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Username: Lauren Arrel

Handle at DM/WT: Lauren

Email: laurenarrel@gmail.com

Physical Description: Height: about 1m70


Weight: 65 kilo\'s


Hair: Shoulderlength, very thick. Auburn colored and wavy.


Eyes: hazel colored, a little tilted.


Not outstandingly beautiful, but pretty enough.

Place of birth: Everywhere and nowhere

Age: 14

Character History: If someone ever asked Lauren where she came from, she\'d invariably answer \"Nowhere\". In essence, she was correct about it too. Her mother, who once had served as a lady-in-waiting for one of the minor nobles in Murandy, had found herself put out on the streets without coin or family once the good fortunes of her mistress had declined. She soon deteriorated from seamstress to chamberpot cleaner to prostitute, earning her livelihood on her back and begetting herself with child on a sunny afternoon, in one of the filthy beds in a badly kept inn, by a man who left some coins on the floor while he was already on his way out.




Her mother roamed the countryside, never staying long in any town or hovel, always scraping by barely for herself and the ever growing child she had in tow. It spoke for her that she never left Lauren by the side of the road. Life would have been a little easier for her, but in essence, she was a good woman. She never beat Lauren, nor treat her with disrespect. There was little love to be had in such a life though, and Lauren learned to stand on her own two feet and fend for herself pretty soon.




There was never any time to stay somewhere long enough for Lauren to form friendship bonds with anyone. She\'d listen to the tales of the innkeepers, but whether they were good company for her was the question. Her street smarts were highly developed, but there was no question of education of any kind. She was lucky enough that one of her mother\'s lovers used to be a clerk and tought her the basics of writing and reading.




If this had continued far past Lauren\'s puberty, there would have been no question in what kind of life she would eventually have ended up. Lauren watched her mother\'s life and job with dismay, and shuddered at the idea of what might lie before her, but she was realistic enough to know that once you ended up in a life like that, it was very hard to escape it. Her mother never forced the harlot\'s life on Lauren, but it was expected, when she reached a certain age, that she would also chip in to provide money for food and livelihood. Lauren functioned as messenger, cleaner, seamstress and waitress where ever they went, and because she had started to develop some curves beneath her pretty face and long flowing auburn hair, her mother\'s customers started to ogle her more often than not.




Until the evening came when her mother brought yet another customer to their shabby lodgings in yet another shabby inn, and when he laid eyes on Lauren, he pushed her mother aside and went for her instead. Like mother, like daughter, right? It was the first time anyone unfamiliar had ever laid hands on her, and it brought forth a storm of emotions Lauren didn\'t even know she had. Fury, revulsion, and an overpowering urge to get herself out of the situation. She faught with tooth and nail, earning herself a black eye in the process, but managing to get free of the man who howled in pain because of the chunk of flesh she\'d bitten out of his upper left arm. His face was scratched and he was bleeding copiously. She almost tumbled down the stairs, with her mother\'s customer in full persuit, and landed on the cobblestones in one of the backalleys of a town called Tar Valon. She\'d never been there before, and had no idea it was the cornerstone of Aes Sedai society. In her flight through the streets she managed to loose her persuer, and eventually found herself battered and alone on the marble steps of a huge white tower, as big as she had never seen before. It was there she was found by one of the Aes Sedai, brought to the Infirmary to receive Healing and eventually brought before the Mistress of Novices.

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