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Everything posted by Matalina

  1. Absolutely! I'm not saying limit it to you can only play here. I'm just saying that the story should predominately focus in one area. When you have 10 active people writing (and this is being generous to the numbers I've seen poking about since lurking the last few days) you want a centralized location to build. You can go where ever, do whatever, but if you have a central location you can build your character how you want but still fit into the game at hand. I don't want to limit people from playing Tower politics, it wasn't the intention of my posts. Yes channeling is #1 on WoT RP sites because it is the feature set of the series. It should be available. It should be plausible. But with a future we can also say that there is a Tiny WT in the borderlands that is incognito as a school of girls if they are on the run. Or the Kin set up a school for those girls who are in hiding etc. There are tons of ways you can include the channeling into things if there are novices who want in on the story. Typically you don't want to be a novice the whole time so a separate 'dev' thread like you got now would work to progress those characters through the basics if they choose to do so. Build the World. This is what's going on. Add to the instructions if you think something is cool and want to add it to the world then by all means do it. We'll discuss it when we talk bio approval. Until the site is big again, there shouldn't be a wide ass world of play that is available at the ready. It is a set up for failure. If after you get started you and your friends want to go explore the isle of madmen (just some random thing) then go for it. You can. Others might join you in there and use that as a means of coming back to wherever 'home base' is. This is just experience with small sites talking. The First Age is slow, there are 5 of who are regulars we play a shit ton of characters, and there are several others who pop in and out and occasionally we get new blood. But we are 10 years strong and still a ton of stories to tell. The story is centered in Moscow, but we've had adventures in Africa, the US, Mexico. I think there was an India thread, I have a character doing some travel coming up, but Moscow is home base. It's where everyone is. Where everyone tries to get to just so you have writing opportunities. The ones who don't start in Moscow or get there quickly they fizzle out because they don't have anyone to play with. DMs RP isn't big. It has the potential to be big as DM is a WoT source of information, but need to stop thinking we need to cater to the masses. You can do that as it grows, and it'll happen naturally. That's my two cents.
  2. I don't know if I'm here to stay but for now: I, Matalina have read the above and rules, and would like to join the Roleplay! Yes to the Legacy Group access, please.
  3. I like the idea that ALL the world is changing. but I think we need to focus on ONE story in one area. I love all the generated ideas. But not all suited for a small group of writers. And the active conflict should not be separated across the world. The Two Towers: A Cold War Unveiled & The Red Ajah's Rift: Mayene's Crucible Implies that you should be a channeler to participate. so not very open to allowing other types of characters Seanchan's Internal Strife: A Nation Unraveling While this is localized and has some free for all going not everyone wants to play a Seanchan so it's very limiting. The other two on the other hand, provide some great well rounded characters of whatever design we want. Arad Doman's Rebirth: A Nation Transformed We get to rebuild the nation however we want. It might be a bit too freeing and there isn't a built in conflict other than it's changing. But that could be alright. Borderlands Divided: Malkier's Triumph and Kandor's Fall This one gives us a conflict, it a two sided conflict. We can have PC sides and there is a third Dark element with the Blight so inherent evil conflict to go with the personal sides. You can have every known class of character, every nationality participating in the conflict all they need is a reason to be there. A fresh start, a military man, got stuck there after the last battle and just stayed. I favor the borderlands story because it has the potential for the most 'story' to dive into so others don't feel so lost and flounder. Set up would require setting up two 'camps/towns/cities' one in Malkier that is newly built and still under construction I'd imagine. And one in Kandor that is threatened by the Blight and has an active military/fight against it. Darkfriends can have an undermining presence in either causing descent with the masses or allowing Trollocs through the gate and what not. Aes Sedai are there doing what they do best. Black Tower too, which would pull in some of the Towers at war, so you could have that going on here. Each tower having a faction on either side or maybe taking sides fueling the cold war between the two and dividing the borderlands further.
