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Free Day Continued


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Previously on Free Day.


Aran discovers Cairma mopping in the Trainee Barracks and Kalush runs into him quite literally. Heckling the pair he walks away only to bounce off Lyssa. More heckling followed by Team Feminist grabbing him and holding him down. Escape attempted but failed, but in process Aran anchors himself to Kalush and Cairma so he can't be carried off.


Team Feminist exploits Aran's previously unknown weakness, ticklishness. After a bout through which Aran barely managed to hold on to Cairma, she asked him whether he was willing to give in. In a heroic and masculine act, Aran stated that surrendering was for women.


Team Feminist renews their tickling which is sure to break our hero. The story continues...

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It was about the time she relaxed that he decide to try and brake free, since she was the first one to recover she took off after him and grabbed his cloak. Being on dry floor helped her alot when she pulled back and yanked his feet out from under him, just as he tried to get up and run again she tackled him. The only problem with this was that he some how managed to get his legs around hers and she was now on the floor with him with one leg trapped. She could see Cairma coming to help and smiled at her. Lyssa finally made it over to them and when she spoke Kalush's smile just got bigger.


"Let's get him boots off and tickle him till he let's go."


Oh how things could turn interesting when you least expected it, here she was on the floor with Aran's leg trapping her so that she could not get up but that did not stop her from being able to work on getting his boots off. Lyssa had a great idea and she was more than up to the task, if only he would hold still long enough for her to get them off. Grinning she shifted how she was sprawled and trapped both his legs, giving her away to use both hands to work on getting his boots off. It took her a few moments to get the first boot off but once she had it off he started squirming, the thought did come to her mind to bite him but that would just make things worse. Sitting up allowed Kalush to pin his other leg under her and it was short work to get his other boot off. Grinning at the other two and Aran, she simply sat there holding his legs. She started to tickle him but nothing happened, frowning she wondered if one of the other two might know a better place to tickle him.


" Any one know how ticklish he is? There does not seem to be much life in him at the moment."


At this point it was hard to tell where one person started and where the other three ended, clothes were flying every where and all she wanted to do was laugh at the silliness of what was happening. Just then Aran started squirming for real, knowing that if she stopped there would be go getting him laughing again she help on for dear life. Boy the man could thrash and squeeze, his legs gripped hers hard but that did not stop her from continuing the tickling war. With as much as he was moving around it was not long before he shifted her and she ended up laying more on him than sitting up. A deep blush covered her face when she realized just where her head was positioned, growling she shifted herself quickly to get away from there and back in to a sitting position. She had to work her leg and his around to where he could not toss her that way again while she was tickling him.


** ooc here is my last post good thing I save them all **

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the other two working at his feet, it had taken Aran every ounce of control he had to keep a grip of Cairma. He'd tried not to laugh, he'd stiffled every single giggle and shudder for as long as he could. He had almost convinced himself he wasn't ticklish until an uncontrollable shudder betrayed him. A small whine almost escaped his lips except he muffled it in Cairma's stomach. That had lasted for what seemed like an hour but in reality was less than a minute.


Tears ran from his eyes as cried with laughter, struggling and straining to get away, kicking out of instinct as he tried to free his feet but Kalush and Lyssa had his feet well in hand and he had no luck with freeing them. Yet even this torture had an end to it, and as he began to get his breath again, Cairma looked down at him ever so smugly and asked him whether he was going to surrender and be polite to them. A lesser man might have caved, a lesser man might have consented to betray all mankind and give in.


That lesser man was not Aran, and mankind would stand proud this day!


"Surrender is for women, and as far as I'm concerned you can g-" Screaming with laughter, he held on as best he could. He just had to hold on, as long as he held on they couldn't take him anywhere. Added to that was his bucking and thrashing, but if Aran had been permitted a moment of rational thought he would have realised it was useless. He couldn't hold on forever, but he'd be damned if he didn't try to nevertheless.




Tower Guard

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Lyssa's muscles bunched in her arms as she fought against the muscles in Aran's legs. Trying to hold him down and tickle him at the same time was not easy. For such a short man he had remarkable strength in his body, sorta like a little bull. She was tickling as fiercly as she could but he wasn't laughing, she had about given up the ghost when she noticed a huge shudder pass throug his body. He began laughing and Lyssa laughed and put more effort into it. He was kicking against her hands arms as she tightened the grip and Lyssa barely heard Cairma say something about surrender and being polite. She nodded in agreement and grinned at Kalush. "Surrender is for women, and as far as I'm concerned you can g-" She shook her head and straddled his legs, sitting on them so she could tickle him harder. He began screaming with laughter and she was pretty surprised that no one had shown up to see what all the racket was about. She tried to ignore the sensation of his bucking and continued to laugh as she moved her fingers across his feet...


Lyssa Simeone

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** stiped and closet or strip and tied up in some ransom room would be good I am good with either**


Kalush was really starting to enjoy this, Alan was breathless which was making thier work alot easier. She was not sure how it started or who had the quick hands but soon his shirt went flying and she was pulling off his pants. Pulling them off the rest of the way she tossed them some where behind her and had to grab his legs again to keep tickling him.


" Should he keeps his socks? or do those go as well."


