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Hello, Bit Confused, Need Help

Silver Neccho

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Hello and let me say that I am very happy an RP community dedicated to WoT exists. I have RPed in the past as well as roleplay intensively while playing D&D. I love to write even if I do not think I am that great with writing in general. I do have a successful blog that is dedicated to satire like Onion.com. I can't wait to have the opportunity to start my story and integrate it with the community here.


Not very good at introducing myself in Welcome forums but I will answer any questions you may have.


I also need help with finding a biochecker. I found a help topic that gave a link to a current list of people who review such bios but the link was dead. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it. My characters history is a bit lengthy as well, about 1000 words, so if someone could help me revise it a bit unless my bio length with be acceptable. Also my avatar is how I envision my character to be, dressed as she is in her pre-tower clothing.


Does anyone care to give feedback on my character's name? The name I chose is Kastyana Amharadar from Far Madding. The name being a twist off the name of the Amhara Market found in the city, named after one of Far Madding's most beloved women. The family is related to that of the Amahar name but distantly.


Oh and since I am already posting, if the charact Nynave was 25 in the first book, how did she come to be accepted into the White Tower?


Oh and thanks for reading my long tangent.


Silver Neccho

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Have you read through the info on the Welcome Inn board and in the group you plan to join?


I notice you said her and tower at points in your note here so I assume you are looking at making a novice character.


I could be wrong in that assumption though, you could be a tower gaurd/warder hopeful or in your way to the bt.


In any case my advice to you is the same. Go read through the information posts in the welcome inn board and the boards for the rp group you wish to join. They will tell you what is needed and expected in a bio and to make new a character with them.


They should list the bio checker info and how to submit bios to their groups too.


Don't worry about the clothes you wear there too much, unless t is really unlikely in their culture, you'll be able o change as you rp. The bio checker will go through and and make sure that everything, including your characters name work.


If you read the groups boards and still have questions in pretty sure all group leaders are open to Pm's asking for more specific things. Some may prefer email for inquiries but again contact info should be listed around their boards.


Welcome to dragonnmount!

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