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The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things


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Accepted. Half-trained children trying to find their way in the world. But at least they were trying. Muirenn did have to admit that it took some amount of courage and self-determination to make it through those damnable arches. She vividly remembered her own trip through, and what had occured shortly after. Even after more than two hundred fifty years had passed, she remembered every detail. So, yes, Accepted could be given some attention. Some.


They were in her thoughts today because she had an appointment with one. A promising girl, and one that Muirenn thought had great potential. Vera had been quite polite when asking for a meeting, and Muirenn liked to reward politeness. It encouraged the girls to be on good behavior. Besides which, she liked to take every opportunity to talk about her Ajah and it's goals, as well as it's history and founding purpose. It took some amount of courage for a girl to ask for a meeting with the eldest sister in the Tower too.


So Muirenn waited, tea having just been delivered. She would see what this girl had to offer.

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"Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax"




Nerves at the time of her appointment with Muirenn Sedai. But then, perhaps that was exactly why she felt so apprehensive, so very taut- like a band being stretched so that its limits were tested. She would prove though, she found herself thinking. She would prove herself. The hem of her dress swirled slightly above her ankles as she wove her way through the Tower’s corridors, her feet leading her while her mind stressed on other things, so well acquainted she had become with the marbled halls. Vera walked with a sense of importance settled around her, her eyes steady and her smiles and curtseys coming almost absentmindedly.


She had been doing this for a while now.


It had taken more than subtle hints aimed at Telcia to ask for a meeting with Muirenn Alianin. She was one of the legends after all, her age easily being legendary enough, thought Vera with a small smile. It scared her some times; Prolonging life just seemed so….impossible to picture. When she thought of herself at sixty, she thought of a plump woman, with creases under her eyes and weakened vision. As she looked around now, quietly noting the appearances of the various Sisters who glided past her, her description couldn’t be further from the truth. But then, there was always the question of whether she’d be Raised as so many Aes Sedai had reminded her. Her fists tightened at the thought of the test that still lay ahead of her- it was still far away though. The question of importance however, was whether it was far enough.


Vera Cadsanome was not a stranger to the Red Ajah quarters. How long had she first stepped through the halls and into Telcia’s quarters? Light, how long had she been locked inside the Tower, having given the Yellows the benefit of doubt that she was insane? Something cold ran through her as she remembered her days in the infirmary. She stared at the rose coloured teardrops- the same thing she had done so many years ago. She was the same and different still. Defiance wouldn’t quite cut it if one was to describe the expression on her face. Muirenn’s doors were of tall bearing, the wood a rich sturdy sort. Long slender fingers reached to rap on the door…


For the first time in twenty years, Vera encountered an electric shock. Charge surged through her, making her wince. Stifling a cry, she pulled back her hand. What in the name of… It was then that she noticed the branch hanging prettily in a corner. A rather noticeable corner, she admitted. Cautiously she grasped the tree branch and raised it against the door. Rap rap rap. The knock rang loud and clear, without her getting another shock. This must be one of those old, strange customs….or was it just caution on Muirenn’s part?


The moment the words of entry were said, she warily slipped through the door, her eyes roaming through the large quarters, every inch of her beneath the placid mask boldly announcing caution. Instantly sinking into a curtsey, she greeted the Aes Sedai politely. Raising her eyes to study the Sister for a seconds before making her way towards the tea, she always felt a curious tingle as she took in the startling yet beautiful white hair; the keen blue eyes that almost seemed to look through her. Carefully she poured the tea out and brought a cup before Muirenn on a tray.


“Thankyou for having me Muirenn Sedai. I hope I’ve reached in time.â€


Begin vaguely. Always begin vaguely.

"Of cabbages - and kings -

And why the sea is boiling hot -

And whether pigs have wings."




OOC: My mind's sorta fuzzy about the description you'd given me Muir, so if I've made mistakes concerning the doorway, just let me know and I'll edit immediately. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

"But wait a bit," the Oysters cried,

"Before we have our chat;

For some of us are out of breath,

And all of us are fat!"


Muirenn heard a cry from the hallway, and knew her guest had very likely arrived. Silly girl, not checking the door for weaves. How would she survive out in the world? Well, to be fair, the weave did look fairly innocuous, if you did not look too closely at the fine lines of Fire and Air that ran throughout the pattern. And then she heard the strong rap of the willow branch outside the door. Well, smart enough to improvise when it's right in front of her face at least. Muirenn let down the weave, and called for Vera to enter.


