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Hi everybody!


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Hey! Nice to meet you all.


I'm a 24-year-old sociology/criminology student from Edmonton Alberta. I like books (especially fantasy), metal, animals, video games, traveling... lots of stuff. :)


I've been a fan of WoT ever since I started reading the series when I was 12... now I'm rereading (or is that re-rereading? Re-re-rereading?) in preparation for A Memory of Light and really enjoying it.


Look forward to getting to know you.


ETA: I know my username's a bit unwieldy; you can call me Isa if that's easier.

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Hiya! I'm the Bard Babe, but feel free to call me BB, or BBee, or Bard, or Babe, or whatever takes your fancy really. XD


You should definitely check out the roleplaying side and make sure you jump in and get involved in the social groups! They're a lot of fun and a great way to get to know people. :)


So, do you have a favourite character?

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Hi! Nice to meet you. :)


That sounds awesome, I used to run a small roleplaying community and I miss it like crazy. :) How does one get involved in roleplaying/social groups? I'd love to.


I'm not sure if I could pick a favourite character... there are just so many who are great. Off the top of my head... Mat's always been my favourite of the boys though, and I love Aviendha. I'm sure I'll think of a whole list of other favourites as soon as I press "post."

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the social groups generally have a topic stickied up near the tops of their foums telling new members how to join. most are as simple as posting, "i wanna join," in a new member thread, and some ask for a little more, but they're all very welcoming and easy to get started with.


go ahead and explore everything, there's an awful lot going on around here.


and welcome :)

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you should come into the darkness and the labs of the fortress ;)


basic gist you scroll down, the rp is at the botom, there are one free rp portal stone, and there is one that is structured where you have to have an aproved bio, generally do things to achive ranks and such


feel free to pm me if you need help, i am also more then happy to get on IM and talk if you want to

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