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Old Tongue Question


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I have searched and been unable to find whether there is an Old Tongue phrase for Wolfbrother or one that the Aiel have used when referring to them.  The closest I could come up with on my own was Shae'din for Dogbrother.  I couldn't find Old Tongue words for wolf or wild (to add to the word for dog for wild dog brother).  Just a matter of curiosity.


Vovok (wolf) alantin (brother) would be the literal phrase for Wolf Brother. Perrin is called, once, Sei'cair, meaning Golden Eyes in the Old Tongue, by a Maiden.

Otherwise, I do not recall a term for WolfBrother ever appearing in an appendix of any book, and a few keystrokes have confirmed that for me.


I have no idea how I missed "vovok" when I did my searches! I search for that paired with "wheel of time" and find it without a problem on a list I'm certain I did a search of. Thank you!


My follow up question would become whether there is any real way of knowing if "Vovok alantin" or "Vovok'din" (using Mera'din or Gaidin as reference) makes the most sense.  Also, is there a way of knowing whether it would be "Vovok'din" or "Vovokdin"?


do not recall the books giving a translation of Mera'din.  if I remember correctly, Mera'din was either a town or city.


there is another Brotherhood with an Old Tongue name; Brothers of the Eagle (Aiel society).  I think Old Tongue of it is "Far Aldazar Din".

and I seem to recall Ogier being called "Tree Brother" and something along the lines of "Brother to the Trees".  do not remember the Old Tongue equivalents of those.


Mera'din is an Aiel word for brotherless.


T'ingshen, the word for free brother, and Ko'bal, a word for a band of Trollocs, seem to muddy the waters even further by not adhering to the use of "din" in some order.


Thanks for everyone's replies!


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