The girl certainly knew what to do to please Muirenn, pouring the tea unasked. She reflected that Vera had been Telcia's assistant for a number of years. Very likely her niece had schooled the girl before this meeting. It was just the sort of thing Telcia would do.


Muirenn waved away the pleasantries, "Of course you have. I'm certain my good neice told you of that too. 'Always arrive on time for Aunt Muirenn and she's certain to like you more.' Or something along those lines, wasn't it?" Muirenn gave the Accepted a wry smile. "So, what is it you wish to know of the Red Ajah? There is much to learn, and you have taken the first step in coming to the woman who has lived through much of it."

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  • 2 weeks later...

'No hurry,' said the Carpenter.

They thanked him much for that.


Relieved when she saw Muirenn dismissing her polite start, she gave a soft laugh in response to the Aes Sedai’s claim about Telcia. They had not been able to meet before this appointment she had, but Vera remembered all too clearly what Telcia had mentioned in her short note to her. Funnily enough, the words, ‘do not be late!’ had been the opening line in her little message. It sounded like the aunt and neice shared a strong relationship. Who was the dominating personality in their friendship, she wondered? The first answer of course, is Muirenn but when she considered Telcia and the respect she had for the Aes Sedai, she found it hard to imagine anything but a bond of equals.

'A loaf of bread,' the Walrus said,

'Is what we chiefly need:

Pepper and vinegar besides

Are very good indeed –'


"So, what is it you wish to know of the Red Ajah?â€Oh so much. So very much more infact than she could ask Muirenn about and possibly even Telcia. Where was one to draw the line? When infact, did one know she had reached this confounded line?


“Muirenn Sedai, I…want to know beyond the facts in the Library, beyond the insight from other Aes Sedai, beyond most of all…the whispers and rumours.†That much was true at any rate- Telcia had shown her the great gaping difference between the painted image of a Red Sister and the real woman herself, but Vera had found that she needed a chance to be a part of this, so that she could understand it.

‘Now if you're ready, Oysters dear,

We can begin to feed.'

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"You want to know who a Red is? A Red is a woman who sees every man as a threat. As a possible weapon that will be used against innocent people. And one that is not under the control of a guiding hand. Imagine a sword with no hand to guide it. And no one can say which man it will be who will kill his friends, his family, himself. Fear is a part of what it means to be a Red.


"A Red is a woman who sees every man as her brother. As one who in another Age could have been a companion in arms, who could have been a brother to me as the Reds are my sisters. To feel his loss as though there is always someone missing at your side. Loss is a part of what it means to be a Red.


"A Red is a woman who sees in every man the potential for suffering, for bone-deep anguish. She has seen what the Dark One has done to the male half of the taint in those she has found too late, those few who inhabit a living corpse, nearly faceless from decay. Sorrow is a part of what it means to be a Red.


"A Red is a woman who sees every man as one who may require her protection, which she will give freely and gladly. She will protect him as a mother protects her son, doing whatever is necessary to keep him sane and whole for as long as she can. And to watch over him ever after, to help him find what happiness he can. Love is a part of what it means to be a Red.


"A Red is a woman who never tells those outside these walls what is in her heart. She is feared and hated, cosidered cruel by those who don't understand. And unless one goes through the rigors of training here in the White Tower and then those as part of the Red Ajah, unless one dedicates her very soul to preventing another Breaking of the World, no matter the cost, then she will never understand, will always hate, will always fear. Loneliness is part of what it means to be a Red."


Muirenn set down her cup. "Do you understand, child?" she asked softly, then added, almost to herself, "No, of course not. Wait here." She rose, going over to her desk and pulling out a heavy velvet bag from a drawer. Returning, she handed the bag to Vera. It clinked as she did so. "Inside you will find one hundred gold pieces," Muirenn told the girl, "I want you to go out into Tar Valon and distribute them to the people of the city as you see fit. To whomever you find that is in need. There is but one requirement: you must tell each person to whom you give coin that it is a gift from the Red Ajah. Come back to me when you finish and tell me of what you find. Then we will discuss what it means to be a Red."


-Muirenn Lina Alianin

Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

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