  4. Just throwing it out there since I've been using the Cypher System for my own writing combat and magic systems and stuff in my fiction I like the way they break things out. There are three types of weapons. Light, Medium, Heavy (each one doing X amount of damage but not relevant here). And there are a few different types of damage types. (bladed, bludgeoning and ranged) I will go to say that you can break up bladed into slicing versus thrusting/piercing. So 4 types of damage. They have an inability with, practiced with, trained with and specialized in mechanic no numbers. I really like this system. So a warrior is practiced with all weapons (they don't get any penalties) but they can only be trained in a specific type of weapon... ie: a light slicing weapon (a short sword, a dagger), but they aren't trained in a broadsword which would be considered a medium slicing weapon or a Greatsword as that's a heavy slicing weapon but they can still use it with no penalty, they just are as good at it. There is also a trained with swords mechanic so no matter if it's a light, medium or heavy they are trained with it it I would say that a sword in this case would need to be slicing or thrusting as the swords are different in predominate usage. https://callmepartario.github.io/og-csrd/#equipment-weapons Weapon explanation
  5. I don't know. I can usually get around the I don't want to train but you've handled that. I think my fellow writers kinda fell off the planet so I drifted away. Activity would bring me back. I'm all for waiting weeks between posts if I have to, but I think everything needs to be centralized, so that we aren't all scattered around the wot world. I'm not saying make it WT centric or something, but something that is 'everyone is here' you can play someplace else, but you won't have many people to play with cause we are all 'here'. It's what works with the first age. We are a group of maybe 5 active people with a few stragglers here and there who pop in and out. But we are all in one location, we know if we want to play with others we have to put our character in Moscow, for whatever reason we want but that's where it is all at. We can travel if we like, and do other things, but those are typically short lived story lines and everyone ends up in Moscow. And I think no matter what time line you choose it should be someplace made up. Something we can build and riff off of without messing up canon lore or getting called out on that's not how it is in XYZ place. A time before the books that never quite reaches it or if it does we do it different. Or set afterwards where we have much more freedom in where the story goes. I know we've tried age of legends, and time after the last battle. But I think those areas give a small body of work something easier to work with. And the last battle afterwards gives us all our main players we might want to play where as a time before doesn't necessarily.
  6. I am aware 🙂 I had a story going there for a while pulling FA lore into an Alternate Universe with characters. And provided there was interest I could do so again. But would rather point them at the first age website (links in my sig) and grow there. But I'm monitoring to see if I want to come back and play here.
  7. always like writing in the Wheel of Time. I like the idea of writing in a different age, one where we can define the rules, make the prophecies and pretty much focus on our characters not some pregenerated story line. For simplicity sake and less world building required 100 years after the end of the Last Battle. Gives a structure, and the freedom to create rulers of our own liking, rumors of the big names can float around, but no one's seen them in years they've retired. I also like modern day but I'd rather recommend The First Age site for that since they've established their world already and have a story going. Not that DM couldn't do the same era just I'm biased lol. But I also think that the scope should be narrow. As in, the main play area is Andor, or Murandy or someplace specific and that's where everyone should try to bring their characters. Otherwise you scatter and no one can meet anyone and things get strung out.
  8. https://web.archive.org/web/19991128125055/http://www.dragonmount.com/main.asp (1999 version!)
  9. @Wayward_fool Don't think we ever RP'd together but I definitely remember you. Once upon a time there was an archive of all those stories somewhere. One of the browns had collected them. Back in the days when Jason was Phoenix. The Spring of the Morning Inn was just an awesome place to hang out. And yes so many breakings. I remember the first one which was totally intentional, we even had the site 'break' cracks and broken images, not broken links, the actual images were recreated broken. I was the only girl in the Warders. I miss those times. But then I don't too. Bravenet boards... those were fun. @LilyElizabeth pleasure to meet you too. Though I recognize the name from one of my many returns.
  10. I don't think I was around much in 2006. I had my first kid end of 2005 pretty sure if I was I was just doing tech and rp stuff. I've been in and out of Dm since Jan of 1999. Might be 98.... The months after founding of Dm is I recall
  11. It wasn't intended as a dis. Just the design patterns or rather the lack there of is horrible. It's like looking back at my old writing. I'm always like that sucks royal. I can do better! But at least it's not flashing and blinking. I do wish I had all those old designs. But I either can't get on to the zip drive they are on, or I lost them long long ago.
  12. I remember the Aiel Raid. Mandien (leader of the Aiel) stole the MaA 'chair' as his clan chief throne. (Don't remember if I was MaA or Ben still was) There was a goat raid. These were on the ez-boards and I fondly remember the green leather background and gold lettering. Based off of the Warder website I'd made at the time. I shudder to think of my old designs!
  13. I did not remember. One of my many returns. I probably got too involved and left again. Though I have LOTS of fond memories. I'm not sure how many people will remember Sathanar's ICQ mass messages he'd start. My computer was so old that Art Guy Joe who wasn't that at the time Josef al'March 🙂 he made a 3D rendering of my Stone age computer (made out of literal stone). But back to the messages... My computer was so old that it would take 5 minutes for the messages to appear on the screen so I'm typing blind and then hit enter and send gibberish to chat. (Hands were a key off) And Sath's SG raid on the White Tower. That was my first RP experience ever and I didn't even write it Ben did. I wish those old old thread still existed. Some really great stories there.
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