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Memory Keepers Announced


Dragonmount is pleased to announce the "Memory Keepers" for the A Memory of Light signing tour that will take place in just a few weeks. These volunteers will be at each event handing out promotional materials, assisting Brandon Sanderson and Harriet McDougal and taking notes for the official signing reports to be posted here. We had a large number of extremely qualified applications. Jason and I had to make some very difficult decisions. We wish we could have picked everyone!


Atlanta, GA

Betsy A

Austin C

Ross N

Mack P

Stephaine G

James A

Levi G

Liz H

Jennifer L

James L


Baltimore, MD

Allen S

Joshua S

Kristen B

David D

Melody S

Eric M

Maureen S

Renee F

Robert M

Cassy E


Birmingham, AL

Raymond L

Jay D

Randy W

Seth L

Lee C

Amanda R

Janice M

Jennifer L

James L


Charleston, SC

Christine D

Katelyn H

Billie Jo S

Brandie H

Suzanne H

Meagan R

Perry M

Jennifer L

James L


Chicago, IL

Michael E

David W

Anne C

Ismail K

Kelly G

Jeffrey N

Leonid V


Dayton, OH

Nicholas B

Mikayla B

Cassie C

Erin R

Duchess M

Chuck E

Michelle I


Lexington, KY

Andrew C

Lara C

Billie S

Richard F

Lydia K

Tyler F

Jennifer D


Los Angeles, CA

Katherine P

Rob H

Joe S

Rebecca G

Kenneth E

Nathan B

Kyle O


Midnight Release - Provo, UT

Jody C

Shannon M

Jared W

Jeff E

Tracie P

Andrew G

Joelene K

Kristy L

Luke J

Matt H


Milford, NH

Frank G

Peter B

Daniel B

Curt H

Greg S

Albert S

Kalyani P


Minneapolis, MN

Kaitlin G

Grant C

Amber K

Sarah F

Benjamin L

Chris B

Vicky W


Philadephia, PA

Andrew C

Bob S

Sara-Jane R

Phillip M

Paul R

Aishwarya S

Robert B


Portland, OR

Andy D

Sara G

Brittany Y

Tyler J

Anna H

Christine C


Raleigh, NC

Joel A

Kerri C

Gary K

William T

Oliver G

Gary S

Jaimie K

Thomas B


Sacramento (Citrus Heights), CA

Deanna B

Adam M

Julianna K

Jason R

Jeff W

Danny S

Jim F


Salt Lake City, UT

Brigitte R

Marc T

Taylor O

Michael W

Deborah N

Christopher W

Charlotte C


San Diego, CA

Lyndsey B

Tim C

Justin L

Eric H

Manue C

Alexei P

Christopher H

Chris C


San Francisco, CA

Matthew B

Anthony A

Shivam B

Molly W

Evan K

Ashley K

Amie C


Seattle, WA

Emilie N

Eric P

Alice A

Wendell P

Jeffrey S

James B

Jeffrey J



Paul L

Alex H

Elizabeth O

Praan M

Rebecca L

Karen C

Alexander A



Michael K

Alex R

Dawn F

Stefan R


Not a Memory Keeper? You can still let us know if you plan to be at a signing by RSVPing to one of our Facebook events. The more accurate the number, the easier it will be for the Memory Keepers and venue staff to plan.

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  On 12/30/2012 at 12:03 PM, theLivingNightmare said:

*claps AesSedaiGuy on the back* No worries, mate. If anything, this would have had RJ rolling for a while, knowing his sense of humor lol :P So look at it that way. Also, anytime lol. XD I'm a wordy kind of a guy.

"wordy kind of guy" . . . that makes two of us. I like the way Leigh Butler described it . . . I'm set to Maximum Verbosity. :D


  On 12/30/2012 at 12:03 PM, theLivingNightmare said:

No matter what, I'm reading that book on the 8th.. I don't care if it was penned by a 3 year old, I'd still stand in line and read it, disappointment or no. ^_^ 


The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home.

