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A Trip To Remember (Jocelyn)


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Jocelyn could hardly resist the urge for mischief, especially when Rion was blushing in that sweet way of his. "Other things? What could you possibly mean?" Jocelyn hid her mirth and adopted an innocent look as her hands lightly stroked the base of Rion's spine. Jocelyn feigned a look of shock. "Unless...you were thinking of un-gentlemanly like things!" Humour danced in her green eyes as Rion flushed deeper, and she dropped her hand to give his rump a playful spank. "Tsk tsk! At least my parents would put it down to us doing married couple things..." Grinning, Jocelyn nipped Rion's ear softly before stepping back slightly.


"But I guess you are right, my parents likely wouldn't wait long enough for whatever those naughty things are you were thinking of." Jocelyn winked at Rion before stepping back into their room with a soft laugh, hiding just how much she'd rather be educating Rion than dining with her parents. Burn her bloody vow!


Rummaging in one of the trunks a servant had brought up for them, Jocelyn withdrew one of her simple green gowns, frowning at the wrinkles. She did like the dress, but it grew old when she had so few to choose from now. At least now she could gather the rest of her clothing while she was here. "Would you mind love?" She held out the dress to Rion, who obligingly used Saidin to smooth the creases, so that it looked freshly laundered. "Thankyou...oh, and can you help me with this?" Smiling slyly, Jocelyn turned and offered her back to Rion so he could undo the tiny buttons running down the back of it. A task she could do herself, but it wasn't so interesting as the slight shake in Rion's hands as the last button came undone and the gaping material revealed hints of her smooth back.


"Thankyou, love." Smirking to herself, Jocelyn slipped into the dressing room to change.




Dinner was a rather extravagant affair, which didn't surprise Jocelyn. Her parents had good taste, and they were trying to impress. Platter after platter of exquisite dished were brought out, and with each platter came more wine. Jocelyn didn't mind indulging in a few glasses, so that she was soon feeling rather warm and happy, but she didn't know how well Rion would go.


"Drink up lad, something wrong with the wine?" Jocelyn hid her smile behind her cup as Rion lifted the drink hastily to his lips at her father's bidding. Leaning closer to him, she whispered conspiratorially, "You may regret it in the morning, but my father will likely be offended if you don't at least look to be drinking as much as him...it's his way of bonding with you." The look Rion gave her seemed perplexed, but Jocelyn patted his knee reassuringly. "You'll be fine." She raised her voice slightly, "Yes, drink up love! We have much to celebrate." Eyes twinkling with amusement, Jocelyn watched as Rion reluctantly kept drinking.




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Jocelyn seemed to love tormenting him again and again no matter where in the world they were nor what situation they seemed to be in. Rion was always blushing more than anything else when Jocelyn was around, especially when his heart was fluttering with Jocelyn wrapping his arms around him and he only blushed deeper as she gave his backside a light smack.


"Would you mind love? Rion shook his head and immediately reached out and took Saidin, almost as glad to help Jocelyn with her dress as he was for the small respite from the growing redness on his cheeks. He wove thin threads of fire and air to smooth out the wrinkles of the dress that Jocelyn was holding out, concentrating more than was perhaps necessary in an attempt to be careful with one of Jocelyn’s belongings. But it was the request afterwards that had his heart racing and cheeks heating up once again. Help her with her buttons?? Rion wasn’t about to refuse such a simple request though…and part of him was eager for it. So his hands shook a small amount as he slowly undid the pearls holding the pieces of fabric together, his fingers occasionally brushing against the warm skin of Jocelyn’s back. Rion let out a long breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding in once Jocelyn had left to change, and tried to calm the blush on his cheeks before they were to leave for dinner.




Rion shivered lightly as he swallowed yet another glass of wine. He was feeling…odd…he was not going to stop drinking as long as Jocelyn’s father was, too afraid of insulting him and gaining the displeasure of his beloved’s parents. He was feeling very lightheaded at the time and Rion was having the most difficult time sitting still, swaying lightly every few moments. “So how do you like your wine lad?”


Rion smiled rather foolishly and couldn’t help but chuckle lightly as he tried to form the words to answer. “Isht…very good.” And Rion again had to struggled from keeping himself from breaking out into laughter, “I don’t think I’ve ever had sho much…” Rion continued smiling a little stupidly as he reached out and tried to take Jocelyn’s hand, instead knocking over the glass that he had just set down. “Oooops.” Rion continued to laugh rather stupidly as he fumbled with the glass to get the thing upright. They really needed to make those things more sturdy, they just wouldn’t stand up straight.


“Thish food is delishous I do say, I feel like I’m going to burst I’ve eaten so much. I don’t think I can eat anymore.” He said as someone was setting down yet another plate of exquisitely crafted cuisine. Burst…Rion chuckled. That would be a little funny to see, look down and watch his stomach simply blow up because it had too much food inside of it. But Rion was quick to take up his recently refilled glass of wine once he saw that that Norden had taken up his own. More warmth flooded through his body following the wine. Rion continued to smile and chuckle, turning and swaying in his chair once more as he grinned at Jocelyn. What had gotten into him? But that thought wasn’t important, Norden had taken his wine back up! So Rion did what he thought he was supposed to and took up the wine again and drowned the rest of the cup.





