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Can Finns grant Channeling abilities?


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While discussing with my fantasy geek friends this question have come up a few times, if a person was to go to the Eelfinn and ask to become a channeler could the Finn grant that with or is the One Power outside of their ability to affect? On a similar note but something which might be easier if making someone a channeler is something the Finn can not do, could they heal someone who have been severed or burned out or give anyone the knowledge of how to do it? This is off course just a random question since the situation have never come up in the books, but I have found it a interesting thing to speculate about and also I play allot of WoT RPG and the question have come up in our gaming group a few times.


Well, the Finns at least can drain channelling ability - so I suppose you could wish for your ability to be reduced or even taken away perhaps.


Not sure about granting more ability, and I don't think they can give a non-channeller the ability.


My instinct would say that they can't make anyone stronger.


Perhaps they can grant Talents, although again, I would say no. It seems too much of a "soul" thing.


Having said that, the ability to store and give memories may be indicative of power over channelling.


More than guesses though, I don't think we could say.

Well, the Finns at least can drain channelling ability - so I suppose you could wish for your ability to be reduced or even taken away perhaps.


Bad wish!


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