groups on the Revolutions board, rather along the lines of what Lara did for the Murder Mystery. Short bios (you can use your current character in brief) can be posted first and then we'll take it from there.


    A few of the Org members have expressed interest in RPing so I'm hoping we can open up the "how to" for them in a relaxed way.


    At the moment, the format under discussion is to have a game of handball between the 2 "teams" to give some purpose to the thread. Everything else is open for spectators, general creativity, a big feast round the bonfire etc... whatever comes naturally.)


    If anyone has any other ideas or input, either post here or PM me.  :) It is of course open to everyone in both groups and I hope you'll all get involved.



    On another note, the next Staff meeting is coming up for June, so don't forget to let me know if there are any issues that you'd like me to raise on behalf of the Division.  :D Cheers m'dears.

  4. DM Handle: Sylvirci


    Div bio is for: Wolfkin


    Character Name: Valynt Nororama


    Wolf Name: Silverstreak, as close as it gets from the wolf-images.


    Place of Birth/Raising: Chachin, Kandor


    Age: 16



    Appearance: 5'10 and 135lbs. Black hair with a light grey streak from crown tip to back of neck, the middle of his head. Eyes were sapphire blue, now a dark gold color. Valynt is a slender lad with dark golden eyes and black hair shot through with a light grey streak that glistens with a silvery sheen in moonlight. He has been trained in the ways of a hunter and as such is supple and graceful in his movements, like a wolf stalking prey. His skin is a golden tan color marred by the tiny scars of dueling and hunting wild game and he bears those marks with pride. He is an average looking lad with a fierce and slightly wild unkempt look about him that some find highly appealing.



    Personality: He is a guarded and quiet lad around people who are not hunters or woodsman, and there are not many of those in Chachin. He is friendly with others in small groups, but any mention of his... uniqueness and he clams up or changes the subject. He prefers solitude to the company of most and his father has only increased this quirk of his. Losing his mother during the onset of his changes, he has become fearful of forming close bonds and then losing them. The only other person he has a close bond to, well, you'll just have to hear his tale...





    Valynt was running, hard and fast, through the lightly forested hills that sat just North of the Black Hills. He could hear the men pursuing him, but with his hearing like this being so new it was hard to judge their distance. He could feel the wind whipping through his hair and drying the light sweat as soon as it seeped out of him. He was afraid though, so he didn't notice the sight or sounds of animals scurrying out of his way. He only felt his fear of being caught and the thoughts or images flashing through his mind in fleeting snatches.




    He was six and his father had just given him his first long knife. A boy two years older had challenged him to a duel. His mother felt he was too young but his father said he needed to learn and now was as good as any time to start. Looking at the older boy he felt a moment of fear before his father spoke softly into his ear. It was a reassurance that no adult would let a maiming or killing blow be struck, it was to first blood only. Valynt wasn't sure why the boy had challenged him but he would never forget that first duel. It set the tone for how others saw him later in life.


    He was ten paces from the boy, holding his knife awkwardly in his hand. It was new to him and felt heavy, he wasn't sure he could do it. The other boy gripped his knife like he had done this before and there was a crowd forming made up of others he played with and yet others, who like the older boy, taunted him constantly. Then the older boy flew forward with his knife pointing straight at his heart. Reacting as quickly as he could, Valynt turned while moving sideways and, gripping the hilt hard, let his knife trail across the older boy's stomach. The boy fell, writhing in pain and screaming, the screaming so loud that it froze Valynt in place. The knife fell from his numb hand and he watched as healers were called and the boy's open belly was closed and bandaged until a healer could come.


    The boy died a short time later and everyone blamed him. They said that he shouldn't have been able to avoid the other boy, or that he shouldn't have been that lucky in his first duel. They whispered it was the Dark One's luck, but not around his father or him. They whispered it around his mother though who kept it to herself and to his friends, who started to look at him differently. Within a year he had lost all but a handful of his friends and no one ever challenged him again.




    His heart was pounding just as loudly as the horses hooves that trailed him. How long before they would overrun him he wasn't sure, and he was surprised they hadn't yet. He pushed himself to move faster which was hard as he was avoiding most things that would mark his passing. Twigs, brambles, bushes and trees would all leave signs that would be too easy to follow from horseback. He wanted to slow them down and force them to dismount in order to follow him then he would have a chance, but it was very hard to accomplish that while running as fast as he could.


    The images flashing through his mind weren't helping either, especially the ones that seemed to be him right now as if being seen from behind. The wolves surrounding him weren't helping either, what did they want? They were herding him, as if they wanted him to escape but why? What were they planning for him?




    Another memory, this one when he was twelve. He was getting ready to tell his father he was ready for the trip to Andor. His father was suppose to escort a merchant down there and back for the Queen and gather what news he could while he was there. Valynt was going to increase his skills at hunting and gathering information so he could one day be like his father, a spy master for the Queen.


    His parents were talking in hushed but heated voices. His father was trying to convince his mother to stay while his mother said that Valynt's grey streak in his hair was a mark of the Dark One and now his dreams and talking in his sleep about wolves and shadows fighting the wolves. It freaked her out and she was done living with someone touched by such darkness. She wouldn't declare her son a dark friend but she wouldn't live with him either. By the time they got back she would be with her mother on those estates.


