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New Guy..


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Greetings!!!!  Have you finished the series yet?  Who is your favorite WoT character?


I am currently on "The Shadow Rising", I absolutely love the series so far! And if I had to pick a favorite character I guess it would have to be Lan... I think he's pretty awesome :) 


Hi Watashi, and welcome to the board! 


I only started here a couple of months ago myself, and it's a lovely place to hang out. 

You may want to stay clear of discussions to begin with, since there are a ton of spoilers there, but we have a lot of fun social groups where we can play and have fun, and also role playing groups.


Hey Watashi, welcome to the forums. I am new like sooh, but have found myself coming here more and more, mainly because of the role-playing. If you have any questions feel free to ask as I have lan as my favorite character as well


Seph is probably a good one to show the way :smile: If you look on the main board site there's a section called Dragon Reborn RP and Dragon Reborn Role playing community. There you'll find a lot of good stuff to get you started too. 


I am currently on "The Shadow Rising", I absolutely love the series so far! And if I had to pick a favorite character I guess it would have to be Lan... I think he's pretty awesome :)




Be careful in the discussion areas since you haven't finished the series. (even role play too.) If you are interested in RP, tell someone over there how far along you are in the books.


The social groups are a lot of fun. I'm In the White Tower and Warders and a few others.


Watashi I was the same way, although you have more experience than me.


http://thefirstage.org/ it is pretty easy to catch on, the one I am currently in is played in the first age that link gives information about it.


If you would like go to the main page of this forum, scroll down to turning of the wheel rp. And yhe charity event inside there is our current game.


I feel if you read it, its much easier than me explaining as im new myself. There are no bio's required. Just need to make a character and jump in. We are currently waiting on Matalina to post new content as our dm.


As you are reading anything between quotes," like this" is somethin your character said out loud. I am sure there are lots more who rp on this site but that and mafia games are all I have done so far.


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