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Approved White Tower Bio for Ellisha Falwein-- CC'ed by the Band

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Basic Information
Your Handle: Sherper
Full names of WT characters you already own and their status (active/retired/dead): First.

Character Information
Name (first and last) of this character: Ellisha Falwein
State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional
Age of this character * (Traditional = 14-19 / Salidar = 20-70) :17
(* Returning / Full AS character: age in main time line)
Name of country where this character is from: Andor

Hair: Dark brown shoulder long hair, kept flowing.
Eyes: Emerald Green.
Skin: Pale complexion.
Height: 5'5 "
Voice: Usually prefers a brisk no nonsense Andorian accent, but can also pull off a decent clipped Cairhienin droll.
Other: infamous raised eyebrows combined with intolerable grin.

Special Skills: Rope climbing and river pirate skull bashing.
Knowledge Weakness: Everything that does not involve the river trade.
Physical Weakness: Short in stature.
Personality weakness: Doesn’t know the tail ends of how to act ‘like a lady’ and doesn’t care to.

Ellisha makes the most rowdy tomboys look feminine and dignified; she doesn’t even pretend she knows how to act properly around people. Preferring the shortened version of her name: ‘Eli’ or even just ‘El’; she gets bored easily, hates being told what to do and detests activities that restrict her ability to move around at will. She ‘could’ have been rather attractive (had she tried), but any boy that might have harboured feeling towards Ellisha were usually turned back by her wicked scowl and the five n’ a half span fishing spear she always carried around.

Born the youngest daughter and child of the Falwein family, Ellisha had a very ‘interesting’ upbringing. Being the only daughter to the Falwein family, her mother was determined to make a respectable house wife out of her. Unfortunately for her mother, little Ellisha had plans that differed quite differently to the life of sewing, cooking and cleaning she had planned out for her. Ever since she could walk and talk, Ellisha had never missed an opportunity to be on her father’s craft with all her older brothers, who took special care to protect her as their younger sister.

Much to the distaste of her mother, Ellisha quickly learned the trade of becoming a river merchant (all the while neglecting the lessons her mother managed to cramp on shore). By the age of eight she could fix the ropes, tie the canvas, and tell every detail of a ship from bow to stern. Along with her brothers, she helped her father run both the ship and the trade all along the river Erinin. On more than one occasion she had to demonstrate to river brigands and the like, how much it hurt to cross a girl with an extra long spear and a menacing scowl. Eventually her mother gave up trying to turn her into something she clearly isn’t, and it was later decided she would take over the family’s business when the time came to hand over the books. She learned how to read, haggle with land peddlers and farmers, but most importantly, she learned and earned the respect of a crew.

Her life was shaping up to be a decent adventurer filled journey, until one day after her sixteenth name day, her father allowed passage to two mysterious ladies down the river. Always curious about things she probably shouldn’t be getting her nose into, she boldly enquired to where the two were headed, not realising the two were actually Aes Sedai. On the third day of the journey, apparently as a token and gift, one of the two women gave Ellisha a small piece of emerald marble to play with. When Ellisha held it up to the light to examine the stone’s polished surface and rich depth, she thought she saw a tiny light flicker then fade from the core of the stone. She didn’t know what it had meant but the two Aes Sedai certainly did. She could be taught to channel and the two women told her as much when she asked.

Her first reaction was to burst out laughing at the ridiculous notion; whilst her immediate second was to jump overboard to try and get away from the two women after she realises they were telling the truth. She was caught before she hit the water by weaves of the power and the two sisters then took her to see her parents – revealing to them both that their daughter would need to be brought to the tower and trained as a Novice. Be it reluctantly and with much soggy tears, in the end Ellisha Falwein was dragged rather moodily to Tar Valon and the Tower, to begin her new life as a channeler. 


A bit concerned about the spear, but it seems solid enough.  CC'ed.

Posted (edited)

Ellisha Falwein Index


Arrivals Shore bound


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The Novice


Lessons with Saidar:
Lesson One

Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four


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Meeting Aril Corland A new friend


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A day off Tea in the Garden with the Greens


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Contemplations Letter from Eli


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Three Arches Memories of the Future


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An Accepted


Lessons with the Ajah Blue Ajah Class


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Meeting Kastyana An Unexpected Visitor


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Practicing for the Test Anger Management Issues


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Lessons with the Healers Yellow Ajah Accepted Class


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Discovery of the Black Ajah Goodbye my old friend


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The Road to Vengeance: Ellisha the Blue


Test and the Oath Ceremony (62 years ago) Weaves of Fire, Heart of Stone


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Present Day: Ellisha the Sitter



Edited by Sherper
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