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We Are Marshall: An Empy Review


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Guest Emperor

We Are Marshall

Rated PG

Runtime: 2 hrs 7 mins


Rotton Tomatoes: 5.7 out of 10

Average Critic Ratings: C

Empy's Rating: B-



Brief Description: A true story, based on devastating events, set in Huntington, West Virginia, about a small town steeped in the rich tradition of college football. For decades, players, coaches, fans and families have come together to cheer on Marshall University's "Thundering Herd." For this team and this community, Marshall football is more than just a sport, it's a way of life. But on a fateful night in 1970, while traveling back to Huntington after a game in North Carolina, 75 members of Marshall's football team and coaching staff were killed in a plane crash. As those left behind struggled to cope with the devastating loss of their loved ones, the grieving families found hope and strength in the leadership of Jack Lengyel, a young coach who was determined to rebuild Marshall's football program and in the process helped to heal a community.


Empys Review: There is nothing more predictable or formulaic than a sports movie. This was certainly the case with We Are Marshall. Fortunately for this sports movie, it had something else to give it an edge over other sport’s movies, Matthew McConaughey. *g* Oh you thought I was serious… no it had a good story line, which it hopefully should have as it is based on a true story. Other than Matthew McConaughey, I thought the acting was very well done and I connected with most of the characters. For some reason I just can not seem to like Matthew McConaughey, maybe it is because I was snubbed as one of the 50 sexiest men alive *shakes fist*. Anyway, the movie did a great job of capturing my attention and making me care about the characters involved. If you are tempted to see this film, I would suggest waiting for the rental as it is not worth the admission price, unless you are just a die hard sports fan.

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