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Robert Jordan and Ballroom Dancing


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I dont know how many of you read RJ's Blog, but I cant tell you how excited I was to see him mention taking ballroom dancing lessons if he were well enough! I am a ballroom dancer. I have been taking lessons for almost 2 and a half years. It is absolutely the most wonderful, fun, and greatest thing I have ever done for myself. I would recommend it to anyone. I lost 40 pounds, I met tons of interesting people, and dancing is fun! Plus, ballroom dancing (the real thing and not like RJ said the stuff of Dancing with the Stars) is all about communication, connecting with your partner and understanding what he wants you to do. It is amazing.


This may not be the right forum for this, but here is what I really wanted to say. Most of the people at my dance club are in their 50's or older. They often look at me and say they wish they had started when they were my age. What I want to say is, if there is something you have always wanted to do, but it never seems to be the right time, do it now. Dont wait a minute longer. RJ may never get to take those dance lessons, but you still can.


How wonderful to see two things I love so much linked together! :D

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