A Memory of Light, the final book in the Wheel of Time series, has arrived! Here's a round-up of news and reviews.
Buy the book & support Dragonmount
- http://www.goodreads.com/interviews/show/836.Brandon_Sanderson">Goodreads
- http://www.npr.org/2013/01/06/168627939/for-wheel-of-time-fans-the-last-battle-is-at-hand">NPR
- http://nethspace.blogspot.com/2013/01/interview-brandon-sanderson-on-wheel-of.html">Nethspace
- http://blogs.citypages.com/dressingroom/2013/01/brandon_sanderson_i_was_absolutely_stunned_when_asked_to_finish_the_wheel_of_time.php">City Pages
- http://www.brandonsanderson.com/blog/1136/Its-finally-out.">Brandon's blog (he answers FAQ's)
- http://www.dragonmount.com/index.php/News/amol/dear-robert-jordan">"Dear Robert Jordan", Jason Denzel's response to the book
- http://www.theoryland.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7653'>http://www.theoryland.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7653">Matt Hatch (Theoryland.com)
- http://www.tor.com/blogs/2012/12/the-wheel-of-time-a-memory-of-light-spoiler-free-review">Leigh Butler (non-spoiler)
- http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/01/the-wheel-of-time-a-memory-of-light-spoiler-review">Leigh Butler (Spoilers!)
- http://13depository.blogspot.com/2010/11/my-review-of-towers-of-midnight.html">Linda (Thirteenth Depository)
- http://nethspace.blogspot.com/2013/01/review-memory-of-light-by-robert-jordan.html">Nethspace
- http://thewertzone.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-memory-of-light-by-robert-jordan-and.html">The Wertzone
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bryan-maygers/a-memory-of-light-wheel-of-time_b_2429397.html">Huffington Post
Discuss the book
- http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/forum/364-a-memory-of-light-non-spoiler-discussion/">AMOL discussion NO SPOILERS
- http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/forum/382-a-memory-of-light-full-spoiler-discussion/">AMOL Full Spoiler Forum
- Theoryland.com
- http://www.tarvalon.net/">TarValon.net
Book Tour Info
Dates and times about the AMOL book tour:
Monday, January 7th - 8 PM
Provo, UT (pre-release Q&A)
Provo High School auditorium with Harriet
Tuesday, January 8th - Midnight
Provo, UT (midnight signing)
BYU Bookstore with Jason Denzel
Tuesday, January 8th - 7 PM
Minneapolis (Roseville), MN
B&N with Harriet
Wednesday, January 9th - 7 PM
Chicago (Skokie), IL
B&N with Harriet
Thursday, January 10th - 7 PM
Dayton, OH
Books & Co with Harriet
Friday, January 11th - 7 PM
Lexington, KY
Joseph-Beth Booksellers with Harriet
Saturday, January 12th - 2 PM
Charleston, SC
B&N @ 2pm (off-site @ Addlestone Library/ College of Charleston) with Harriet and Jennifer Liang
Friday, February 1st - 7 PM
Salt Lake City, UT
Weller Book Works
Wednesday, February 6th - 7 PM
San Diego, CA
Mysterious Galaxy
Thursday, February 7th - 7 PM
Los Angeles (Huntington Beach), CA
Friday, February 8th - 7 PM
Sacramento (Citrus Heights), CA
B&N with Jason Denzel
Saturday, February 9th - 3 PM
San Francisco, CA
Monday, February 11th - 7 PM
Portland, OR
Powell's (Beaverton store)
Tuesday, February 12th - 7 PM
Seattle, WA
University Books (off-site; University Temple United Methodist Church)
Thursday, February 14th - 7 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Chapters Metrotown
Friday, February 15th - 7 PM
Toronto, Canada
Bakka-Phoenix Books (off-site; Lillian H. Smith Library)
Saturday, February 16th - 2 PM
Milford, NH
The Toadstool Bookshop (off-site; The Amato Center for the Performing Arts)
Monday, February 18th - 7 PM
Baltimore (Hanover), MD
Books-A-Million with Harriet
Tuesday, February 19th - 7:30 PM
Philadelphia, PA
Free Library with Harriet
Wednesday, February 20th - 7:30 PM
Raleigh, NC
Quail Ridge Books with Harriet
Thursday, February 21st - 7:15 PM
Atlanta, (Norcross), GA
Eagle Eye Books (off-site; Norcross Cultural Arts Center in conjunction with the Gwinnett County Library system) with Harriet and Jennifer Liang
Friday, February 22nd - 7 PM
Birmingham, AL
Books-A-Million with Harriet and Jennifer Liang
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