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  • 2 months later...

Light above, but Rion was rolling drunk. It was amusing for sure, watching as her shy love grew bold and giggly, not to mention more than a little unsteady. She had figured Rion wouldn't be able to keep up with her father, but nor had she counted on him trying so valiantly. Partly her own fault, to be sure, but as a trickle of the spilled wine ran over the edge of the table and onto her lap she decided it was time to wrap up the evening.


Smiling, she gently extracted Rion's goblet from his hand. "I think it's time we we retired for the evening, don't you love?" The question was spoken gently, but the command was evident, though Rion didn't seem to be able to pick it up so well in his inebriated state as he reached for the goblet once more. Pushing it out of his reach, Jocelyn leaned in to hiss in Rion's ear. "Enough!"


"Mother, Father, we bid you good evening, I'm sure you understand how weary we are after our travel." Jocelyn's mother nodded mutely, a hint of a smile tugging at her attractive face as she rose, similarly removing a bottle of wine from the clutches of her husband. "Yes of course dear, we will see you on the morrow."


Getting Rion back upstairs to their room was a little difficult, and Jocelyn was forced to slip under his arm, giving him the support of her frame lest he stumble on the stairs. It was rather bitter sweet, at once loving the close contact, yet frustrated by the reason and Rion's obliviousness. Still, there was no doubt her father would be pleased with the evening. Jocelyn just didn't envy the headache Rion would have in the morning.


"Come sit down love, I'll help you with your clothes." Rion was obedient at least, flopping onto the bed and staring up at the ceiling with that same goofy smile on his face. Shaking her head with a rueful smile, Jocelyn sat next to him, and began to tug off his boots, letting them drop onto the floor by the bed. "Sit up, let's get that jacket off." Deftly Jocelyn unfastened the buttons and pushed it off his shoulders, swallowing as Rion grew still, his gaze on her mouth. Her heart was pumping rapidly in her breast as she tried to ignore it, her fingertips brushing Rion's chest as she pulled his shirt over his head. Light, she would never maintain her vow if he continued to stare at her like that, half naked and so close she could feel his warmth and smell the sweet wine on his breath.


No, he was drunk, and she should move away, though Light knew it was hard. Gently she pressed her palm to his chest pushing him back onto the bed. "You sleep Rion." She whispered, biting her lip and fighting the wave of desire that rose at his smile.




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  • 1 month later...

Rion's muffled thoughts were slowly becoming more focused as Jocelyn helped him undress and forced him onto the bed that they had been given for the night. His mind was focused on one person, Jocelyn and the rising desire in his blood. She looked so...beautiful, so desirable, and she was right there. He grabbed the hand pressed against his bare chest and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingers. "My wife sure looks beautiful tonight." Rion shook with humor at his comment and gave Jocelyn's arm a tug so that she fell to be sprawled on top of him.


The wine made Rion bold enough to act in such a way, in a way that he never would have if he was sober. His actions belied his beliefs, and his hands roamed to places they never would have gone without the wine urging them on. He had never wanted Jocelyn more than he did right then. His lips sought hers as his fingers slowly worked at the buttons to her dress. For the moment at least she seemed to welcome the embrace, and Rion used that to try and undress her like she had just done to him. "I love you Jocelyn," Rion giggled again, "My wife."


"Perhaps you can show me all those things you promised love, I've always been most curious about them." Rion couldn't stop giggling to himself as he gave Jocelyn a light slap on her rear, making her jump in the most delightful of ways. "But you'll teach me now won't you? I would just love that..." Rion gently bit Jocelyn's lip like she had done to him so many times before, his body pressed against hers his inebriated mind just wanted her to teach him everything.




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Light but Rion didn't help her vow of chastity when he looked at her like that, with raw lust burning in his deep blue eyes. His wife...oh but she wished it were so, then she would not be in this dilemma, torn between what was right and giving in to her own desires. Catching her off guard, Rion managed to pull her across his half naked frame, causing Jocelyn to inhale sharply as she felt his strong hands roaming to places he'd barely dared touch before. Why did the creator torment her so?


Rion was inebriated, common sense told Jocelyn that she should pull away, but when Rion's lips found hers she was lost to the raging torrent of desire surging through her body. Everything else seemed to fade into insignificance, and Jovcelyn leaned into the kiss, returning it with fervour, allowing herself this one little thing before she pulled away. It felt so good to be held and caressed, knowing that at long last her torturous dreams were coming true. This was the man she loved! What was wrong with surrendering to their passions?


Jocelyn smiled. She did like the way he called her his wife. If only he'd make it so for real! "I love you too," she murmured, stroking his cheek softly. Obviously he just wanted to enjoy a kiss, they had many times before, after all. This was no different. Well except that he was half naked. And they were alone on a bed. And everyone believed they were married.