The look she got from the other two was enough, with a smile on her face she pulled his socks and started tickling him more so the other two could finish with getting him undressed. It took little time to get that job done and he was laying there in his small cloth with three women tangled with different parts of him. Kalush had to laugh if any one came around a corner and saw them there was no way that they could explain this to any one and stay out of trouble.


** sorry its so short, Just thought I would leave you two some room to play**

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lyssa chuckled as she watched Kalush start to take Aran's clothes off, oh yes she had been trying to get in him in this position for some time but she hadn't exactly imagined it like this. The first time she was going to see him with no shirt on was with two other women. Lys glanced at Cairma, she had heard the stories about this woman and the temper she had. Crossing her was not something she would want to do, so she just watched as Kalush took Aran's pants of. The man was out of breath but was still struggling away and letting out great gusts of laughter. She was actually surprised he had held out this long for she didn't think she could have done so against the same torture. Of course all would be better for her if the man never figured out how ticklish she was and never had the opportunity to get her back for this little trick.


She managed to get get his shirt up over his head with the help of Cairma and she looked back as Kalush spoke, "Should he keeps his socks? or do those go as well." Lyssa smirked and looked over at Cairma, the other woman nodded her head and with a smirk of her own Kalush pulled his socks off and began to tickle his feet. If it was possible the poor man laughed even harder. Lys started to feel some sympathy to him, then she remembered the things he had said. She looked at the other women and motioned her eyes toward the broom closet, she looked back at Kalush who was still tickling away and darted her eyes toward the closet. The began to slowly move him towards the closet, it didn't take long before they got him there, Cairma reached inside and found a mop, she cut the rope from it into sections while they both struggled to hold him down and they soon had him tied up. Standing back Lyssa smiled down at him and then said, "What do you say we tie him up, hanging inside the closet and leave a note on the outside so people will see him?" She looked at the other women and waited to see their reaction...


Lyssa Simeone

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

She regarded Aran carefully with an inner smirk. Although not malicious in any way, she did feel particularily wonderfully glorified by thier actions on Aran. It was harmless, truely was, and after the amount of times he's made a fool of others...


"A note will do." She smiled sweetly at Aran as his eyes seemed to be filled with glares. "I doubt anyone would let him loose within the day. The stories will run rampid for a while. Very entertaining." She chuckled as she then, with the help of Lysssa, got him up in the closet. The mop and buckets sat outside the door. Admiring their handywork.


"Well, Girls. Care for a quart or two?"




Cairma Vishnu


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Kalush stood back and chuckled, it was hard not to when Aran was propped up like he was for all to see and admire. In her opinion it was very fitting to have him this way and the note was worded perfectly to suit their plans. No one at least of the female side of things would think twice about anteing him, well some might just take advantage of the situation and have some fun. That was not her concern though since she would not be around to see it, smiling she looked at the other two.


"Well, Girls. Care for a quart or two?"


Kalush thought about it a moment and then noticed the time, she was going to be in so much trouble she was late for meeting her mentor. She wondered how it had taken them that much time to get this done but then again Aran was not the easiest one to tie up and leave undressed in the closet. Shaking her head she knew that she would have a punishment for this but it was worth it since it might be the only chance she ever had to get back at Aran for taking her swords.


" I can't I am late for meeting my mentor, as it is I am sure that I will have some form of punishment for being late but it was worth the fun."


Smiling she turned and waited until she was out of their sight before taking off in a run to meet Shawn and face the music of being late and missing out on doing her normal work out in the morning. He was not going to be happy with her for this and truth be told it was all Arans fault any way. If he had not been in the hall then she would have been find and gotten to meet him with out being late. Passing another clock she saw how late she was and groaned, this was not going to go well and that was all there was to it.




Lyssa waited for the other women to speak and finally Cairma spoke up with, "A note will do. I doubt anyone would let him loose within the day. The stories will run rampid for a while. Very entertaining." She chuckled as she noticed the glare on Aran's face, oh he was going to make her pay for this one. It was worth it to see him in his small clothes though, he did look quite good. Cairma motioned for them to lift him up, and soon her was tied up within the closet. Lys was a little worried about the closet not being able to hold his weight, however after checking it she was confident it could hold him for hours. Giving him a pat on the thigh she said something about, "Strong Tar Valon" construction and then shut the door in his face.


She turned around and looked at Cairma and Kalush, they both wore big grins on their faces and Cairma spoke up first, "Well, Girls. Care for a quart or two?" Lys was about to accept when Kalush said, "I can't I am late for meeting my mentor, as it is I am sure that I will have some form of punishment for being late but it was worth the fun." Lys nodded and watched the girl run away, she didn't miss the days of being a trainee at all. She was about to turn back and talk to Cairma when she remembered something. "Oh Light I almost forgot to do it." Glancing around she finally found something she could write on and something to write with, she wrote a note that said something about looking in the closet for something funny. Then she took the second piece she had found and cut holes in the paper with her dagger. She wrote on it and then strung some rope through the holes. Opening the closet, she grinned at Aran and stood on tiptoe, she hung the note around his neck. It read, Hello my name is Aran, and I will not mess with females anymore. Lys stood back and smirked at her handywork and then closed the door again. "Ok I think we are ready for the quart."


Lyssa Simeone


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