    The trip went well but his father made them sleep well away from the merchant and his guards. The only problem the entire trip was when his father and he were hunting one night in the outer edge of the Black Hills. His father was about to shoot a stag when out of nowhere Valynt got an image of wolves taking it down, and an arrow piercing one wolf. He panicked because he could hear and smell wolves close by, so he grabbed his father's arm, offsetting his shot. Just then wolves attacked and took down the stag, and when they finished they brought a hunk of the raw meat to him and laid it about ten paces away.


    His father never said a word but he never looked at Valynt again without a wondering look in his eyes. His father wanted to ask him but was afraid of the answer, so rather then ask and see him as a dark friend he kept quiet about it. That was the trip where he completely lost his mother and lost his father's affection and teachings. His father still cared for him but from that day forward a gap had formed that would never heal.




    The Black Hills loomed up as the trees gave way to increasingly bigger hills. He could hear running water and remembered that if he had ran due South the river before him started in the Black Hills and ended in the river halfway between Tar Valon and Aringill. Here though is close to where it starts, and he made his way towards it. He knew if he could cross that river it would take the riders days to find a place to ford across, days he needed at the moment. He listened as best he could and was surprised to find that the sound of hooves was quieter and fading. Glancing around he spotted the dozen or so wolves that surrounded him.


    He wondered at them, with their tongues lolling out the sides of their mouths. They hadn't once made a move against him, but they hadn't that day either, when he had protected those merchants. When he had also started preferring meat over any other food, and the bloodier the better.




    Fourteen and he was shaping into a really good hunter and spy. He could catch occasional snatches of conversations from a greater distance then his father could. Like now he was eating a large slab of slightly bloody meat and the only other food he wanted was potatoes. All the way across the tavern was several men he had just helped escort back from Andor. They were talking about how uncanny he was at finding game and hunting, as well as how the wolves had backed down from him rather then attacking. He listened and watched others casually to see if they heard what was being said and their reaction. He continued to eat and realized he no longer wanted anything else but meat right now. So he left the potatoes untouched, and left quietly while looking carefully at others while they ate.


    Fearing what people would say he started eating in his rooms, privately. It didn't help that the images were getting more frequent or that his father put him in the highest room at night so his dream talking couldn't be heard by anyone. He noticed that his hearing was also getting better and that he could smell things from further away then others he knew. He was starting to panic and believe his mother might have been right, he was touched by the Dark One. He vowed to fight it with all he had, never would he serve such a being!




    He was at the river now and without hesitation, dove in and swam across. At this point it didn't surprise him that the wolves climbed out as he did or that they immediately surrounded him. They led him to a thicket set deep in a horseshoe shaped rock formation, and showed him how to enter. He crawled on his belly into the heart of the thicket and was surprised to find pups and more wolves. He was scared of being caught and fed up with running and hiding his…differences, so he said quietly, " What do you want of me? Why do you help me?"


    Images poured into his mind at an alarming rate. He could just make out that some were his while most were not. That meant that the wolves had to be giving him the images.. It was too much so he latched onto an image he knew was his.




    A few months ago he had been walking through town at dusk. He saw the most beautiful young woman he had ever known walking towards him. She smiled sweetly at him while her escort glared at him. He vaguely remembered the man as one of those that disliked him and his oddities. He smiled shyly and walked quickly past.


    The next morning she came to his house and asked him to walk with her. She explained that to keep her honor her brother would be their escort but he wouldn't interfere with them. Her brother was the scowler from the night before but he left them be as he watched like a hawk.


    The next few months seemed to fly by in a rapt wonderful bliss of laughter and talks that lasted well past dusk. It was a wonderful time, where she learned of his life, his oddities and she didn't shy away! Instead she embraced him wholeheartedly and begged him to seek her father and mother for her hand. He was falling in love so fast and strongly that on the night of his sixteenth birthday he slipped up and it cost him everything..


    He was alone with her in his family garden. His father had decided to throw a big party for his turning into a man and his choosing this night to seek out her parents and request their daughter's hand in marriage. Shimuko, his love and the light of his life was dressed beautifully in a bright cream and green outfit fit for a noble of her family's status. He decided to tell her everything, his life, why his mother left, and all the things that had been happening over recent years.

    He told her about the strange dreams, the images that seemed to be of things happening outside the walls. The way he could hear things from much farther then was normal or the way he could smell even the faintest scent and identify it. Of the way his eyes seem to be sharper then others and finally of the hunting trips and how the wolves he could swear were always the same ones hunted with him. How he wanted to set down his bow and use a long knife to hunt as they did, and had done so several times in the past year. Of the scars to prove it, that he had earned from teeth and hooves and claws. What he failed to notice, couldn't really, was that as he talked about all these things his eyes started changing. There was no real reason other then it was just happening, the final touch on a journey begun years earlier.


