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Peaten strode silently and quickly over the vast area of the Great Blight. At least, the reflection of the Great Blight in the Dreamworld. It was no where near as fast as traveling with the One Power, but it was still faster than the Ways, and much faster than riding or walking. Of the all gifts the Great Lord had given him, channeling was not one of them, so he made due.


The Blight soon turned to tundra, then quickly to a sheet of pure ice and snow. He had never journeyed to this part of the world in Tel'aran'rhoid before. It was odd. Things that moved in the waking world were often blurred images here. Sometimes holes formed in the thinner ice out of nowhere. He would have to go farther north to be safe.


He travelled thousands of miles in just a few hours. He could have gotten there faster if he had ran, but he was in no hurry. Rescue was not his primary purpose in life, but if the Chosen commanded it, he must obey. Soon, the ice turned back into tundra, and the tundra back into Blight. They called it the Lesser Blight here, as shadowspawn had been ridden from it long ago.


It was not his first time on the continent of Seanchan. In life, he had travelled to nearly every land in the world, even as far as the Land of Madmen.


He exited in flesh into the waking world, just outside of the city. The sul'dam he was supposed to meet needed to be contacted at night, so he had a few hours to burn. He found an inn close to where they kept the damane. The Seanchan did have one good idea there... keep the witches leashed.


Finally, the time came. As full nightfall came, Peaten went into a half-sleep. It took some guesswork, but a Darkfriend's dream was relavively easy to single out...


I have come for the damane. You will carve a mark in her door for me to find, and you will wait there for me.


...he woke up and gave the witch handler a few minutes to get there. Then he opened up a gateway to the World of Dreams and entered again in the flesh. He was free there to walk through the palace at will until he found the mark of the Dragon etched into one of the doors. He exited to find the sul'dam waiting for him. She gave a start, obviously not expecting a man to appear from out of thin air. Without a word she opened the door of the damane kennel.


She singled out one of them and walked over to her. "You are M'Bela?" he demanded. The leashed one nodded. "Take that... thing off of her."


Peaten al'Kar

The Slayer


M'bela woke from her nap as someone entered and looked around to see a strange sul'dam look at her. She had never seen the woman before nor did she speak to her so she kept silent waiting to be told what would happen. Keeping her eyes lowered to hide the hatred in them, she had become a good actress in the time spent here as Lana, that at least was one thing, she had kept her past secret, thoug she had a feeling after all she had learned it would mather litle to them what she had done in past life as long as they controled her.


Then she left again and M'bela laid back on her bed closing her eyes, she gave a start as the door opened a while later again. She looked up with emotionless eyes, thoug that was but another act, she where indeed wondering what this was about. The sul'dam entered again togheter with a man, and the sul'dam seemed less then comfortable at least.


"You are M'Bela?" she had to bite her tounge not to scowl, how did he know her name, regardless she nodded carefully waiting to see where this went.

"Take that... thing off of her." She looked in shock a moment before the thougth struck her, Semirhage, she had come throug. She kept her eyes low waiting to not mess something up leting her feelings out throug her eyes. then she felt it loosen and she didnt wait to grasp saidar and move the sul'dam at safe distant tied up. The woman still held on to the cursed thing.


She turned and looked somewhat suspicious on the man, she didnt like it but she had to trust him for this. "She sent you yes?" he would know who if it was as she thougt, the confirming nodd reasured her only slightly as she walked over to the woman.


"Lana...that is all you ever heard, this didnt happen by incident i have my ways so if you want your dreams to be safe you bether not remember anything else should you fail to keep your trail clean." She looked at the a'dam she hated the device but she knew the use for it, and yanked it out of the womans hand holding it as a rat at an arms distant, then droped it on the bed, removing the pillow sheat she put the thing into it and tied the sheat as a sack. She let the woman loose but didnt loose sigth of her, "we bether all clear this room..." she looked at the man. She hoped he had a bether plan then figth his way out of here.


Peaten looked at this M'Bela. It was almost comical to see a once proud Dreadlady looking like a frightened rabbit. Oh, she hid it well, but he knew fear when he saw it. She was constantly looking towards the door as she spoke to the other woman. He had forgotten fear long ago, even before his... transformation. He was starting to hear muffled voices in the hallway... guards, only two.


"we better all clear this room..." she looked at him, expecting him to jump. He resisted the urge to stay and fight, afterall it was only two men. That was not his mission. He quickly grabbed the two women and opened a gateway into the World of Dreams.


He exited again where the sul'dam said her room was. The witch tamer was truely terrified. "Not a word of this to anyone, even those you know are sworn to the Shadow. Traitors are my... specialty." He didn't even wait for the nod, she would not say a word, before turning back to M'Bela. "I am told you are a Dreamwalker. I will meet you there." And he dissapeared back into Tel'aran'rhoid.


M'bela followed keeping a firm grap at the pillow case but keeping it away from her body. Then they emerged in what was the womans room, she listened to the treaths of the man and then he spoke to her. She looked as he disapeared, a last look at the woman of anger and she shruged, she suposed the idea was as good as any but entering the dream in flesh always entailed danger.


Seting the thougth to rest she did it none the less and steped into Tel'aran'rhiod. She looked around for the man and thougth of just moving on but he migth have some message, she didnt like beeing in here like this too long thoug.


Peaten saw her entering the world of dreams not long after he himself did. He walked up next to here. "I will take you to safety, as the Great Mistress has commanded me. Follow me."


He went home the same way he had come here, through the north. He stayed a long step ahead of M'Bela, just enough so she could see where he was and where he was going. Here in the flesh, there were little real dangers. Witches of all backgrounds could be found every now and then, and those fool wolf-men, but they all stood clear of him.


He stopped after many quiet hours in the woods just north of Caemlyn, where he had first made his living as a boy. He waited for her here, at the very edge, where he was visible from the plains to the north. "My protection ends here. Travel the rest of your way in the Dreamworld if you wish. South of here is the city of Caemlyn." He touched his right fist to his heart. "Till the Day of the Black Dawn, M'Bela Dreadlord."


"I will take you to safety, as the Great Mistress has commanded me. Follow me." M'bela nodded and followed trying to keep track of where they where going. The familiar landskaped passed by them untill they stoped in braem wood. "My protection ends here. Travel the rest of your way in the Dreamworld if you wish. South of here is the city of Caemlyn." He touched his right fist to his heart. "Till the Day of the Black Dawn, M'Bela Dreadlord."


She tilted her head in acknowledgement and steped back out of the dreamworld. She knew where she was and she had a good hours walk to get to her hut, but it would do. Bether then having watchfull eyes over her back as she started walking using saidar to cover her tracks.


The sun was frying when she arived, though something seemed odd, suspicious she walked towards the hut and entered, someone had defenantly been here in the time she had been gone. A note on the table in a warded envolope solved it thoug, and she scowled. A witch taking a litle to much freedom, nothing to be done now but if she saw that woman again she would be sure to tell her it was unacceptable.


She walked around and found that most of her wards on the places she wanted protected was intact, which where good news. She placed the pillowcase with the a'dam in the back of a closet under some other stuff and shruged. She rather not be reminded of it just now, though time would come she would need to study it. For now she closed the door taking out new clothes, she changed into the red shirt and doned the male shirt, smelling the neck on it, Tobi, a smile passed her lips, though it was faint. Thank the dark one for keeping weaves thoug, she dug out her journal and sat down writing into the small hours of the day.

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