It wasn't until she felt the sharp slap and jumped that Jocelyn realised half of her bodice was undone, threatening to expose her charms to Rion. Not that she was overly concerned, but she had made a promise to herself that she would not take advantage of him, not until they were married. But light, it almost felt like the tables had turned, and Jocelyn was nigh powerless to stop them. Especially when he nibbled her lip like that, and spoke in that deep sexy voice...


Jocelyn groaned audibly. "You are going to be the death of me, you know that?" She buried her face into his neck, well aware of his body pressed intimately against hers and of, well, other things as well. This was not helping. "You know how much I want to teach you my love...but we aren't really married, remember? I would hate for you to regret any of your lessons in the morning." Jocelyn pushed herself up with the intent to roll to the side, until she saw Rion's eyes riveted on the newly exposed swell of her bosom. She swallowed with difficulty and attempted to casually tug the material of her dress back in place. "Rion?" She whispered, scared that if he touched her in that moment all threads of her remaining control would dissipate.



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Rion's eyes were riveted to the newly exposed flesh off Jocelyn's chest, only moving to Jocelyn's face when she whispered his name. Regrets? There wouldn't be regrets! The way she was sitting on top of him was enough to tell him that...but somehow in his inebriated state he was able to keep his hands to himself for the moment. "Jooocelyn...." He groaned, his body aching and lusting for the further touch that she would not give. There had to be some way for him to get her to agree with his ache...he knew she wanted it as well.


"Then marry me Jocelyn, if that's what you're worried about." In his inebriated state Rion had no idea what he had just asked, and he was far too gone for it too bring him back to his senses. If he knew he had just proposed to Jocelyn, and really for no other reason than to get her to sleep with him, Rion would be appalled with himself. But sex was all that his drunken mind could think about, his hands once again sought Jocelyn's body but she grabbed them to force him to stop.


Jocelyn finally rolled off of him as she finally got her dress into place and had pushed his hands away. He reached his hand out once more and groped Jocelyn's rear that was now facing him. His eyelids were going heavy for some reason though, though the images that were running on his eyelids was ones of wonderful nature. Maybe it would be best to just keep his eyes closed and imagine what he wanted while his hands continued to roam across Jocelyn's body, pulling her towards him again as her resistance faltered again.


Jocelyn's back was pressed against his chest and Rion hands were roaming across her front as his eyes refused to open once again. And then his hands started to slow..."I love..." Rion yawned inexplicably..." I love you Jocelyn." And then passed out into the blackness of sleep, his arms still draped over Jocelyn's body. Finally falling into the drunken stupor that had been looming behind him for hours now




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Marriage? Now he mentions marriage? Jocelyn could have groaned again in her frustration. She had been waiting for him to propose to her for months now, and at last he does it, half naked and drunk. Talk about your least romantic scenarios. No, he was not thinking clearly, evidently, and Jocelyn refused to accept it. She would not become his wife merely so he could satisfy his alcohol induced lust. Rion's hands reached for her again, but Jocelyn determinedly removed them, rolling away from him and rearranging her gown so it returned some semblance of modesty.


What did she do now? Was he waiting for some kind of a response? Fortunately Rion solved her dilemma by pulling her back against him, and light knew she didn't want to stop him. Perhaps he would stop in a moment, saving them both from an act that they would regret in the light of day. Rion's hands shaped her curves through her gown and Jocelyn shivered at the intimate caress, a liberty Rion had never taken before. Clearly this was the drink talking and acting.


Just as she gathered up enough self control to push him away, he stilled, his breathing slowing. Thank the light, he was going to sleep. "I love you too." She murmured, listening to the sound of his steady breathing by her ear, tickling the fine hair at her nape. Oh Rion, she thought, you have no idea just how close you came to tarnishing your purity. It was getting harder and harder to restrain herself from expressing her love physically. Indeed, she hadn't gone this long without physical release in years.


Waiting a little longer, Jocelyn made certain that Rion was in a deep slumber before slipping away from the warmth of his body, padding softly across the room to the small dressing room beyond it. She was not going to sleep in this dress, instead opting for a sheer shift of white linen. Rion may not remember much of the evening, Jocelyn reflected, but she would make certain he did not repeat them. He would be very sorry in the morning, she mused.


Slipping the shift over her naked body, Jocelyn slipped quietly back into the room where Rion's soft snores could be heard. There was no way she was sleeping on the floor because he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Just let him wonder what he'd  been up to when he awakes next to her, practically nude with her not much better. She would get a proper proposal out of him if it killed her.


Smiling to herself at the thought, she blew out the thick candles that had been left burning for their arrival and slipped back into the bed beside Rion, pressing her back close against his chest once more and slipping his arms back around her. Between the headache he would have and the shock of what he may have done, Jocelyn did not envy Rion. Yawning herself, Jocelyn too resigned herself to the depths of sleep.



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