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A Fun WoT-Themed Game

Gentled Ben

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I'd like to invite everyone to try out a free, browser-based (nothing to download) game set in the Wheel of Time universe. This game has been around for awhile, and at one time Dragonmount had a huge presence there. The game sort of fell apart a few years ago, but it is under new ownership now, and the new owner has done a fantastic job of rebuilding the game, making it much better than it's ever been before. The time commitment required ranges from a few minutes every couple of days or so (if you don't have a lot of ambition to be listed among the top players but just want to have a little fun), to about as much time as you care to devote to it. You are allowed multiple accounts so that you can try out different types of characters, like channelers, Ogier, Aiel, and Seanchan. I am not that good at the game, but I can help any of you find your way around in it, and there is a wealth of information in the Wiki and on the game forum, while the veteran players are all quite helpful. Come join the Dragonmount clan, and let's have some fun!  http://gos.talij.com/

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