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Why me? *lol* (attn Lillian)


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Nynaeve was standing in front of a door. Nynaeve knew she should be knocking. That was what doors were for after all. Knocking and...well...opening and closing them. Keeping privacy. Doors were very important, now that she started thinking about it. They were always taken for granted but who would be able to live without them?


Nynaeve shook her head. The wretched pregnancy was already starting to affect her brain. Ever since she found out about her situation, thinking seemed to be forced. She would process everything ever so slowly. It made her angry. Mad even. And if there was one thing anyone should watch out from is an angry pregnant lady. Maybe that was the reason for all the Accepted fleeing the second they saw her coming, when she made her way earlier into the Accepted quarters.


And here she was. Standing in front of Lillian's room. After further consideration Nynaeve muttered a curse and barged into the room. Lillian was sitting on her bed, her head quickly jolting to see who came unannounced into the room. Nynaeve shut the door behind her slowly and came further into the room.


"I was going to knock. It's just, I had a disagreement with the door." Lillian looked at her confusingly. Nynaeve was a little confused herself, hoping it wasn't Damian's madness transferring into her. Or was it his baby's madness. Nynaeve just laughed.


"I just came to...Well, I've realized I might not have been entirely fair with you." Lillian seemed amused. "You call that an apology?". Nynaeve narrowed her eyes for a moment and then smiled. "I learned that you carried me to the infirmary after I passed out. And that you were worried about my well being. Seems rather ironic coming from the woman that gave me quite a few bruises only a day ago. Don't you agree?".




Pregnant lady!

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So, someone had told Nynaeve Sedai about what she had done. She had hoped to escape further notice, pregnant Aes Sedai had been noted to have trouble controlling the one power. They were also said to have problems with other emotions as well and Lillian wasn't too keen on becoming involved in a second fight, especially when she wouldn't be able to hit back. Or end up doing chores for the rest of time for that matter either.


Especially now, her efforts the day before had caught up with her in the night when she had gone to lie down. Halfway between lowering herself the pain had flared up in the small of her back. Hoping to sleep it off, she had not been nearly so lucky and she found that she couldn't move with her full range of motion. Hence why she was still lying on her bed and looking up at Nynaeve Sedai rather than at her desk or standing on her own two feet. She hoped that Nynaeve Sedai wouldn't realise, she'd been avoiding healing quite deliberately. Firstly from the other sisters because it would lead to questions as to how she had injured herself, and Lillian wasn't sure how many sisters knew of Nynaeve Sedai's new condition. Now from Nynaeve Sedai, if her weaving slipped it could end badly for her and that was something she most certainly didn't want.


So instead she lolled her head back on the pillow as if taking her ease, well she was actually, and smiled at Nynaeve Sedai. "If I had known that you were pregnant I would never have baited you to throw that punch to begin with." No point in hiding the fact she'd deliberately provoked Nynaeve Sedai now. "I'm just glad nothing permanent happened. How is Damian taking the news by the way? After you left the infirmary, I said congratulations to him but he seemed even more confused than before. I've heard that some men are shocked by the news, but I'm not sure if he was even entirely there when I spoke to him."



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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"How is Damian taking the news by the way? After you left the infirmary, I said congratulations to him but he seemed even more confused than before. I've heard that some men are shocked by the news, but I'm not sure if he was even entirely there when I spoke to him."


Nynaeve thumbed her braid. "So that's how he found out. You see, when you congratulated him, he didn't know yet." Nynaeve's thoughtful expression quickly turned into a grin. "His expression must have been priceless. Too bad I was too busy having a fit." Nynaeve laughed.


Eying Lillian for a moment, Nynaeve suddenly realized she never moved an inch, ever since she entered the room. Not even when Nynaeve barged in. Her head moved but nothing more. Realization quickly took over. She carried her up all those stairs. It was hard enough to climb those stairs, let alone doing it while carrying someone else. Lillian might be strong but she wasn't all powerful. She must have injured her back. What seemed like a mystery to Nynaeve though, was why she didn't get it healed.


Grabbing Lillian's head, Nynaeve delved her quickly. Lillian tried to struggle, moving her head a bit, which only made Nynaeve hold on harder to her head. "Don't move." Nynaeve found the source of her pain in her lower back. Weaving the appropriate healing weave she inserted it gently on her lower back, cleansing the pain. Lillian shivered slightly as the weave settled in.


Letting go of her head, Nynaeve smiled. "You should have told me about it. No use in suffering for no reason."





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The cold feeling was thankfully all Lillian felt as the power washed over her and mended her back. She'd have to ask Nynaeve Sedai not to channel on her in the future all things considered. Nynaeve Sedai made it easy for her by leading into the topic. "I wasn't sure whether others knew about your pregnancy or not. You'll find it harder to channel as it goes further along so I didn't want to risk it. I couldn't approach anyone else because I wasn't sure whether you were keeping the pregnancy secret or not. If I turned up with my back as it was I would have had to explain why it ended up that way. Then they could have chased you up from there."


