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NBA playoffs


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I don't get the Lebron hatred... So an athlete went to another team? SHOCkING... that's never happened before. Did everyone (including him) make a big deal of it? Yeah but he's the best player in the league, and at the time was on the verge of potentially becoming the final piece to what could be one of the greatest teams of all time, so a little pomp and circumstance was bound to happen. Let's not forget, that while Amare didn't get a TV special, his move to New York was just as big news wise, yet no one rips him for it. Now that team is pretty much a flop so he doesn't get the attention as much any more.


So seriously, I wish people would stop with the undeserved, and unwarranted hatred of Lebron. He is great to watch, the best player currently playing, and possibly may become the greatest to have ever played (multiple rings or not).

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