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Ithillian Turambar

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I'm a bit miffed at photobucket atm. Their search engine keeps adding nonsense characters to the search string, and then says it can't find what I'm looking for - stupid rejig new site. They should have worked out all the glitches before they made us switch.




Photobucket images have all seemed to have stopped working on blackberry and some android phones too. We just get a little red cross now.


Which is making me a little cross too.


Whilst I'm actually on the laptop ... more facts and figures. I've had nearly 9000 people look at my profile, and over 500 people look at my photo.


I didn't think there were that many people on DM lol



There must be some repeat offenders


*looks at Turin*


Tsuki, you still need to go and answer all of you 100 questions. There's 50 points just sitting there waiting to be bagged.


I might even do a points update today.





But I'm feeling very lazy ... and cold


What would it be like? If you had a library, would it be leather and wood ... or up high with glass and great views?

 Leather and wood, dark, with no overhead lights, only on the end tables. A fireplace. and the windows would be high and narrow, above the bookcases.


I think if I could design my own house... it'd be on a cliff by the sea. Not to be an utter cliche but there's something about it which I really don't need to explain. Just picture it. I'd have glass windows which would have electronically controlled shutters. There would be two simple pillars to mark the doorway, not anything over extreme and temple like but just two simple pillars to "uphold" the roof. Everything would be on one story naturally except for the indoor pool which has an open and closeable roof top sorta like a convertible garage. The kitchen would be on your right hand side when you walked through the doorway and straight in front of you would be the living room. I haven't set on a colour yet but if I'm living by myself it'd probably be white. I'd have a large living room and then the rooms would be spread out around it, having it the focal point of the house. The master bedroom would just be a master bedroom with an attached bathroom, nothing too fancy. No point in having the living room if you're going to deck the crap outa your room. I'd have a work room but since I haven't got a clue what I'd like to be I'm going to leave it at that. The walls would be overlapped with oak and there would be a double couch shifted to the left of the living room with a hung up TV on the wall. The kitchen would spread mildly into the living room so that the walking distance from room to kitchen/living room isnt all that far that you start not getting up in the middle of the night because you're too lazy to walk the distance. A grandpiano would be at the top right hand side of the room. And I'd have a teleportation machine at the side wall so I could get into the city. Boom.


mine would be up high in a tower annexe, all light and airy - but still with cosy places to sit - and views all the way out to the horizon so i can watch the sun set and thunderstorms.


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