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Why do I hate Egwene?


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Honest question. I'm on book 8 and I despise her. Oh, there are characters that I hate (Faile, the wise ones, etc) but Egwene is one of the only characterss who drains my enthusiasm to read the series. and for the life of me I DON'T know why. She doesn't seem particularly worse than any of the other women when you broke down what she does and how she acts bit by bit. But still, something about her tickles a raw nerve for me. She's almost as bad for me as Dany from A Song Of Ice And Fire (the latter was actually the reason I abandoned that series altogether eventually)


I guess I'm asking what the common criticisms of her character are. I know she's a bit of a controversial character anyway.

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Yes, contriversial indeed. It got so bad that we have restricted debate on Egwene to one topic at a time. Currently, it's this topic: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/78310-question-about-egwene-from-someone-only-on-book-5/


I'll have to lock this one, as we don't want a whole heap of Egwene hating threads. 

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