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Any Dragon Age fans out there?


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Is anyone excited for the new Inqiusition game? Apprehensive? At first I was a bit wary of it after the disappointment of the second one, but so far it looks pretty good! What are you hoping to see or not see in 3 and what do you think of what has been revealed about it so far? Discuss! :smile:








OH yeah, looks badass :cool:


AM I! I just finished my I don't know how many times play through of Origins. I"ll probably hop on and give DAII another go. I already have the inquisitors edition of DA Inquisition on Pre-order.....yeah i'm a big fan. LOL 


I should add that I was at PAX last year where the Bioware guys introed inquisition and it looked so awesome! I couldn't wait to see a more finished product and man now I wish the game was coming out a little earlier then October. It looks awesome. Plus i'm excited to be playing a Mage and then romancing Cullen because i'm a bad person and always play a mage and romance whoever doesn't like mages. Fenris, Alistar, etc. LOL 


Haha I've also just finished my I-don't-even-know-how-many playthrough! Origins is just such a ridiculously good game. I'm usually an elf though. And man do I love Alistair :wub:  I actually couldn't make myself finish DA2 haha it was just soo different and couldn't hold my interest after Origins. I do aim to power through it before 3 comes out just so I know all the DA2 storyline.


I'm really hoping for some good characters for 3, although after Alistair, Leliana and Morrigan (and you know what, just ALL the origins characters :rolleyes: ) it's going to be pretty hard to live up to. One of the reasons I couldn't play DA2, I just felt the companions paled in comparison. And I have to wonder if they can ever make a romance storyline as good as the Alistair/Warden one haha.


Thankfully it comes out close to our summer holidays as I think when it comes out I'm just gonna hole myself up in my room for weeks on end and have no life! :laugh:


(ooo and you a AC fan too? I see your Ezio quote on your sig :smile: . *sigh* Ezio, yet another fictional character I would totally marry if he were real :rolleyes: )

(ooo and you a AC fan too? I see your Ezio quote on your sig  :smile: . *sigh* Ezio, yet another fictional character I would totally marry if he were real   :rolleyes: )


Am I???? Dear I love the AC games so much I got the Assassin symbol tattooed on my left wrist. Across from the Aes Sedai symbol on my right wrist colored in Green of course. *laughs* I'm also a history major so the AC games play into that. *ggls* The new AC Unity is going to rock my world. French Revolution omg I can't wait. Although Altair is my fave Assassin. I met an Altair cosplayer this year at the anime convention even thought I was cosplaying Princess Jasmine I needed a picture. LOL 


On topic. I never romanced Alistar after he dumped me once, I was like...fine I am just going to be friends. So I romance Z now all the time. *laughs* I like Alistar okay but he's not my favorite. I'm working on a Morrigain Cosplay, along with a steampunked version of Princess Jasmine and a bunch more LOL, I adore the ground Steve Blum...err Oghren walks on. *laughs* He amused me so much that I occasionally just bug him at camp to hear him talk. LOL His rant about the sheets in Awakening makes me laugh every time. Warden: "Someone told you about a pants monster and you believed them?" Oghren: I'm new here. LOL 


That being said, I liked DA II.The bioware boys signed it for me at PAX last year actually. Anyway I liked the combat system FAR better then the one in Origins and Awakening. I don't like the AI combat system press a button once and the computer takes over...ugh. I also didn't like that in Origins I didn't have a voice so in II I really liked that my character speaks. I have to admit i'm in love with Fenris. It's sad. LOL Isabella also amuses me a great deal, and of course Varric. 


Haha wow! I wish I was not so adverse to pain so I could get some mean tatoos :rolleyes: Haha I'm hoping Unity is going to be good, I feel like they may be starting to milk the whole franchise a bit overmuch, I hope it doesn't end up like Lost! How'd you feel about the new direction they took Black Flag? Haha yeah Altair was pretty badass, but I love Ezio's humour and general cheekiness. I guess that's why I loved Alistair so much too haha. And probably also the reason Mat is my favourite WoT character! :mat: (and why I didn't care for Connor from ACIII. Humorless punk :dry: ) At least Altair had a snarky wit to him which made him interesting.


Oh man I wish we had cool conventions here. Unfortunately we only get one a year, that isn't that big and only occasionally has cool things. *sigh* the problems of living in a teeny tiny country :mellow: .


Also back on topic!: Haha I simply can't play through without romancing Alistair. He's just so adorable and sincere haha but can be a badass when he wants to be. I always found myself a bit creeped out by Zev as a lover tbh haha. Awesome as a friend companion though. That sort of friend that you just smile and nod too :tongue: Kinda like Oghren. That weirdo always cracks me up!


