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The Sun Grieves With Us ~Fawne, Nona~


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Once my life was plain and clear

I recall

Once my ignorance was bliss

Nightfall came

Like a serpent’s kiss

To my troubled mind


The east wind blew past the Ranch parched and heavy. Little swirls of dust fell and rose, making her think of miniature whirlpools. The sun had been out all day, gold and eye piercing, which had left many of the residents covered in sweat as they went about their morning duties. Thus, it wasn’t just Adela who was thankful when the evening settled in and when Kane had allowed her to stop training, she had smiled. Which she didn’t do often around men who thought her to be entertainment, but a person could get used to anything. Adela slipped passed her house, to find that one window revealed that Nona was not there. Not on the ground floor definitely, which meant she was either outside, or in the basement. The basement. The thought loomed out like a huge forget-me-not, and Adela quickened her pace. There were herbs to collect.


Nona hadn’t directly instructed her to do so, like she normally did, but they didn’t do a lot of the things that had once been normal. A sharp pang caught her, and Adela kicked up some dust while walking towards the fields. Without intending to, she glanced towards the west, letting the hate swell up in her. Sometimes waiting for the tide to turn her way was really bloody painful. When it did though, oh when it did, someone would be sorry. Still, Adela would do her task, and well too, simply because sometimes words were not the best solution. Besides, she hoped Nona would appreciate the sign of thanks the herbs would hold. Another pang, but this time Adela ignored it. After all, she was doing the right thing. If she wanted to get anywhere in the world, she needed Kane’s help. Her decision, her life and no questions asked.


If only it was that easy…


The unbidden thought flew in just as Adela bent down amongst poppies and tall grass and Adela winced. Not down this road again, lord. They could declare her to be in denial or strange or stupid as much as they pleased, but short of Nathan instructing her, she wasn’t going to go around sticking knives into any one. Deceive, Spy, sure. Kill? Close someone’s eyes forever? She’d leave that to the brave ones. Carefully she scanned the leaves, looking for the right ones. Peach pit would be a good way to start. There. Happily, but carefully, she gently took it by its stem. Touch anything too roughly, pull out something you didn’t want, and you could be facing certain death Nona had once told her. Somehow, it had made Adela enjoy her times out in the fields all the better. She was picking things that would inevitably be used to choke someone, or stop yet another’s breathing, or slowly paralyze yet another. And yet, if she made a mistake, they would kill her as surely as they were meant to kill any other.


It was when she was gently pulling out the roots of the crimsonthorn, that she was startled by the sound of noise coming from somewhere not so far away. If there was one thing Adela had always learnt to be, it was to be aware. Nona? Collecting the herbs together, she tucked them into her pouch. Noiselessly, she moved to her left, where she heard the noise coming from. For a while, she simply followed the other’s movements, until she realized, that whoever it was, was walking toward the Ranch graves. Straining so that she could look above the grass, what she found surprised her even further. A girl, in a thin cotton dress and a soft face. Walking towards the graves? Rapidly Adela thought of the recent arrivals at the Ranch and instantly a name came. Fawne. Nona had spoken briefly to her about the other, that a new girl had arrived, not much younger than her. Adela had dismissed it saying she would be too busy training, when in her heart of hearts, she had felt a sudden rush. Could this Fawne be a friend?


Hope was a strange feeling to Adela. She hadn’t had many chances to be treated with it, but when she had, it had been like one of those cream puffs Nona made occasionally- delightful. Since coming to the Ranch, she had seen more and more of this visitor, but upon Kane Trahil’s appearance, it had vanished once more. Blinking away the horrific possibility of tears, Adela looked up, to find that Fawne had gone far ahead, and was no longer on the ruddy path. Stepping through the grass, she walked quickly, but quietly. Always quietly. The sight got at her like a knife straight for her heart. The girl was kneeling in front of a grave, and…talking? Burn it, she should’ve asked Nona more about the girl. She hadn’t known that she was from the Ranch. Suddenly uncomfortable, Adela cleared her throat. Her cheeks reddened without her knowing it, and Adela watched as Fawne’s back turned so that she was face to face with the girl. “Hello.” She said awkwardly. “Is this a bad…are you Fawne?” This time her cheeks reddened enough for her to feel it. Pah. She should’ve just continued on doing her chores.


~Adela Llafynne

In need of a friend!

