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DM Handle: Leala Gymorraine

Character Name: Laure Hale

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Place of Birth/Raising: Woods that were likely in Andor

Physical Description: Laure stands a bit taller than most women at 5’8”. She has tanned skin, lightly peppered with freckles around her nose. Her hair is long, thick and a dark brown. Before her eyes began to change to gold, they were hazel.


Character History: Laure was born to Delyn Hale and his wife in a cabin in the middle of the woods. Her mother left when she was three. Laure never bothered to learn her name or remember what she looked like. She had abandoned them, and that had always been that. Her father was her best friend, her hunting partner, and her mentor. He taught her everything she needed to know about living in the woods. Life in the forests was sometimes lonely, but Laure took solace in that there was always something to learn about her surroundings, something to observe. She and her father would venture into civilization sometimes to buy supplies, especially for winter. Trips there always seemed too chaotic. She much preferred staying in the woods with nature.


Recently, Laure began having strange dreams. She was running on all fours, and it felt like she wasn’t quite a person. She was chasing…no, hunting something. The vivid detail and the strange desire scared her awake, and she went about her day like nothing had happened. It might have been that she was just jumpy, but she seemed to notice little things that she normally wouldn’t have. A fly buzzing by, leaves rustling in the trees. She seemed more attune to them somehow. This progressed and grew more pronounced over the next couple of weeks until she started to sense and hear presences with her mind. She wasn’t sure what to tell her father, and he seemed a little uneasy around her now, for some reason. It wasn’t until she saw her reflection in a stream while hunting with him that she noticed why exactly he was walking on eggshells around her. Her eyes had changed to an unnatural golden. Not just an amber or a yellow, but a bright, conspicuous golden.


It was the realization that her eyes had changed that made Laure accept that she couldn’t rely on her father for help in this. She needed to seek answers. There had to be others like her... like this. The presences that she could sense and communicate with were wolves, she found, after examining her dreams and seeing them out in the wild. It was a maddening experience. So, with a heavy heart, she parted ways with her father by leaving him a note before he woke for the day. She knew that he knew how to track animals, and she knew he could track her, but he must have understood her reasons for leaving too, because she never saw him after that.

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