Agreed! The 8th can't get here fast enough. "Getting into" DragonMount has really been great to get me back psyched about this series, what it represents, RJ's legacy, and the final novel.

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I gotta say, this has been an interesting thread to read through since I last posted. I'm glad to see people coming together like adults (AesSedaiGuy and Nightmare), and it's unfortunate to see other people building off each others' spite for what is, at most, a minor inconvenience, with the exception of the Baltimore applicants. In their case, I can completely understand the frustration, yet even so, we should be coming together as a family of Wheel of Time fans, preparing for the Last Battle with our heads held high. When I read the last page of A Memory of Light, it's going to be very bittersweet. I think we should all try to focus more on the legacy that RJ has left for us, rather than the simple mistakes of the administrators of Dragonmount in the organization of this book tour. It's the third event, but it's also the largest of the three. I don't fault them one bit. Rather, I look forward to the signing and getting to spend some time with so many fellow fans. To those whose hearts are filled with bitterness, I can only shake my head. Like I said before; it's your own loss.

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My brother just informed me that my name is listed for release night in Provo. I sent an email already too. Hopefully I haven't been replaced. So excited for this book release regardless! This is just in time for my birthday! Wewt.

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  On 12/31/2012 at 6:13 PM, mechawelker said:

I gotta say, this has been an interesting thread to read through since I last posted. I'm glad to see people coming together like adults (AesSedaiGuy and Nightmare)


Sorry, but I have to ask.. You really sure you want to lump me in as an adult..? You did see my picture and what it says above it, right...? :P lol

But seriously, this says it all, IMHO..


  On 12/31/2012 at 6:13 PM, mechawelker said:

 we should be coming together as a family of Wheel of Time fans, preparing for the Last Battle with our heads held high. When I read the last page of A Memory of Light, it's going to be very bittersweet. I think we should all try to focus more on the legacy that RJ has left for us


Happy New Year, everyone. Under one hundred sixty-three and a half hours to go and counting... See you all after the dust has settled. ^_^


Edit: *facepalm* Only shows up in the forums.. But my member title reads as follows, which is why I asked the stupid question above.. *sighs* Now that I explained the funny out of the joke, here's what I was referring to :P .... Member Title  Deadpool: Greatest thing to come from Canada since the Wonderbra

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I have continued to follow and read this thread since my first response some time ago. For the most part, I have to say that I'm glad to see that it has managed to (generally speaking) maintain a high level of civility. People have different opinions and don't always like what has happened, but for the most part, everyone has behaved rationally and respectfully. Except for one...


I really always try to avoid situations like this online. I've been in a few over the years, and while it's been a very, very long time since I allowed myself to go into a discussion like this with all of the inflammatory material being strewn about, I did so here because I felt it was important to show other sides of the issue as well as defend something I believed was worth defending. I'd like to think that I maintained good decorum in my previous post and hopefully helped keep things on topic and civil. Wintersong, you on the other hand, don't seem to have any desire to do that. Since I feel that I have been somewhat personally disparaged by you, I feel the need to respond. I hope others don't think less of me for not completely turning the other cheek.


This may seem pedantic, but I have to start by saying, what's with all the exclamation points? Is that your way of screaming at us instead of GOING WITH THE ALL CAPS METHOD OMGWTFINF!?!?!? Reading what you wrote makes my eyes hurt, as well as my heart and mind. 


As for your actual points on the matter - I'll say first, regarding your assertion that this 'contest was rigged'. That is ludicrous. I know Jason and Jennifer from the Wheel of Time community, which we are all a part of. The fact that I have been a part of it for a very long time, and was involved with this website from near the beginning, in no way shows anything to have been rigged. Why was I chosen? I'd like to think that it was because of all the work I've put into the community over the years, including here at this website. The fact that those making the decision know my work makes it easier for them to evaluate me as a candidate than they might others. That doesn't make it rigged, and I promise I was as nervous and anxious as anyone else waiting to hear who had been chosen as Memory Keeper.


