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ATTN Meria! (Getting to know mentor)


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Nynaeve rolled her eyes at the trainee that was sitting in front of her. "Sadrick, this is the forth time this month you've visited the infirmary. I can understand an accident but this is getting too frequent for my taste. Training is one thing but getting wounded every other day is a totally different story. Next time I just might let you heal the old fashion way. And I trust you would not like that."


Sadrick's eyes bulged for a moment, but his expression remained stony for the rest. He was progressing quite well in his training. He already had the pig headed nature of a Warder. "No, Aes Sedai", was all he said. Nynaeve could see a touch of amusement in his eyes, but preferred to ignore it instead of getting irritated by it.


She grabbed Sadrick's head, less gently than she could have managed, and delved him. Her suspicions were accurate. His leg was broken and two of his ribs were fractured. As she channeled the healing weaves and started to mend the bones, she could almost hear them crackle. A grin formed on her face as Sadrick started shivering uncontrollably. "All done. Now, eat well and rest. You know the procedure better then anyone and don't let me catch you in here again, boy. I wouldn't like to go all the way to the Master of Arms' office. It's so very far."


This time Sadrick failed miserably in maintaining the stony face, which agreed with Nynaeve quite a bit. "Be off now!". The trainee was out the door before Nynaeve even finished the sentence. She was quite pleased. It seemed her last threat was quite affective.


Getting out of the room herself, she bumped into a Novice. Nynaeve waited patiently for the girl to move, yet she stood still, staring at Nynaeve wide eyed. "Yes, child. Can I help you with anything?".



OOC: Okay, here we go :D

just tell Nyn that you were sent to the infirmary to meet your mentor or something of the sort. I hope you enjoy RPing with me *wink*






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ooc: I don't think that Meria is over her parents' deaths enough to be all wide-eyed and stuff, but whatever. :D


IC: Meria had risen from bed reluctantly, she didn't want to get up and face sorrow again. All Meria wanted to do was sleep forever, escape the pain of her loss. She had been told to meet her mentor, a Yellow Aes' Sedai called Nynaeve, in the infermery. She walked to the infermery wallowing in her sorry when she saw a young man run out of it. Once she would have smiled at the man and had a chat, but now all she could think of was her sorrow.


As she approached the Infermary, she collided into someone. Meria gasped and staired wide eyed at the woman she had bumped into. No one simply collided with an Aes' Sedai, no matter what their exuse. When the Aes' Sedai asked her if she could help Meria, she lost control. "I am sorry, Aes' Sedai. I didn't mean to bump into you, it's just that I was sent to find my mentor Nynaeve Sedai and I wasn't looking her and I bumped into you and I hope you not mad and... and..." Meria curtsied and hoped that the Aes' Sedai wasn't mad. In fact, she would be supprised if the Aes' Sedai even got what she was trying to say.


ooc: you can do whatever with this. Don't really mind how you treat Meria, I enjoy making my BT char misrable but I don't have the same fixation for Meria. :D I need to get back to my arrival, I was waiting for you to post but since we did this I will go on without you with Taei.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: sorry it took so long, won't happen again ;)

Oh and remember that Nyn has no idea about Meria's background. She doesn't even know her name yet *L*


Whether Meria wants to share, it's up to you *g*



It took an enormous effort to prevent her eyes from bulging. A mintee? This must have been Faerzyne's work. The Mistress of Novices sometimes indulged too much for comfort, in Nynaeve's view. Giving a Novice to her care at these moments where she found herself more busy then ever. Her research on gentled men was her new passion and she had eyes and ears only for that. Sending the girl away was useless at this point, though. She was already in whites which meant she was already scribed in the book of Novices and assigned a mentor. Her.


Nynaeve gave the girl a long cold stare. "I am Nynaeve Sedai. One thing you should know, child. That you are a child. It's not just a title. It certainly doesn't involve any protocol we use or some sort of ceremony. It's a state of being. Yours. Some say that their Novice years were the worst. I disagree. Being a Novice is the easiest, as being a child is. You do what you're told. It's a very easy way to live. No worries. No doubts. No second thoughts. After all, you don't make the decisions. They are made for you. You'd be wise to remember that." Nynaeve gave the Novice another significant look.


"You'll learn that with me there are no compromises. No half ways. No exceptions of any kind. Every Novice might be different in background, accent or skin color. But you share a common goal. And if I have any say, you will all walk the same path. Cry the same number of nights and do the same ammount of labor. No leeway will be suffered." Nynaeve folded her hands under her breasts and examined the girl for a moment. She seemed pale. Her eyes red. "Are you in good health, child? Neglecting to take good care of yourself is also punishable."





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ooc: hehe, ok, I will just make this a little bit interesting, after all, meeting the Mentor just seems a little dry...


"I am Nynaeve Sedai. One thing you should know, child. That you are a child. It's not just a title. It certainly doesn't involve any protocol we use or some sort of ceremony. It's a state of being. Yours. Some say that their Novice years were the worst. I disagree. Being a Novice is the easiest, as being a child is. You do what you're told. It's a very easy way to live. No worries. No doubts. No second thoughts. After all, you don't make the decisions. They are made for you. You'd be wise to remember that. You'll learn that with me there are no compromises. No half ways. No exceptions of any kind. Every Novice might be different in background, accent or skin color. But you share a common goal. And if I have any say, you will all walk the same path. Cry the same number of nights and do the same ammount of labor. No leeway will be suffered. Are you in good health, child? Neglecting to take good care of yourself is also punishable."


"Of course I am alright Aes' Sedai, I just had a little difficulty before arriving at the Tower..." Meria remembered the screams of her mother as the bandits killed her. She remembered watching as her father was murdered trying to protect them. It was all too much for Meria to handle; she just could not take it.


Tears leaked out. At first, they were slow and few, then they grew into a steady stream. While she was crying, she tryed to appologise to the Aes' Sedai, who would obviously be very irritated at a girl breaking down and crying right in front of her. "S-sorr-ry Ae-Aes' Sed-Sedai." She managed to get out. "J-just th-that I... m-my p-parents were... k-killed by b-b-bandets, and I m-miss t-them s-s-so m-much..."


ooc: *pause for dramatic effect*


*admires his work*

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