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Is it working, yet?


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Looks like that's a yes.


*looks around*


So this is what it's like to travel back in time...


Although, I would have rather gone back to see a dinosaur rather than reread the threads from February 27.

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Ok, first of all, my avatar is exactly the right size.


*yanks on his braid and sniffs*


You're all just jealous cuz it's way more cooler than all of yours.




*looks at SBoydW*



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Guest Emperor

Possible reasons the DM gods decided to kill the boards.


1. To bring the Children of Light org back. It was retired but now it is resurrected.


2. Jason and the wife got a little "crazy". I won't go any further with that....


3. Paityr's avatar is too big and DM could not compute.


4. The other orgs were afraid of the Seanchan org gaining too much momentum, so bribed Admins to "whack" the server.


5. Kathana wanted a brief vacation and an excuse to use Back to the Future icons.

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8. One of the admins (or Jason) forgot to feed the hamsters.


9. The hamsters went on strike, demanding more food to running around in their wheel all day long to keep the DM server going.

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