Also, I'd like to mention that your lack of patience and understanding is really quite incredible. It seems quite clear that you are one of those people who believe that the customer is ALWAYS right. I'm sorry to inform you that that is in fact not correct. Customers are wrong all the time.


You claim that you have never been late for anything since you were 12 years old. Good for you! You are probably the only person out of over 6 billion on this planet that can claim that. You should be genuinely and sincerely proud of the accomplishment. However, most mortals are unable to accomplish such a Herculean feat, so please, take it easy on us for it. Also, I think we all know what the date for Christmas is. That doesn't mean that someone just coming back from the holiday is going to be able to do everything they want to do immediately upon their return. However, as you have never been late for anything, I imagine you would find it difficult to understand this.


I will say this, you are correct that it would have been better for them to have made a more generic declaration about when they would have decisions made and people would be notified. That mistake does not however excuse your incredibly poor and disrespectful behavior here in this post.


Finally, regarding me personally. I don't and didn't "slack off" at my job. Not on December 26, nor any other day. But was I as focused as normal? No, I really wasn't. And I think I can safely say that many other people were the same. If you weren't, good for you and good for your employer. Your comment tries to imply that I am some kind of lazy layabout not working which could not be more incorrect. I find it offensive as well as wildly inaccurate. 


Also, I'd like to respond to your assertion that you are somehow being lied to about the site being down. It was earlier in December that it happened, I believe on December 2 or December 3, and didn't become fully operational again until close to December 7. I actually posted on Twitter asking if it meant that the applications submitted would have to be done again, and was told no, they would not. But that happening while they were trying to deal with the applications is a massive undertaking.


I should stop now, because I feel as though my response is becoming more and more disjointed and possibly incoherent. Wintersong, best of luck to you in life. What I will say, with no irony whatsoever, is that I at least will not miss you not being here. People who behave as you have done are not the kind that I want in my community personally. I hope you find one that better suits you. May you always find water and shade.

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I just wanted to let you know that in addition to Jhirrad's offer to ask your question if you feel disinclined to do so for public speaking reason, at least two members of The 4th Age podcast will be attending the midnight release event in Provo.  We are planning on doing a live broadcast from the release party as part of a restructuring of the show.  If you would like, you can email us at podcast@dragonmount.com, and I will make sure that it is my first question to Brandon, Harriett, or whatever member of Team Jordan you like. 


@everyone else reading this:


As I just stated, some members of The 4th Age are going to be on hand at multiple signing venues.  If you have questions you would like asked, email us at the above address with your question and what name you would like the question asked under (Such as Jim from Minneapolis, or if you are a bit more eccentric Jymm al'Miniapol).  We will do our best to make certain we get in as many of these questions as we can in the time we are allowed.  All I ask in making this offer on behalf of The 4th Age is that we keep all questions civil and family friendly.  We will be posting soon with more details on the January 8th live show; and I certainly look forward to meeting as many fellow fans as I can in the next few weeks.


Until then, on behalf of myself and everyone at The 4th Age: Suravye ninto manshima taishite.



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Jhirrad, Andrew_G, and everyone else who has either contacted me directly or offered me support in this thread - Thank you - I really apreciate your kind words and offers. Like most folk here, these books have meant a great deal to me over the past twenty years and so have sites like Dragonmount. Oddly enough, I have not been able to connect with many other WOTanatics (?). The creator has decided to test me by surrounding me with rabid Ice and Fire fans, so I have enjoyed Dragonmount and its sister sites immensely.


Reading this thread, I also decided that it is time for me to get over myself. As I told someone in a response to a privvae message, I have spoken before 600 overstimulated gradeschoolers, rooms full of satiated and bored rotarians, hostile juries and wacko judges. Getting freaked out over asking a question about a minor point in one of these books is silly - but then I'm the same guy who was unable to do anything but grin when I got to shake Leonard Nimoy's hand so go figure.


