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Character Name: Jeran son of Kailan son of Hariv

Email address: red_13@hotmail.com

Division: Freelanders

Age: 184

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Jeran is slightly built, by ogier standards. He walks

with a great deal of dignity and has keen eyes that miss little that goes on

around him. Jeran has only one physical blemish: he is missing the tip of

his right hand little finger. This was lost in an accident when he was very

young and only just beginning his study of the natural world.


Place of Birth/Raising: Stedding

Character History: (Should include any major events in the character's life

prior to joining the Division, as well as any significant RPs since)


Jeran is a very deep thinker who has studied the art of Treesinging from a

very young age. Talented in this ability himself, Jeran has uncovered a

link between Ogier and the Nym that relates to Treesinging. He has spent a

great art of his life trying to gather information about this link from the

books of his stedding, so far with only mild success. He now plans to

undertake a journey to discover what this link is and what implications it

has for the Ogier.


Jeran has, so far, managed to avoid being married. Not through any real

effort or desire to do so, more because he is generally too quiet and

reflective (even by Ogier standards) to catch anyone’s attention. Jeran

feels that marriage would only be a hindrance anyway, and is quite content

to live his life focusing on nature’s gifts.

It was once remarked that Jeran has never been married because he has been

promised to the trees since his birth, a comment that makes Jeran smile

whenever he hears it


As a person, Jeran is extremely quiet and meditative. His lifestyle

reflects in many aspects the Way of the Leaf, however Jeran is, by a Ogier’s

standards, somewhat quick to anger and finds great difficulty in controlling

his rage when it is stirred. Jeran commands great respect from others; not

intentionally, simply due to the way he is. He would be surprised to hear it

however, as how people view him does not rank high on his list of

priorities. He simply does not notice such things.

Obviously, Jeran’s social skills are not very well formed. He can be viewed

as abrupt, but this is not a sign of hostility, it is merely because he

focuses to such an extent on the natural world that social interaction means

little too him.


In spite of that, it is on his travels that he begins to discover just how

important social interaction is. Studying nature is only a hollow pastime

if he doesn’t study the larger aspects of it too, such as his fellow people.


Jeran leaves his stedding when it becomes obvious that the knowledge stored

there can be of no further use to him in his research. He set off for

another Stedding, but meets up with Dilora the peddler and strikes up a

somewhat hesitant friendship, what with his social skills being as weak as

they are.

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