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A question about book channelers...


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I posed this question on my other WoT home, and got some pretty interesting answers. But I wanted to run this by you guys, too, since you're my WoT home, too.


The question is...


Can channelers see weaves and other products of channeling (the glow of Saidar) through reflections in a mirror?


I can't find any situation in the books where channelers even looked in a mirror while channeling, but I know they have mirrors. And this is probably a completely frivolous question, but it's one that's been eating me up.


So...what do you think?


I think there would be a reflection only visible to channelers. I don't have an actual explanation behind it because I'm not familiar with the physics of it. But I think that anything that is visible to the eyes should be coupled with a reflection. Though if we're talking about Vampires, it's a whole different story :P





To expend on what I said now that I've looked into it a tad.


"A mirror is an object that reflects light or sound in a way that preserves much of its original quality prior to its contact with the mirror. This is different from other light-reflecting objects that do not preserve much of the original wave signal other than color and diffuse reflected light."


As for what we see. I focused on color. I always imagined weaves to be colorful..... Every element having its own color, so to speak. The obvious assignment would be brown for earth, blue for water, red for fire... it's a toss up if white should go to air or spirit... but there's also gray.




Color vision is the ability of an organism or machine to distinguish objects based on the wavelengths (or frequencies) of the light they reflect, emit, or transmit.



If we decide to stray away from the fact that this is a fantasy book and that it's very possible that there isn't a scientific explanation behind it (LOL)... one could say that the reason a channaler can see the weaves while a regular person can't is because they have unique cone photoreceptors that can process wavelengths that the regular person wouldn't be able to see. And if such a thing were true then a reflection in a mirror should exist as well.









Well, on the other site, there was a bit of confusion about whether channeling was a physical or spiritual thing, and if it was a spiritual thing, they might not be able to see it. It's handled in the mind, but Saidar and Saidin are both described as physical, thriving things. And there is the idea that non-channeling people can't see the weaves.


I don't really understand how the fact that it's not visible to none channerlers has any bearing on whether or not it has a reflection in a mirror. Most dogs can't see colors. But humans are still able to see color via the reflection of a mirror. Every species has a different design plan and different wave lengths that they're able to see. All the mirror does is reflect them back.


As for spiritual sight. Again, that's the fantasy side of things. I can perhaps believe in one person having some sort of spiritual revelation in RL. But once a collective of people sees the same thing..... I wouldn't buy it in RL. well, that's why I read fantasy books anyways... lol






this thread now begs the question can you film a channeller and another channeller be able to see the weaves on the film

If that's possible is there a stash of AOL training videos hidden somewhere that will be found one day?


See, that I'm really not sure of. I'd need to check how the whole capturing on film goes and I can't right now... busy. But that's an interesting question.






film in the traditional sense uses light sensitive materials that react to the energy given off my photons and stuff. It should work if the mirror thing is correct. It just depends on what exactly the channellers see that others dont. If it were say a psychic thing that because of the affinity they have with the OP they "project" what the weaves are and the weaves themselves do not exist in the world then it wouldnt show up. It would still show on a mirror though because they could just project the weaves on that too

I think what it comes down to is does it make a difference if it is a "live" event or not


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