Nynaeve nodded. "I am quite aware of the circumstances an Aes Sedai deals with when being with child. I've tended such Aes Sedai myself. And believe me when I say, I will not risk healing, unless I was completely sure I could do it properly. The difficulties in channeling comes after a time. It's too early now."


Nynaeve got up from the bed and looked through the window. "I appreciate you putting aside your health on my behalf, although I don't completly understand why you did it. In any case, not many know of my situation. It is not forbidden, but also not something I would like to advertise right now. The less people who know about it, the better. At least for the time being."


Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Lillian tested her back carefully. It was healed alright, and now she had Nynaeve Sedai's words to consider. She still wanted it kept quiet, so quiet Lillian would keep it. Her feelings of guilt aside, she knew how to keep secrets and Nynaeve Sedai's condition was no one elses business. "If people hear of it, it will not be from my lips." That Lillian could say with a heartfelt candour.



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nynaeve smiled and did something she wouldn't have believed she was doing if she wasn't there herself and if it wasn't her doing it. She embraced Lillian, adding an extra squeeze of gratitude. She was a good person after all. "Thank you", was all Nynaeve said. It seemed enough. Nynaeve pulled away to a blinking Lillian. Nynaeve laughed. "I guess i'm getting emotional already. This is going to be quite a ride", said Nynaeve sarcasticly.


Shocked at the sudden embrace, Lillian was too late to return the embrace as Nynaeve Sedai pulled back and laughed. Her words brought a smile to Lillian's face as well, despite the truth there was to them. Pregnancy was a big thing, and for an Aes Sedai doubly so because she wouldn't be able to use the power. Still, it wouldn't last for as long as it had for Lillian with her time on the farm, Nynaeve Sedai would be fine. "So you're going to go through with it then? What will happen when it becomes noticeable? Will you go outside the Tower for a time or?"


Nynaeve's first reaction was to raise an eyebrow. She wasn't used to explaining herself to an Accepted. But she quickly dropped the eyebrow and regained her smooth expression. "I will go to a safe house somewhere in Tar Valon for a while. Or maybe a little further away. I'll make up some sort of journey and take Damian with me. With all the movement of Aes Sedai out and into the tower, my absence would go unoticed. You could come visit me...if you like." Nynaeve was surprised at the suggestion she mad but realized she would have liked the company.


"I'd like that." Lillian certainly hadn't expected this, but she wasn't going to argue with it either. Still, there was the matter of secrecy, maybe Tar Valon wasn't the best idea. "Unless you stay inside your house the entire time, someone may see you and word spread in Tar Valon is my only fear. You may need to go further afar if you want to keep it quiet. Your sisters aren't going to speak of it?"



Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower


Nynaeve Sedai

Yellow Sister

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Nynaeve shook her head. "Only two sisters from my ajah are aware of my condition." Nynaeve smiled wickedly. "And I have enough dirt on them both to keep them quiet for a lifetime or two." Nynaeve quickly regained her icy expression. She couldn't believe she said that out loud. The situation was already affecting her behavior.


Looking out of the window again, Nynaeve sighed. "Perhaps you are right, Lillian. Tar Valon isn't nearly as safe as i would have wished it to be. I am well known in the city and one glimpse of me with child would spread like fire in a dry field. I will just have to go farther away. Even though I yern to stay close." Nynaeve suddenly realized her hands were running up and down her stomach and she smiled. "Sometimes I feel this is madness. Yet sometimes it feels so right. As if it was meant to be."


Smiling in turn, Lillian decided not to comment on the earlier mention of dirt. It would have been better if Nynaeve Sedai could have simply relied on her sisters to be quiet, but better to be safe than sorry she supposed. Instead she addressed the concern of whether the baby had been the right thing to do or not. "If its not too bold of me... I think it is a good thing, sometimes I wonder if by letting ourselves be bound by the traditions of not marrying, not having children, of that and more that we forget things we shouldn't."


Nynaeve eyed Lillian for a moment. "That is a good point. However we all realize what kind of life we lead. Exposing a child to that seems rather cruel. Some of us see not having babies, as an act of kindness and mercy. Children complicate things and can be used by others as pressure points. This all makes perfect sense to me. It always has. But now everyting is different."


Nynaeve gave the outside world one last look and turned away from the window. "I must go now. Damian is waiting for me. I thank you for your discretion, Lillian. I'm sure you'll be rewarded for that one day. Goodbye." Nynaeve walked passed Lillian, out of the room, heading for her room.




Nynaeve Sedai

Yellow Sister


Lillian Tremina

Accepted of the White Tower

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