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Which wolf in here has felt a darker side to himself?


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Hey there :D


Because SG is just as warm as it is, we the cuddly people of shiny knives and other such things are inviting all of you to create Bios for the Shayol Ghul Division as we have a special offer up: All SG characters written and sent in Year 2006 shall automatically be Raised to a Tier higher than they would've started off at, which means, that if you are a Darkfriend, you become a Lesser Darkfriend, Dreadlords would be Adept and so forth. :)If you wish to cook up RP ideas of any sort, or need any help, feel free to PM me as we have a lot of big ideas we need a huge number of PCs for. :)


You know you want to, ;)

Adela Llafynne


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Hey Ashara,


if you are refering to a Wolfkin member being a DF that is not allowed i am afriad. The Wolves would not pick some one to become Wolfkin if they had a "dark side". Any member of the Wolfkin is inherently "good" and if they did have "leanings" :wink: the Wolves would kill them, without exception.


Or are you refering to someone creating an SG char that has nothing to do with the WOlfkin?


Stay Frosty



ADL Wolfkin

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