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This was the second day that Fawne was back at the Rashad Ranch, her mohter had shown her to a room and the kids Katie and Aiden had done as they had announced and taken a room together which gave Fawne her own room in Cari’s house. She had not liked it at first, because she felt like a person too much, but that night when she was alone and had the quiet of the night around her, Fawne was happy to be alone as nobody could see her tears flooding. This morning she had done some chores for Cari, helped her with the washing and aired the beds in the house. Then she had asked if she could take a walk and Cari had told her that she’d rather show Fawne around a bit more before she would let her head off by herself. Fawne respected her mother and as she was sure to get lost, stayed near the children who did not venture far from the Ranch at any time.


In the afternoon, Cari taught them a lesson of reading and as Fawne was a bit ahead of her siblings, she just sat and listened. This was a very different way of learning from what Fawne was used to in Tar Valon and she liked it, it kept her busy. Cari told her that the next day she could go to the town school with Aiden and Katie and learn in school if she liked which Fawne gladly accepted. After dinner with the Rashad family, Cari set off to get the kids in the tub and to bed and Fawne found a deep urge to leave the house for a bit and so she took off for a short walk. She promised herself she would not be gone for long and would not have anyone worry about her - not on her second day here. She followed a path she was sure she had never gone past and then stopped as she was struck by the familiarity of the trees, it was a group of three long trees that had high reaching branches and Fawne was sure she had seen them before.


As she kept walking, Fawne recognized a path she had walked before and a sad cloud of old hurt hugged her as she walked. This was the path she had taken with Cari on that day, that last day she was in Cairhien when she had to say goodbye to her father. Yes, this was the place where they had buried him, further away from the Ranch than Cari would probably like her to go she found the rose bush and kneeled near the edged rock that served as a headstone. There was a carving made in the stone, that had not been there before. This meant that someone had been here since Fawne was last here, which was not unusual seeing as Fawne was here last here two years ago. Oh how time had passed so quick, she had thought of Alex every day and had prayed that he was safe and watching over her. Now she faced the grave, the headstone carved with a sign that reminded her of the banner the tower guard carried. She was not sure, too small to have seen it often enough to recognize such an important symbol from a joint past.


“Daddy, daddy it’s me,” she smiled softly and felt hot tears burn behind her eyes, then softly moved her fingers over the ground and finally sat on her knees to face the headstone. She felt his presence and started to talk about Elia, the baby and how the little girl was named Alexis in his memory. She smiled again as she thought of her baby sister, the tiny hands with the tiny fingers, the big smile she produced when she saw her big sister huddle over the cradle. Fawne rose to her feet and promised her father that she would be back when a voice behind her shook her up. She jumped and turned to find a young woman, no a girl of near her age stand behind her looking curiously. She knew Fawne’s name and this relaxed Fawne a bit, as this was at least someone from the Ranch. She had not met everyone yet as they had returned late in the afternoon the previous day and had been busy getting settled. “Yes, I am Fawne, daughter of…Cari,” she said with a smile. It was still new to her that she could call Cari her mother, Elia would always be her mother but she could not call Elia her birth mother. She turned to the grave, “I was visiting my dad’s grave, I almost forgot he lay here,” and then clasped a hand over her mouth. It must have sounded mad to have forgotten where her father lay buried, but the girl seemed to understand. “I did not live here,” she said and then asked, “Who are you?” and smiled softly. It was better to talk about the other girl than to talk about her father as the pain was too fresh right now.


Fawne Namere

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Curiousity was a dangerous thing, Adela knew. It could kill, and when not kill; it could inflict the most serious wounds. As she looked upon the tear stained cheeks, the big eyes that had warmth spilling out of them, Adela felt no such desire to know more. Nor did she feel pity for tears that must have coursed those cheeks, or interestingly enough, any discomfort at having found her so. It vanished with her words, and instead, Adela was left struck. Struck by the fact that here was Fawne who made no obvious effort to cover up her feelings or quickly ‘brush away her tears’ like Adela would’ve probably done. Of course, there was the fact that Fawne was younger, but Adela at Fawne’s age had been little different from who she was now. She had certainly had a few more eye openers, but never was the only word she would use in relation to allowing someone to see her grieving. Her thoughts were the most private part of her, the one thing that no one could take away from her. It was what she found solace in, when training seemed pointless and she would wonder why her mother sent her away. Now, to find this other girl, so open and affable. It brought back the pang, a tight squeeze somewhere deep inside her. The pang for what once was, the pang that she kept stored away, for her mother, for Nona, for a different life. The pang for dreams.