Yeah I'm going to try DA2 again, but maybe go into it knowing it will be nothing like Origins. I reckon if I treat it like a compeltely different game I might like it more. Yeah, I actually quite like both the combat systems, which is why I love the way they're going with Inquisition as they're combining it, so you have strategy and real time, so it's not just button mashing hack n slash haha but also not pause-attack-pause-attack.


I also like both the voice and non voiced games. In the non voiced games it was great cause you could almost say it in your head how you liked so it was more like you *were* the character. Possibly I like it cause I was used to it in games like Knights of the Old Republic & Jade Empire which I played since I was like 12 haha. Having said that, I also really enjoy the dialogue wheel ala Mass Effect (another boss game) because it makes things so cinematic and believable. I hope the voice actors are good though, I admit I don't remember being too impressed with the female voice actor for DA2, she just seemed a it posh and wooden. Or, you know, stereotypically British haha. Or maybe Jennifer Hale just raised the voice acting bar far too high in KotOR & Mass Effect :rolleyes:


Agh I'm so excited, Inquisition is combining the best of everything!!! (Far out this is a geek out thread! :biggrin: )

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Well, I'm not to fond of what bioware has done with there games so far... They are all basically the same game. (In general)


I'm pretty much ignoring everything about this game.

I will still probably pick it up when it comes out. 

This is all in an attempt to prevent myself from getting hyped about the game at all... Which hopefully will allow me to not find it disappointing when it doesn't live up to the hype.




 I always found myself a bit creeped out by Zev as a lover tbh haha

I can see that he's a bit.....odd when you first start his romance. In the end though he's pretty sweet. I like Z's snark too. *laughs* Any banter between him and Oghren amuses me greatly. Also, when he flatters Morrigan enough to where she says, "wellll" then Alistar cuts in "OMG you did it" Z: " and that's how it's done you owe me" Morrigain "I hate you both so much!" Cracks me up every time. 


I'll PM you my thoughts on AC as I feel a bit weird posting here on a topic about Dragon Age about AC so yeah I'll Pm you. Be less odd for me. *G* 


I've met Jenifer Hale. I wasn't super impressed with her. I mean she was okay, but after a combonation of nearly fainting in her line, having to wait an extra twenty min till she got there and a combo of other things. I wasn't impressed. LOL I did like the voice acting in both Origins, Awakening, and II. Claudia Black as Morrigain is just perfect. Steve Blum, who i've met once as well and adore LOL. 


What's your class of choice? I'm usually a mage, unless it's DAII because I hated the brother in that game. LOL Generally though i'm a mage. I'm not a huge fan of the warrior class, I dunno why but I just didn't care for it. LOL 


Haha yes he is a bit. I love him as a character, but yeah, he just isn't as appealing for me as Alistair as a love interest :P. The party banter is brilliant in Origins! I love it when Wynne is ribbing Alistair on staring at the Wardens *ahem* "swaying hips", and he's just like "I hate you. You're a bad person." And the conversation about his socks haha. I actually haven't come across that particular conversation with Zev and Morrigan, probably cause I don't really have those 3 in my party at once I guess...But I shall YouTube it cause it sounds amusing  :tongue:


Haha I'm not sure about Jennifer Hale as a person, I just meant her voice acting. I was so suprised when I found out that some of my favourite characters from various different games were all her. She is just so talented. Yeah, to be honest, the voice acting in all the games is very good, i was just meaning Hawke really haha. Her voice was just a bit posh and girly for a heavily weaponed badass :rolleyes: . That's another problem I find with having voiced characters. It's actually quite hard to give them the character you want if that makes sense. Like, Hawke's fundamental personality is the same really no matter the dialogue options you choose. He/she is always just a little bit snarky and cheerfully optimistic. Which I got used to and eventually liked, but yeah. Which is the advantage of no voice I suppose. For example in DA:O I sort of created a character and personality in my head for my Warden and got to imagine how she might say the dialogue and everything which just made it that much more fun for me. It actually was like "role playing" :biggrin:


Although, since our discussion, I have again picked up DA2 and am rather enjoying it. It's not nearly as good or well done as Origins (continuity is pretty bad, repetitive levels and relationships that happen WAY too quickly :rolleyes: ), but overall, it is rather fun.


