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Status Updates posted by Matalina

  1. rereead some of Mat/Cari's old RPs and now I remember how much I miss her - redoing my journal for her and just gonna write no story in mind

    1. Raeyn


      She's kind of made of awesome, hee hee. We might have to do some side project retro sometime. :)

    2. Matalina


      awwwww, that's where you commented on it. I forgot my twitter updates here lol. Yes we might have to.

  2. oops... left one wrapper on the peanut butter cups thankfully it was in mine lol I wonder how many there are

  3. No "interview" today. He's home sick. Will reschedule on Monday. More time to prepare and all that.

  4. The littlest one has been awake since 3:45a tho if I had gone to bed a 4a I probably could have had a sleeping kiddo too, too late for that.

  5. chocolate peanut butter cup cupcakes made, peanut butter frosting made and waiting for cupcakes to cool. Hopefully it all turned outs good hehe.

  6. Talking to a company tomorrow about a PHP programming job.... let's see how this goes and where it goes.

  7. Kathleen thanks you for all the Birthday wishes thus far. She's already asking if she can make her cupcakes. I had to tell her around lunch time lol, way to early to think about it now lol. We'll open her main present today, everything else will wait till her party on the 8th.

  8. Kitten turns 5 tomorrow.... WOW!

  9. My kids are still sleeping lol.

  10. Pizza for dinner. Having to make the crust hopefully will be good

  11. desks are now put together. Now tomorrow I can "relax" and just put everything under the tree!

  12. All done with Christmas shopping - finally. And mostly everything is wrapped. Tho I did run out of tape may have not wrap them hehe.

  13. Kathleen insisted on wrapping our gifts with Dora paper lol - "He'll love it." and "You'll love it" lol But it was her choice and she helped as much as I'd letter her

  14. There is a floor! Sorted the trash and the baby toys from the other toys. Will sort toys into bins later. I'm having an allergy attach as is Kathleen so we have to stop. Tomorrow some more maybe, but there is a Floor!

  15. Off to clean the toy room. Fun! Maybe we can get rid of a ton of toys before Christmas, heres to hoping.

  16. hate when I can't breathe. stupid cold.

  17. 1 birthday party down, two christmas and another birthday party to go in as many weeks lol. Was lots of fun, Thanks Claire!

  18. 1.5 hours to wrap all the girls presents... holy...I can now allow the girls to wrap Daddy's presents with out revealing what they have by accident.

  19. Kitten sat on Santa's lap. yay! she's never wanted to before, she wanted to see him but wouldn't get near him.

  20. Trying one last option don't think we'll get any more video from Kathleen's program. Note to self: don't use camera use the video camera!

  21. I lied you migh tnot get any video of Kathleen singing, it didn't covert well I'll try again later

  22. Kitten's Christmas program was good last night. You could even hear her some of the time over the other kids. They sang four songs, we got a few of them, Shea made a boo boo while taping so we didn't get it all. I'll convert from the vid cam and put here if it's not too large. If not Mom and Dad will get a CD/DVD with it if ya'll want to see.

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