Anyway - I am actually writing my question down (legibly) and am planning to to raise my hand at the signing to ask it. I am attending one of the early signings so if something happens and I am not able to ask it, I hope you will let me take you up on your offer then.


I also wanted to say acouple other things.


First to Jennifer - I owe you an apology. In my first message, I stated that a plausible solution (for the Boston(?) situation) to accept Memory keepers and o include the former Tower Guard in the private functions with Harriet and Brandon. When I reread this thread yesterday, I realized that is exactly what you did. My apologies - at my age - I should know better than to offer up criticism before "carefully" reviewing the situation. It was never my intent to dismiss the effort you and the rest of the team put into the Memory keepers selection. I blew it and I'm sorry.


I think it is unfortunate that we so often forget the manners our parents taght us when posting on the internet (and I mean all of the internet, sports boards, political discussions, what have you). I think its the anonymity that allows folk to write things online that they would never say face to face to another human being.


To Winesong - in case you return to reread this thread. My sincere condolences for your loss. I can't imagein what you have gone through over the last three years and I am sure you will understand when I say that I hope I never do.


Kudos to you for the sacrifices you are making for your children. Although I have never faced the type of loss you have, I am old enough to know that life changes on a dime and the plans we were so certain of can disappear in the blink of an eye. As hard as it is, if you keep on, I believe you will reap benefits you could never have imagined. Last week my youngest stepson told me he was thinking of giving his son (due in March) my last name. If you saaw the battles we had when he was younger, you would have declared that impossible. Your kids know what you are doing for them and the day will come that they let you know. Just hang in.


You are right, of course, that no one here knows anything about your life. It's the nature of these types of communities. And since we know nothing about the challenges you face, we should exercise restraint in our reponses. However, doesn't that imply a duty on your part to recognize the same thing about everyone else here? I was disappointed about not being selected, but I have yet to see any evidence of a "fix" or any intent to manipulate the selection process.


This post has gone from simple to preachy in record time.


Congrats again to all the Memory Keepers. The 8th can't come fast enough and yet the transition from Anticipation to Memories of Light is coming far too quickly.

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This thread is a testament to the innate goodness in humanity. We all had a little Rand on Dragonmount experience. lol


And yes, the 8th can't come fast enough.

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I just wanted to say that I am excited to finally be selected as one of the voulunteers like I am sure most of us have I have been applying since The Gathering Storm book signing. I too again like most of you have been reading this book for 20 years and will celebrate and most likely shed a tear that something that has been apart of my life for so long is coming to an end.


I was one of the lucky few to be choosen for the Baltimore group as a new guy.

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OMG!  When I had not heard by the 21st I assumed I was not picked!  Just found out I get to be a Memory Keeper!  I think I am hyperventilating!  I am so glad I checked my email this morning!  Woot!  Wednesday is going to be the best early birthday present of my life! 

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And a congratulations to all the rest of you who were chosen as well.  This is going to be the most dificult read of my life as I know I am going to rush into it to find out what happens then slow down to try to savor the very last new Robert Jordan book.  I have a feeling I am going to cry like a baby when I finish regardless of the ending simply because I will never get the opportunity to read a new book written by such a brilliant author again. 

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BOO HOO! I'm just sad that there's never been a signing event even reasonably close to me. 

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For all the Memory Keepers...

Has there been a "First Among Equals" email yet? With the book tour starting tonight I would have expected this email been sent out already...


Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.

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  On 1/7/2013 at 3:51 PM, NYGohan said:

For all the Memory Keepers...

Has there been a "First Among Equals" email yet? With the book tour starting tonight I would have expected this email been sent out already...


Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.

I believe the Firsts were emailed individually. I got an email from our First among Equals a little over a week ago, I think, with an introduction from her and her telling us that she was the First. *shrug*

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Yes, they have been, and yours should have been in contact with you at this point. Though if it's a much later signing, they may be waiting until you get a little closer.

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