I'm usually an Elven Rogue eh. I was a mage on my first couple of Origins playthroughs but decided that I preferred being an underdog who does what she has to rather than an uber powerful badass haha. Besides, Morrigan is my bestie, so she just smites anyone who comes close :laugh: . Yeah I don't really like the Warrior class either to be honest. I guess I just prefer the finesse and sneakiness of rogues. It's like a deadly dance rather than the "Hulk smash!" of Warriors :laugh:



Well, I'm not to fond of what bioware has done with there games so far... They are all basically the same game. (In general)


I'm pretty much ignoring everything about this game.

I will still probably pick it up when it comes out. 

This is all in an attempt to prevent myself from getting hyped about the game at all... Which hopefully will allow me to not find it disappointing when it doesn't live up to the hype.

 Yes I suppose that's true to an extent in that they all have the same basic premise. World/galaxy in peril from scary badguys, main character must build up a force to stop said badguys. However, I find the way they execute that premise to be unique in each game. I have no idea how they come up with so many unique and instantly classic characters, but somehow, they do :laugh:  And I love the whole good vs evil thing, to have something to fight for, and I love a game with heart and character. Same reason I love WoT I guess :wink: It's the reason I couldn't get myself to play through Oblivion. I had no idea who I was or what I was fighting for and I didn't care for any characters, so I just stopped playing haha.


But fair enough, to be honest I've been trying to squash my enthusiasm too, just in case it's crap and I'm super disappointed. It's just so hard!! :rolleyes:




But fair enough, to be honest I've been trying to squash my enthusiasm too, just in case it's crap and I'm super disappointed. It's just so hard!!  :rolleyes:

Have you checked out all the stuff from E3??? It looks A-MAZING! Although I am totally amused your Qunari companion is pretty much the Qunari version of Isabella from II. *ggl snorts* 




Yes I suppose that's true to an extent in that they all have the same basic premise. World/galaxy in peril from scary badguys, main character must build up a force to stop said badguys.

That is true, although I had a friend tell me that DA was pretty much WoT in video game form. To an extent that is so true. Templers=Children of the Light. Darkspawn=Dark Ones creatures. etc etc. Even the Grey Warden motto is pretty much a dressed up version of what the Green Ajah does. So now I can't get the idea out of my head. *laughs* 


​I could listen to the voice actor for Fenris in II Alllllll day. LOL Morrigain is ALWAYS in my party in Origins regardless of what class I am. *laughs* She's just that good a character. Although I think I said i'm usually a Mage it's my fave class. I'll probably run through Inquisition as a Mage first and move on from there. I'm told Inquisitions main story will take 50 hours! (Origins did NOT take that long for me not even close. LOL) 


Yeah I have, that's why it's so hard to not get redonkulously excited!!


Oh my gosh that is so true, I've thought that many times while I was playing. In fact, since I'm actually only up to book ten, I'm reading WoT and playing DA together so I am getting SO confused because there are just so many similarities! It's getting hard to know what bit of lore goes with which story haha. Even how the Mages (Aes Sedai) are watched by Templars (Warders) although of course in a different way :P. The apostates=wilders. First Enchanter=Amyrlin Seat. There are heaps more but a can't think of them at the moment haha.


Fenris' voice is amazing. Like. He should narrate everything. He's up there with Morgan Freeman :cool: Yeah at first when I played Origins I thought she was a bitch because no matter what I said she hated me, but then I figured her out and then she was my bestie :laugh: Agh Bioware are so good at creating complex characters!! Like Jack from Mass Effect


Wow, yup it is good that it comes out just before summer break or I would not be able to finish my degree :rolleyes:


I always thought the Templars were the Children of the Light. LOL The people who seek the truth are called the "Seekers" made me think of the children. I don't remember if the Children had seekers I thought they did..anywho. Orlies is Carahain (city that plays the game of houses) LOL 


I love Morgan Freeman...wouldn't it be sweet to have him in a game. *laughs* Suddenly he's the leader of the Inquisition. I'd scream and be like OMG Morgan Freeman! *dies* LOL Fenris is the only romance worth doing as far as i'm concerned, in II. He's a little prickly at first and then you get him to go for it and he's awesome. :) 


I'm not sure how I feel about the combat system in Inquisition. Mostly because i'm not much into setting up tactics. I like the boys and girls to do what they need to do without me telling them. In Inquisition you need to set things up and i'm really not great at that. Although i'm interested to see how my choices in Origins, Awakening, and II will affect the game when I get it. I know Alistar is back, again, for the new one. So that should be interesting. 


I've tried so many times to get into this game but I just can't seem to do it. I keep hearing how it's a great game but I can't seem to play more than a few hours for some reason.


