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Status Updates posted by Matalina

  1. RT @lotro: Leaves are turning colors,the air is growing crisp,tricks and treats are ready,and that means - the Harvestmath Festival is here!

  2. so very tired today

  3. RT @ModernMom: Baby boy born from a 20-year-old frozen embryo! Amazing! http://bit.ly/aCyiFv

  4. hehehe Dufensmiritz wicked witch caastle lol

  5. RT @modernmom When Mommy's A Mess, So Is Everyone Else! | ModernMom.com http://bit.ly/dsEft0

  6. LOVING having the food network back!

  7. RT @lotro: Update! We’re giving away 250 Turbine Points to 30 people who follow @lotro and retweet this note by 5pm ET TODAY. #LOTRO

  8. Woot! a $5 cable and I can listen to my zune on my stereo! yay!

  9. sleepy still will I ever catch up?

  10. most sleepy today

  11. Circus last night was pretty cool, tho we only stayed for half of it.

  12. Over the next few "days" I'll be fixing up my new photo gallery - http://wilkersons.us. To see most you will need to register

  13. off to pick up kiddo at preschool, library and hopefully walmart to pick up hoodies for us all - it's chilly

  14. Sammi just got a nut (nut to a bolt) stuck on her finger lol, thankfully soap helped get it off with out any hurting her

  15. I'm updating address, Send me a message, email me (matalina@gmail.com) if you've a moment to update your address for me. Thanks.

  16. *thinks gtalk is being cooky*

  17. I hate when my headache makes my stomach get sick

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