And so, the emotion that descended on her was empathy. A strong, clear thread of compassion, that made the sky around them seem a pale blue and the grass a dark hue of green, thus making the little haven of people buried a sight of beauty. Sunlight flickered on and away from the crest of the stone set above the ground, making it so that the shadows and the light seemed to be dancing together, and Adela thought she had never chanced upon anything quite so lovely. As Fawne finished speaking, Adela returned her smile. It was weaker in radiance certainly, but Adela had never been radiant. Instead she gave it that genuine touch, the hope she’d felt upon catching sight of Fawne, the resisted excitement at the thought of a friend and also the compassion she felt about the known bittersweet taste that was life. What really got her though, would be the innocence. She almost envied it, and burn her for being so. The delicate hand that had slapped her mouth shut, the wide eyes that still managed remaining friendly and accepting while doing so. Strange that Adela would’ve felt the same way as Fawne did, stranger that she would have rather said it and dismissed it hoping the other would not realize.


“I am Adela. I live in the Ranch myself, just a house away from you actually,” she said, pointing towards the road they had both ventured from. “With Nona actually. She’s the cook here. Oh, do you know her?”


OOC: This post has been written in a hurry, so forgive the lack of quality. Will make up for it next time, and if I dont make sense in some bit, just point me at it!

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Fawne had not heard Cari speak of Adela and wondered if this was because they had not spoken enough, or because Cari simply did not know everyone personally at the Ranch. She did not allow the thought to linger for long, because she was struck by the girl’s kindness and her almost immediate smile when Fawne talked about her own grief. She found that some people shunned grieving people and those who did not, those who showed they had a heart were usually good people. Fawne smiled and said, “Yes, I do know Nona, she is a great cook indeed. Last time I was here…” she stopped and looked down at the grave of her father. “Well, when we were here, she cooked and showed me some herbs she kept, I wish I could learn more about herbs,” and here Fawne looked away from the grave. She would come back later and talk to her father about the new friends she was making. Now it was time to get to know Adela and Fawne was too happy to find someone near her own age who was this friendly and interesting.


Adela mentioned something about living with Nona and Fawne asked her if the woman taught Adela in the herbs, to which the other girl nodded. Fawne’s eyes grew big and then she found the herbs in Adela’s hands, “Can you tell me about those you found, Adela? What do they do?” She started to walk alongside Adela away from the graves and felt her heart start to pant faster in joy as she was no longer in the solemnity of her grief and the loss of loved ones. She was tasting life and learning about life in its purest form, in that of plants. Adela could probably teach Fawne so much if she was living with Nona and the girl hoped that she would. She smiled at Adela again and did not notice a small branch that lay on the ground, her feet moved over it and her left foot got caught in it, making her drop nearly to the ground when the other girl’s hands grabbed onto Fawne’s arm and held her up. Fawne got back on her feet and said, “Thank you, that would have made a nice bruise,” and grinned up at her newfound friend.




OOC: Let me know if you’d like me to change the bits about Adela, ok? :)

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  • 2 months later...

Adela watched Fawne’s retreating back for a few minutes, simply sitting in the grass with a smile stretched across her face. The silver lining was spinning madly in her head; incandescent, perhaps even overly so. Could it be? She was so innocent, so lovely, with her laughter and effortless smiles. Like a fresh wave, Adela thought, as her eyes drifted to the grass. It wasn’t even like Adela hadn’t mingled with girls her age before- in truth, there had been several acquaintances made before her arrival at the Ranch. Doll like faces with hearts of nothing but black, or the sour faced missies who believed they knew better…worst of all though, were the mirrors of herself- those, she simply couldn’t stand. Extreme though her memories were of such ‘friends’, few were far from the truth. The arrival of this Fawne now, with her wide eyed curiousity and extended hand…could it really be? Looking back up again, Adela started. Fawne had gone much further ahead, without any assistance. Hastily she got herself off the ground, rapidly making her way to Fawne. Thoughts blazed through, all the path.


Smiling as she caught up, Adela nodded as she heard Fawne’s questions. That, amongst many other things, thought Adela, although she didn’t mention it aloud. Fawne seemed like the very essence of purity and light- she was no Friend of the Dark. Or was she, wondered Adela, her heart readying itself for the last hopeless twist. Was this some ploy? The idea struck her fearfully, clawing at the now deep rooted hope like a vicious knife, stabbing again and again at her obsidian mind. She herself had a cousin Ameera whose smile made one think of the essence of spring, so enchanting was she. Ameera however, could crash a heavy object into any grown man’s skull without any sort of frayed nerves. Could this girl, this unblemished new hope be a conjured thought of Reynold’s? Or perhaps even Master Rashad’s? Nona wouldn’t she knew, but then again, Nona had suggested it. Worry clenched her heart, clamping it, making her breathing quicken and her face…impenetrable stone. She pushed her senses to sharpen, looking around for the unfathomable enemy. She was panicking, but she learnt it was necessary.