I always thought the Templars were the Children of the Light. LOL The people who seek the truth are called the "Seekers" made me think of the children. I don't remember if the Children had seekers I thought they did..anywho. Orlies is Carahain (city that plays the game of houses) LOL 

Yeah you're right! And aren't there Seekers in the Seanchan? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if DA got a lot of it's inspiration from WoT, I thought of a bunch of other parallels the other day but I can't for the life of me remember them now...blast it.


Oh gosh yes, Morgan Freeman should just be in everything. Oooo he could narrate the voice of the Maker or something! Yes that's true, Anders is a punk and Sebastian is an annoying prude. Fenris has that whole bad boy thing going for him. And the voice of course :laugh:


Yeah me too to an extent. I like light tactics like in DA but I don't want to have to be setting up battlefields and having every fight last half and hour. That would get old real fast.....

Yay I can't wait to see Alistair! Hopefully they don't munt his face up like they did in DA2. I'm really interested to see how they integrate the last two games too eh...Oh I can't wait! I preordered yesterday :biggrin:



I've tried so many times to get into this game but I just can't seem to do it. I keep hearing how it's a great game but I can't seem to play more than a few hours for some reason.


Yeah, that's kinda like me and Oblivion and WoW. Different games for different people I guess :smile:

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Shadowspawn, and whatever they call them in DA.

'Magic' users are shunned/hunted by the Templars.. who are mostly men.

I want to say 'male' magic users are more reviled than female 'witches'? But I haven't played DA for awhile. Though, there is a whole list of parallels out there if you want to see them all..


I looked up the Wheel/Dragon age connection and people are mean when talking about it. At least everywhere I looked they were. 




Oh I can't wait! I preordered yesterday

Ah welcome to the dark side. *laughs* I am so excited for this game it is scary. lOL I can't wait either to see how the choices affect what I do. I wonder if Fenris will show up with Hawke because he's always my romance. LOL I wish Inquisition didn't bring back Leiliana because i'm really not a fan of hers. Zevarn yes Leilana no. Seems like it's just me though since she seems to have a pretty strong following. I never cared for her though. Her DLC is agonizing to get through. I'm trying but it's slow going. LOL 



 Sebastian is an annoying prude 

That was odd for me. Because he tells you, or maybe in banter with Isabella, that he's done the drinking and the brothels etc. Why is he such a prude now. You'd think he'd be like...well it's not for me but carry on if you need too. You don't even get to kiss him if you romance him. If you flirt with him he gets all flustered and such. I'm like...wait for such a wordly man you are pretty prudish. Maybe it's the Chantry training. 


I know, and I have to wait like 4 whole months!!! Agggh...I'll just have to keep replaying Origins till then I guess! :P

AW yeah! I wonder if hawke will retain the same features? I just wonder how they will transfer to the next gen consoles. The Keep will be useful for recreating the backstories when moving to Xbox One or PS4 but I wonder how the physical characteristics would work? And would she retain the same personality?

Yeah I like Leliana well enough. I wouldn't say I'm like a massive militant fan, but I liked her character.


Hmm, Sebastians character was a bit of a weird one. His whole philosophy of life was so incongruous with the rest of him....It made him irritating. Why make him so attractive and give him a freaking Irish accent if you couldn't even romance him properly?? :rolleyes:


I'm not sure how I feel about Freddie Prince Jr. playing the voice of the Iron Bull. I've never cared for him as an actor, and I have a soft spot for the Qunari even if I never used Sten in Origins. LOL 


Yeah I was a bit weirded out when I heard he was voicing Iron Bull. I just kept seeing Fred from Scooby Doo in my head :dry: But I watched a bit of his behind the scenes voice acting for I.B and I was sort of pleasantly surprised. He changes his voice quite a bit for it, although I still think a slightly more bass voice would've suited such a large character better. But I suppose maybe they did that on purpose to get away from the stereotype "big character has big booming voice" haha. I mean I.B is already quite a unique Qunari, being so lighthearted about things and all....


I agree I watched his behind the scenes and it seems like he plays the Video games and knows what he's doing. I was hoping for a bit more of a bass voice like Sten, but it's okay. I will wait to really pass judgement till I play the game. I kind of hope that I can romance I.B I didn't get to romance Sten, or the Arashok. LOL It was sad all around. they haven't released all the Romance options yet although I hear there is more then other DA games. Which means there will probably be six options *laughs* Since the first one had four and the second one had five, counting Sebastian. I did like that Cullen was an option. Looking forward to that. 


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