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House Finale.


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I found it very unrealistic. Especially for a show that prides itself on it's realism.



So he and Wilson go driving off into the sunset on motorcycles after he fakes his death...What happens if they get pulled over? Which, if they were going to drive across the country would be statistically bound to happen sooner or later. Especially on bikes. What happens to House after Wilson dies? Since you know, he technically doesn't exist anymore. He can't practice medicine again, much less do ANYTHING else. Unless he knows some James Bond type figure who makes him a new identity. Or do we just assume that when Wilson dies House decides to kill himself since he's an Athiest? Or moves to some third world country and becomes a pro bono doctor? I'm not a TV show writer, I won't even begin to claim that I could have come up with something better. But I think they could and should have. It seemed rushed, unpolished and extremely predictable. I still liked it, I just expected more after eight years. Again, just my opinion. I guess you have some inside knowledge I'm not aware of that makes what you say factual...


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I found it very unrealistic. Especially for a show that prides itself on it's realism.



So he and Wilson go driving off into the sunset on motorcycles after he fakes his death...What happens if they get pulled over? Which, if they were going to drive across the country would be statistically bound to happen sooner or later. Especially on bikes. What happens to House after Wilson dies? Since you know, he technically doesn't exist anymore. He can't practice medicine again, much less do ANYTHING else. Unless he knows some James Bond type figure who makes him a new identity. Or do we just assume that when Wilson dies House decides to kill himself since he's an Athiest? Or moves to some third world country and becomes a pro bono doctor? I'm not a TV show writer, I won't even begin to claim that I could have come up with something better. But I think they could and should have. It seemed rushed, unpolished and extremely predictable. I still liked it, I just expected more after eight years. Again, just my opinion. I guess you have some inside knowledge I'm not aware of that makes what you say factual...


Not that unrealistic


I'm 30 years old and never got pulled over by the police, even at borders or airports you won't get more than a half-glimpse at your passport/id if you're a white male and look somewhat like having money. I don't know the us laws but there is usually a statue of limitation and after a few years he should be perfectly fine and get back his life or just serve his time, and there are many first world countries who wouldn't bother extradicting him for such minor charges as vandalism or drug abuse.


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Considering the circumstances in which he faked his death. Using someone elses body, the arson, etc. I'm pretty sure it would lead to federal offenses. I'm not an expert on the subject, but I imagine the consequences would actually be quite severe. Besides, Wilson specifically said "You'll never be able to practice medicine again." I assume we were meant to take him at his word.

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Sure, he could get charged for arson, if it isn't already ruled out since we don't know the cause of it, but he didn't cause the fire nor the death of his patient, in the end he just forged his dental records, caused the vandalism and has violated his parole. His forging could cost him his license I'm not sure on that but the rest isn't something unfixable.

And as I said it isn't that easy to get someone extradicted nor does the us go after every small fugitive they detect, and he could easily apply for a job in canada, europe, nz or australia under his real name, especially when some time has passed.


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