Let it not be so. With all her heart, Adela pleaded. Let it not be. Adela made an effort to smile, sensing that Fawne would turn to her soon, in doubt as to whether she was right to ask. Smile, Adela told herself, and act perfectly normal. And she could act after all, she thought with a thin smile as she remembered her journey with Kayla. Sure enough, the raven tresses curled away to bring out pale skin and Fawne’s mischievous smile when suddenly, Adela spotted the branch she was about to walk into.


It was a quick reflex- something her mentor might’ve put up for Adela as a test. No second thoughts; Adela dove, grabbing Fawne’s arm to prevent her from falling. The petite head turned towards her, a grin matching any of her previous pretties lit her face. It was as she heard Fawne’s words that somehow, all the dark vanished. Like a thunderstorm pelting down rain into parched sands, Adela felt relief descend upon her. Relief, which she drew out in the biggest grin she could. “It would have, yes! Don’t worry though, I’ve plenty of herbs that could’ve helped you out with that. Do be careful around here, there are many such fallen twigs. Anyhow, come with me, I’ve things to show you. Or rather, herbs to show you!” What had it been about those words, Adela mused, leading Fawne with one hand, through the tall grasses. She obviously couldn’t show Fawne the ones that Nona and her usually used in the basement, but there had been others Nona had taught her about, to spark interest and for the sake of well rounded knowledge. She hoped Fawne would be interested, as well.


“This here is called the sunburst root,” Adela said, pointing as she did, “It would heal that bruise you could’ve had quite nicely. All you need to do is rub some of it over the bruise- works like magic too! Actually, why don’t we take some, just in case hey?” Adela winked, and brought out the basket she usually carried her herbs in. “Go on, help yourself.” As Fawne did so, Adela watched with a thrill of pleasure. Had Nona felt this way while teaching her? Eyes roving, she looked past the morning stars and wild roses, in search of more Fawne could find useful. Grinning as she found Sheepstongueroot, Adela tugged at her friend’s sleeve. “This one’s a real piece of work. It’s meant to provide you with an energy boost, but really it just tastes awful. You could easily mix it in with tea, should you hold a light grudge against someone.” Adela continued on, chattering and laughing occasionally as she explained herb by herb, happy to not only have found Fawne to be the innocent that she was, but also a girl who had a deep interest in plants that was not unlike her own.


It was only when their eyes rested on Grey Fennel that Adela’s mind was anxious, and she found herself hesitant to speak. Information given to the wrong person could be dangerous, and the last thing she wanted was for Fawne was to have her in trouble that she, Adela inflicted. Sighing inwardly as Fawne piped up, Adela spoke in a voice a little different to before. “That is Grey Fennel. If mixed with the right herbs, it can create the deadliest poison.” Unconsciously Adela touched her waist, for a concealed dagger lay hidden within, dipped in the very poison she was talking about. “Anyway, it’ll take too much effort to find the others you mix with this, and it’ll be time for us to return soon. Will you come with me though? I’ve one last thing to show you.” Extending her hand, Adela waited.


OOC: I got a little carried away, sorry. It just felt good writing for her again. :) I hope this is alright, and it didn't go too far out of things.

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Guest Celes

As Adela showed the different herbs and explained to Fawne the use they had, she was amazed and silently walked along, taking in all the information. She had no idea that the itchy herbs she sometimes got on her legs when playing in high grass would actually cure a sick person from a high fever. And other herbs that would cure that itch she used to have every other week from an insect sting. It was odd to find that this was so simple and that she had always had access to herbs just like these.


Adela moved towards an herb that could be used to kill a person and cold shudders went through Fawne as she started at it. She quickly turned round to find something more comfortable to learn about and forget all about lethal herbs. Deep inside she had an idea that knowing how to kill someone might actually make it true. Having lost her daddy, Fawne did not want anyone else to lose their and she certainly never wanted to be the one to tell a murderer how to do it. She could not imagine anyone wanting to know about this herb, but then thought that if you did not know this herb existed and had that use, you might use it and die. She was grateful Adela also showed her the herbs to avoid and gladly followed her new friend back to the Ranch.


“I’m not sure I can stay out much later, my mother usually wants me and Kate and Aiden home before dinner, washed up and ready as she says,” Fawne smiled. “But if I’m allowed out for a bit, would you show me how to make something of the herbs that grow here?” She was very excited and hoped that Adela would say ‘yes’ and to help her do so, added, “It could just be how to get rid of bad itches, from bug bites you know,” and smiled at the girl. This would be great if Fawne could learn, this was so much better than school work any day!