    It did not however go unnoticed by her brother, who jumped forward and shoved him back shouting dark friend. The guests all came running and seeing his eyes, took up the charge. He stood quickly and sought out his love, but she was being ushered away and his father just stood in the back shaking his head sadly. He had hoped this day would never come but now that it had he could do nothing to help his son. Seeing that they were ready to hang him on the spot and no amount of arguing was going to help, Valynt fled.


    He ran like the wind and fled the city, his life, everything he had known. Even his father and his love, the last two people he had ever expected to leave him had turned their backs on him.. He was alone and now hunted in the world. It was just barely felt when the pack joined him in his flight or when they turned him South towards the Black Hills.




    He cried, he had lost everything. So he cried and blamed the wolves, because he could understand them and knew now that he was more like them then the humans he had fled from. He cried himself to sleep, and was very aware that the wolves lay around him protectively.

  5. "Bless the Light but being late would be just what I don't need today!" Kiyi muttered grimly to herself as she hurried through the halls towards Nynaeve Sedai's office.


    The days were merging slowly into one long round of drudgery and were taking a real toll on her. Not that she was averse to making an effort but this kind of labour was something entirely new in her experience. Young ladies of noble birth did not scrub floors or pots and Kiyi could just imagine the look of horror on her mother's face if she ever found about it.


    Esther, of course, had been a great support, doing more than her fair share when Kiyi faltered from sheer exhaustion. If she'd known for a moment it would be like this, she might have had second thoughts about going to the White Tower but she was there now and determined to do her best. The morning hadn't helped in that aim though. It had been as trying as any day could possibly be. Esther and Deanne had taken a dislike to each other from the outset and Kiyi was rapidly discovering that her role was to be one of peacekeeper between the two. Today had been no different, with both girls arguing almost from the moment they awoke. Her head was already thudding dully as she walked, trying to look sedate as the Sisters always did and failing miserably, too aware that she was overdue for her appointment with her mentor. 


    Please don't send me to the MoN, she sent the thought upwards beseechingly as she arrived at the office door and knocked once before entering. No more pots, I couldn't face it.


    Nynaeve was pacing the room as Kiyi stepped in and she looked momentarily bemused to see the Novice, seemingly unaware that the girl was slightly tardy. Kiyi smoothed down her dress nervously, curtsied respectfully and wondered why she'd been called. The Yellow didn't keep her in suspense, launching right into an explanation of the chore Kiyi was to undertake.


    Stables? How wonderful, Kiyi's eyes lit up. She adored horses and had always spent much of her time in the stables and paddocks at home with them. Even with the work being set on this occasion, things were working out far better than she'd hoped for. Fresh air!! Maybe people to observe and a chance to explore a new part of the Tower Grounds a little if I'm careful. At least she's not making me look after those who are sick!!


    Nynaeve Sedai had already turned her back and was staring out of the window. Since she'd obviously been dismissed, Kiyi curtsied again without having said one word during the entire encounter and almost bounced out of the room.





    The stables were a wonder. She'd had no trouble finding them once she'd asked a passing Accepted for directions. The buildings were almost palatial, long and solidly constructed in stone with high vaulted rafters. Kiyi fell in love with the place as she stood breathing deeply, taking in the familiar smells of such a place. There was a deep silence inside, broken only by the occasional stamp of a hoof or swish of a tail as some insect bothered the occupants, and Kiyi moved with quiet steps down the central aisle between the stalls, peeking over the gates at a huge variety of mares and geldings.


    These animals were mounts belonging to Aes Sedai and visitors to the Tower as well as those which had arrived with various Novices and it was obvious they were well looked after. Nothing was out of place. Kiyi could see the tack set carefully onto large racks at the far end of the stables and shelves neatly laid out with grooming implements. Whomever normally worked here took great pride in their job as everything was very organised as far as she could tell. There wasn't another person in sight at that moment, however, so she retraced her steps to the entrance, spying the bales of hay that had been left for feeding the horses. A little further investigation revealed several empty nets too, so Kiyi gathered those up and, shaking the hay out, began to fill them as she'd seen the stable lads do so often, the clouds of dust making her eyes itch.


    She worked methodically, filling four nets at a time and then taking them to replace those in the stalls, petting the horses as she went and murmuring to them softly. The empty ones she gathered would then be filled and taken to the next set of stalls. It was hot, tiring work made worse by the stour clogging her throat and making her sneeze. Eventually though she had every last animal fed and watched the last one, a beautiful chestnut mare with a dark mane and tail, for a few minutes as it munched contentedly before she headed off to find a sturdy broom to sweep the flagstone floor.


    Spotting a water barrel just outside the entrance, Kiyi moved in that direction, desperate for a drink to ease her throat and found a scoop conveniently hung over the rim. The water was cool and refreshing as it slid across her tongue and wet her parched lips. The area around the stables was still empty of people and the temptation to sit down in the cool air for a while was too much. Kiyi's back slid down the stones of the stable wall and she made herself comfortable before drinking the last of the water.


    A few minutes rest won't hurt, just to get my breath back and let the dust settle. No-one's here to bother about it. Then I'll finish the cleaning.... It was the last thought she had as her eyes drooped slowly shut.



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