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Sandy Check In Thread


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MIrsh, I was going to try to check on her via FB but FB wasn't cooperating with me here at work (blasted obsolete browser).


Sounds like it's time to use Compulsion on negotiate with your IT department and get them to upgrade you to something that doesn't suck. *cough*Firefox*cough* ( :wink::tongue:)

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According to one of my contacts at Red Cross Sandy is still going on. However the Red Cross has set up shelters in the affected areas. Also i'm now going to be working for someone named Lindsey as a personal assistant. She will have projects for me every Thursday! =)




Please keep checking in so we know your OK!




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I'm ok. I live in manhattan and the area I live doesn't have power. We lost power due to an explosion at a substation near me. I'm at my parents right now since they have power and Internet. I won't be going back to my apartment til probably Sunday morning since power is suppose to be back by Saturday night. Also I'm off of work since my workplace is around Wall St where there was major flooding and no power so I'm kinda on like vacation lol. So yeah that's an update on me.

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