Fawne Namere


OOC: Loved the post hun! :) Sorry it took a while to respond, hope you like!

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  • 3 months later...

The enthusiasm in her new found friend’s voice warmed Adela, making her smile while she nodded in response. Fawne’s unbridled fascination paired with a distinctly open personality was latching itself onto Adela’s heart without hesitance, and she felt comfort in the realization. The thrills to come were hard to digest for Adela, making her tingle in delight at the prospect of teaching Fawne about herbs. Not only would it mean finally spending hours usually spent in solitude in company of another, but also that daring, breathless possibility that it could bridge the differences that had brought Nona and her apart.


If she saw that Adela had taken it to her heart to pass on the thoughts and teachings Nona herself had provided her with, perhaps she would favour her again, perhaps there would be times of light and laughter, again. And perhaps with Nona back, she would heed the words she had ignored in the beginning. Perhaps she would carry out her first assignment, and make the Illianer proud. The idea made her spirits soar- surely, this had surpassed all other days of the week by many many miles? The only thing she could consider now as a disappointment would be not spending more time with Fawne, should it that Cari Namere wished her home hale, hearty and of course, early.


“I’d love to teach you,” Adela stated simply. Pausing, she grinned, and then continued. “Every little thing I know and am learning, I will pass onto you and make sure you can find it useful, too.” As long as it’s not harmful, that is. That was in fact, a worry she’d have to talk to Nona about. Plenty of the most poisonous herbs lurked in the corners and fields of the Ranch, and it was not unlike Fawne to point and question at those that stood out amongst them. She had noted Fawne’s shudder without a word when she’d explained what Gray Fennel was, and she hardly wanted to be the one who contaminated such a crystal clear mind with facts on poison and pain. “Go on and ask your mum what she says about staying out a little longer- I’ll wait right here. And count, too.” Laughing, she nudged Fawne in the right direction.


Watching like she had before-a bit more carefully this time, in case Fawne tripped again- as Fawne’s figure distanced from her vision, until it was finally only a twinkling silhouette that slipped into a house, Adela pondered over what she could teach Fawne. It would be good to start small of course, like Nona had, but she sensed that Fawne would also enjoy learning about the bigger and more miracle-filled plants too, the ones that Nona had once said only the keen searched for, and thus, only the keenest of the keen found. It would make a good challenge for herself as well, and she reckoned even Kane would approve. Now, she realized it was really up to Fawne, and her mother.


~Adela Llafynne

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Guest Celes

Fawne’s face lit up as Adela promised her to teach her all that she know, that would be quite alot! Could Fawne take it all in? Could she learn it all and be able to reproduce? She thought to herself that she would study hard and if she had to, she would study late at night and repeat the names of the herbs that Adela had taught her. That way, she would not disappoint Adela when her newfound friend would quiz her on her knowledge. Fawne was so delighted she hardly heard the other say that she had to find her mother and ask if she could stay out longer. Why would she? After all, she was a big girl who did not need to ask her mother’s permission to learn. Fawne nodded carefully as Adela sent her off and sniggered, she ran around the trees until she found the back of the Ranch, near the house where Cari lived. For so long, Cari had not been a mother to Fawne in the passing years and now someone expected her to act like Cari’s daughter, it felt odd and yet familiar to call her mom now.


As Fawne looked around, she found Cari’s familiar features bent over Aidan, he had his hand up and she could see a light trickle of blood run down his wrist. He was prone to falling these days and must have fallen and hurt his hand now, his mother already cleaning it and wrapping a bandage around it with herbs to still the bleeding and heal quicker. Fawne looked at it and decided she would not disturb her mother, instead she felt inspired to learn what those herbs were and what they did exactly. And would there be other herbs that had similar traits? She smiled and ran back to the spot where she had left Adela and before the woman could ask her if her mother was ok, she called “Please teach me about the Healing herbs, the ones that stop a bleed or make the swelling of a bump lessen!” and nearly became a subject for these studies as she caught her arm behind a branch. But she managed to carefully pull her arm back in and only ripped part of her sleeve. She did not look at it twice and looked up at Adela with big eyes, “Yes, she was fine,” she made a white lie to Adela, covering that Fawne had not wanted to wait her turn to ask her mother’s attention. She would be fine with Fawne being taught. Why wouldn’t she be?


OOC: a bit of mischief can’t hurt. ;)


Fawne Namere

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